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The truth shall set you free > Religion

Hierology , The comparative and historical study of religions.



The comparative and historical study of religions.

In this will come the "familytree" of ALL religions.

Besides China, ALL other religions were plagerised or annexed (Jews - Israeli's - Judaism) from Sumer.

So Palestine is NOT the Holy Land of Jews - Israeli's, THEY are not the chosen ones. And no SUMER is not Israel!

The links sofar on this page (above here) depict the dates, from the believers itself, and are most UNTRUE.

Most religions, esp. Judaism started between 900-700 BCE,  and all "forgot" the root of their religions in Mesopotamia:

 SUMER _Akkad- Assyria- Babylonia....the last also gave us our time based on 60, 24 hour day, 7 day week and calender
as we know it today , SUMER dates back at least 4500 BCE , and before that like Gobleki Tepi even 12.000 years.


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