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Buddha taught that a man does not become low
caste by birth; nor by birth does one become high caste.
“High caste,” he said, “is the result of high actions.
By actions man may degrade himself to a caste that is
low.” The first move that Buddha made against slav-
ery was to take the degraded Sudra into his Samgha
(church). And here I must observe that Buddha’s
religion, like that of Jesus, found its first adherents
among the poor and the lowly. The rich Pharisees in
Jerusalem scorned the teachings of Jesus; so also the
lordly Brahman of India confronted Buddha at every

Section 4. Let us now pass on to a little later
period. About 224 years B. C., Asoka, a zealous
Buddhist, the grandson of Chandra-Gupta, came to
the throne of Gupta’s kingdom. (11)

Asoka was as intensely zealous for Buddhism as was
St. Paul afterwards for Christianity. But Asoka had
one great advantage over Paul—he was a king, and he
wielded his kingly scepter in behalf of his religion with
such amazing effect that to this day some of his edicts
are found deeply and plainly graven upon rocks and
pillars, stretching over a territory from Afghanistan on
the west to the great Brahmaputra on the east, a dis-
tance of more than two thousand miles.

Whatever Asoka did, he did systematically. First
he called a grand council, and settled the cardinal
doctrines of the Buddhist faith. Next, he published 11

(11)   I shall not stop now to mention the different conncils of
Buddhists, bat take that np in a subsequent chapter.

his edicts, warmly commending the faith to his sub-
jects and commanding their obedience thereto. He
sent priests and missionaries in every direction to
spread it. He founded great numbers of monasteries;
and it is said he supported from his royal revenues
more than sixty thousand priests. He set up memorial
columns in every province, and in short made it an
active, flourishing state religion. That the purity of
its doctrines might not become corrupted, he estab-
lished a department, and appointed a minister of jus-
tice and religion, to look after the morals of his people.
Asoka’s religion consisted in works, as well as faith;
he caused wells to be dug for the poor; he beautified
their grounds and the highways, by planting trees and
shrubbery. He furnished medical aid to the sick,
and won converts by kindness, and not by war. He
sent Mahinda, his son, and a band of missionaries, and,
later, his daughter and a company of nuns, to Ceylon
to convert that people. And considering the slow and
toilsome means of travel then, it was a longer and more
tedious journey than to circle the globe today. Mahin-
da’s labors, and those of his missionaries and nuns,
were not in vain, for the history of Ceylon tells us
that the pure doctrines of Buddha yet live in hearts
and minds of the people. In truth, Asoka did more
to push and extend Buddhism, than did Constantine
(A. D. 325) in behalf of Christianity. The chasm
between those two is noteworthy. Asoka’s reign was
permeated with charity and kindness. On the other
hand, Constantine’s hands were stained with blood.

He murdered Licinius, and put to death Cripus, his
own son. He also murdered Licinius, his nephew.
While it is true that he helped, rather than hindered
Christianity, yet all that he did for it was done from
motives of statecraft. (12)

The religion which Mahinda taught the people of
Ceylon, was to eschew falsehood, intemperance, dis-
honesty, anger, pride and covetousness, and to forgive
injuries, practice chastity, contentment, patience and

Asoka’s activity in behalf of Buddhism was so great
that he sent his missionaries to all barbarian countries,
and ordered them to intermingle with Brahmans and
beggars and unbelievers of every class in India, and in
all foreign lands. He not only sought to spread the
faith, but he published its doctrines in book form, in
the Magadhi dialect, and that canon, for more than,
twenty-two centuries, has been held sacred by the
southern Buddhists.

This Hindu King, who styles himself the beloved of
the Gods in one of his edicts, says he wishe^Jror all
creatures forbearance, justice and clemency. He wants
no conquest, only by the good Danamma (the law, or
religion of Buddha). And he mentions the King of
the Yavanas (the Greeks) and Antiyoga (Antiochus),
his neighbor; everywhere he wants Buddha’s good law
followed. “To make that peaceful conquest,” he says,

(12)   Eusebius, who was more of the courtier than a Christian,
wrote a flaming biography of Constantine, but it is partial and

“fills him with joy.” The only thing of worth, he says,
is that which has reference to the Beyond. He wants
his sons, and his grandsons, to the end of time, to avoid
contests; but if a contest comes, they must exercise
mercy and clemency; and they shall only regard
conquest by the law (Law of Buddha). “Such a con-
quest,” he says, “brings Salvation here to you. The
joy is in the effort. This brings Salvation here and

In my next chapter, I shall offer proof that
Buddhism was known, not only in Syria and Palestine,
but also in Rome.

Buddhism Known in Syria, Greece, Rome, Before
the Birth of Jesus.

Section i. In the preceding chapter I mentioned
the sending of Mahinda and others to convert Ceylon.
But just before, or about that time, Asoka sent
Maharakita at the head of a missionary delegation to
Egypt and Greece. There were most certainly amica-
ble relations between India and Greece, for Antiochus
Theos, the grandson of Seleucus Nicator, and Asoka,
the grandson of Chandra-Gupta, about 250 years B.
C., made a friendly treaty with each other. (1)

In short, those two people were then, and later, upon
such a firm footing of peace that Asoka’s inscriptions
of Buddhist texts upon the rocks at Guzerat, were not
only allowed to remain unobliterated, but on the same
rocks the name of Antiochus the Great likewise ap-

Here is one inscription:   “Moreover, within the

dominions of Antiochus, the Greek King, of which his
generals are the rulers, Asoka’s double system of
medical aid is established; both medical aid for men
and for animals, together with medicants of all sorts
which are suitable for men and animals.” 1

(1)   Br. Ency., Vol. 12, p. 788, 9th edition.


This is a Greek inscription. The storms and beat-
ings for more than twenty-one hundred years have
not yet obliterated it. This ancient landmark yet tells
its historic story. Another piece of history, deeply
engraven upon these rocks, was, and yet is, as fol-
lows : “The Greek King has been, moreover, induced
to permit the people, both here and in foreign coun-
tries, everywhere, to follow the doctrines of the re-
ligion of Asoka wheresoever it reacheth” (2). This
last incision on those rocks is especially noteworthy
in that it permits the Greeks and all others under that
flag to give up their gods and their religions and adopt
Buddhism. The Greek king here “permits” his people
to adopt or accept the Buddhist faith, and a permit
from the king to do a certain thing in those days was
the equivalent of a request, if not a command. It
should also be remembered in this connection that this
rock carving was made when the old Mosaic religion
was the only one professed by the Jews. And that
faith never did commend itself to the Greeks. Jesus
did not appear until more than two hundred years

With the Greeks, therefore, it was simply a choice
between their old gods and the mild and more sensi-
ble faith of the Buddhists. We are told that somewhat
later than those rock engravings, on the erection of a

(2)   King Asoka was called Deva-Nampiya, the loved of the
good Devas (angels). He sent his proselyting missionaries to
every nation, including Palestine, where the Jews were following
the old Mosaic code, and buying their brothers for bond-men.
Leviticus 25, v. 39 to 44.

great tope, or monument, over some Buddhist relics
in Ceylon, a large number of Bhikkhus, or Monks,
journeyed from the vicinity of Alassada (Alexandria)
to witness those ceremonies (3). In fact, Buddhism
had so impressed itself upon India that it was ready
to attempt distant fields. For that purpose Nagasena,
one of its devotees, about 190 years B. C., challenged
Greeks and Jews alike to a public discussion of their
and his religion in Antioch, the capital of Syria.
Palestine then formed a part of the Syrian empire, and
Jews, Greeks and Egyptians had so flocked to this new
capital that even before this discussion the city had
been compelled to enlaige its borders. Jews, no doubt,
heard that debate and probably engaged in it, but from
all that appears, they clung doggedly to their old
Mosaic superstitions.

Section 2. In further proof that Palestine before
Jesus came was in touch with Buddhism and was not
ignorant of its religion, I will cite the fact that twen-
ty-two years before Jesus was bom an elaborate Indian
embassy came as far West as Rome and presented its
credentials to Augustus. Those credentials were
written on the skins of animals, and that embassy, with
Its Buddhistic faith, was graciously received there. (4)

Pliny (5), the elder, likewise tells us that Buddhist
missionaries, generations before his day, were settled
in Palestine not far from the Western shores of the

(3)   Alassada was the Buddhist name of Alexandria.

(4)   Br. Ency., 9th edition: Title, India: yoI. 12, p. 788.

(5)   Pliny, born 23 A. D., died A. D. 72.


Dead Sea. The doctrines of Buddhism were there-
fore taught in Palestine before Christianity was heard
of, or even dreamed of. The Essenes of Palestine
were Jews by birth, and they and the Therapeutae of
Alexandria seem to have copied, at least in part, their
doctrines from Persia and from India, for they be-
lieved in the immortality of the soul, and the Old
Testament makes no certain statement or promise of
such a thing.

It is true that in the last chapter of Daniel there
is a sort of prediction that at a time of great trouble
many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall
awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame
and everlasting contempt (6). Moreover, the Essenes
and Therapeutae did not copy entirely any prevailing

They punished with death anyone who blasphemed
Moses, and at the same time they went beyond Moses
and taught that the wicked will suffer eternal punish-
ment. Perhaps here and in Tobit is where Jesus ob-
tained His idea of eternal punishment for the wicked
(7). But the Essenes followed Buddhism in teaching
the impermanence of the body and the immortality of
the soul. After the apocryphal book of Tobit ap-

(6)   Daniel, eh. 12, v. 1 and 2; the hook of Daniel was written
about 164 or 166 jean B. C.—that is, centuries after the exile:
and many think it has a Persian origin, but the Essenes learned
also from India, as we Bhall see.

(7)   The reader should notice that when the book of Daniel
was written, the department of Hell had not been fully organ*
ized; as the sinner was not then consigned to a furnace of fire,
but only to everlasting contempt.

peared, thenceforward we have devils and Hell and
angels without number. Jesus, it would seem, was
familiar with those doctrines in Tobit.

The Persians and Jesus taught the resurrection of
the body, but backsliders from Buddhism were simply
excommunicated. The Essenes did the same. The
Essenes taught that bodies are corruptible and imper-
manent, but that souls are immortal and live forever;
that the souls of the righteous when released from
their bodies, as from a vile prison house, mount up-
ward rejoicing, and reach a beautiful land beyond the
great ocean, where there is neither excessive heat, nor
freezing cold; that there they are fanned and refreshed
continually by gentle'breezes blowing from off the
ocean, and there they live in immortal vigor. But the
souls of the wicked, at the death of the body, are
rushed off to a dark, tempestuous den, where they
suffer a never-ceasing torment (8)

But here again the Essenes did not follow Buddha,
for he taught transmigration; that the wrong-doer,
devoid of rectitude, is full of anxiety when he dies,
and after his death is reborn into some states of dis-
tress and punishment—a state of woe; that the well-
doer, strong in rectitude, dies without anxiety, and
after his death is reborn into some happy state in
heaven. (9)

(8)   Josephus, Wars of the Jews; Book 2, ch. 8, sections 9 to 12.

(9)   VoL 17, Sacred Books of the East, p. 100. There are
those who falsely state that Buddha did not teach of heaven for
the just, or punishment for the wicked.

They might just as truly say, that Jesus did not teach of a

The Buddhists did not offer bloody sacrifices; and
the Essenes in that matter utterly rejected the old
Mosaic ceremony and followed the Indian method.

The Bhikkhus (monks) of India wore yellow gar-
ments and had everything in common; and here the
Essenes followed them completely, except that their
garments were white.

Section 3. That doctrine or method of having
everything in common, which the Essenes and
Therapeutae learned from India, the Apostles and their
followers adopted for a short time, but when Ananias
held back a part of his possessions, the whole Jewish
superstructure collapsed at once, and has never been
heard of in Palestine since. (10)

The Bhikkhus practiced a very severe asceticism; so
also did the Essenes and Therapeutae. We have al-
ready seen that Buddha’s teachings abolished slavery
in India. The Essenes condemned it in Palestine.
The Bhikkhus practiced the strictest rules of celibacy;
the Essenes and Therapeutae did not marry, but
adopted children and reared them to their own modes
of life and thought The Bhikkhus rejected pleasure
as an evil; so also did the Essenes. The Therapeutae

heaven for the just. Buddha taught a re-birth for the wicked,
where after a long period of discipline, they could have a new
opportunity to gain heaven by good deeds. In other words, ha
gave the wicked another chance. What earthly—or heavenly-
good to consign a wicked man to eternal flames t Punishment
should be, in the last analysis, to reclaim, to improve, to reform.
An eternal punishment makes the punisher worse than the wicked*

(10)   Acts, ch. 2, v. 43 to 45, and ch. 4, v. 32 to 35, and ch. 5,
V. 1 to 10.

and Essenes believed in angels; so did Buddha and the
Bhikkhus, but the former were careful to write down
the names of their heavenly messengers, and they
charged their proselytes under oath to preserve them,
(n) The Buddhists laid great stress and emphasis
on speaking the truth at all times; and in this, also,
the Essenes and Therapeut* followed them. Buddha
preached the Gospel of love and peace, and Jesus
afterwards did the same.

Now it is but reasonable to believe that as the
Buddhists preceded the Essenes by centuries in teach-
ing their asceticism, their strict love of truth, their
rejection of slavery, their community of goods, their
fastings, their prayers, their vegetable diet, their aboli-
tion of animal sacrifices, their belief in the immortality
of the soul, their doctrine of angels, and that the souls
of the wicked are punished after the death of the
body, and that, moreover, there was a beautiful place
called heaven where the souls of the righteous live in
everlasting enjoyment; that it was wrong to do harm
to any living thing; that riches were to be despised;
that, in short, as all these doctrines were in the world
and openly taught in India (12) centuries before the

(11)   Josephus, Wars of the Jews; book 2, ch. 8, sections 2 to
10. At the time of Daniel, 166 B. C., the Jews had only two
angels, whom they knew by name—Michael, an Irish angel, and
Gabriel, whose nativity is uncertain.

(12)   But some of these matters were not original, evta with
the Buddhists; for a thousand years before Gotama came, the
Brahmans, in their code, had set forth that no one must appro-
priate (steal) the goods of another, nor injure another in any
way; that he who gave false evidence should be deprived of his
sight, shorn and tumbled into Hell. (Manu., ch. 8, sec. 93.)

Essenes or Therapeutae came, we must conclude, there-
fore, that they were imported or learned from the
Buddhists, possibly in part from the Persians. For
when an invention is once in the world, either in re-
ligion or anything else, no patent ought or should be
granted to the later arrival. More especially is this
true if those doctrines have been simply transplanted
from some old faith, well rooted in a distant field.
Judaism, we know, combated most of those things.


Jesus quoted part of a verse found in Deuteronomy
(20): “Thou shalt not tempt the Lord, thy God.”
But he is careful not to cast himself down; thus show-
ing that He has no faith that the angels would save
Him harmless in the fall.

This reply of Jesus is, moreover, most startling; for
when he says, “Thou shall not tempt the Lord, thy
God,” does He not virtually say: “I am the Lord, thy
God”? (21)

Did Jesus actually say that, or have those words
been put into His mouth for a purpose? Neither
Mark nor John mentions this affair of going to Jerusa-

(19)   Matt., ch. 4, v. 5 and 6, and 91st Psalm, v. 11 and 12.

(20)   Ch. 6, v. 16.

(21)   Dent., ch. 6, v. 16.

lem and sitting on the pinnacle. Mark leaves Him in
the wilderness, with the angels ministering unto Him
(22), and John does not even know about the trip to
the wilderness. Nor does anyone of the four Gospel
writers tell us how the devil got Jesus down from that
pinnacle, and thence through the busy streets of Jeru-
salem, to that “exceeding high mountain.”

This was, and is, a world-famous journey, of which
everyone would like to have all the incidents, even the
smallest, noted down with great particularity; yet we
are cut short in a few brief sentences. Was that
journey actually made as stated; or is it a weak copy
of Buddha’s temptations? (23)

Section 6. Luke says that the devil took Jesus up
into a high mountain; and Matthew emphasizes that by
saying it was “an exceeding high mountain.” (24)
But neither of them specifies the particular one. Now,
the mountain near Nazareth which surpasses all others
in height is Mount Carmel, on the shores of the Medi-
terranean. If Jesus stood on Mount Carmel when the
evil one, in a moment of time showed him “all the
kingdoms of the world and the glory of them,” there
was surely spread out before him a most entrancing
panorama. The blue waters of that great inland
ocean, the Mediterranean, met his vision on the west.
To the north those old cities, Tyre and Sidon, famous

(22)   Mark, ch. 1, v. 13.

(23)   Sec. 3 of this chapter.

(24)   Luke 1, ?. 5; Matt., eh. 4:8. Matthew takes him into
Jerusalem before going to the mountains, but Luke gets him to
the mountain before going to Jerusalem.

a thousand years before His day, reposed sleepily, their
inhabitants never dreaming that from the heights of
Carmel the great enemy of mankind was trying to bar-
gain them off with the rest of the world upon a false
and fraudulent consideration. For the devil did not
own a single thing of all that he proffered. Jesus,
moreover, must have known that the devil could not
deliver any of the kingdoms he was offering.

To the east the Jordan rolled its swift and turbid
waters; and there was the sea of Galilee, and on its
shores stood Capernaum and Chorazin, villages where
Jesus afterwards dwelt, Southeast of Carmel all the
hills and valleys of Samaria, green with verdure,
spread out; and beyond them, dimly outlined it may
be, against that southern sky, rose the spires of that
famous temple of Jerusalem; famous then, but hence-
forth to be canonized in all history for all the years to

Moreover, the confined, stinted borders of Palestine
were only as a leaf in the forest, compared to “all the
kingdoms of the world,” which the, devil said, “had
been delivered unto him” that he might give them unto
whomsoever he pleased. (25) That devil, we must
observe, did not tell the truth when he made that propo-
sition to Jesus. But he seems to have known that
Jewish blood was in Jesus’ veins; and therefore
thought that, like that race in those days, he could be
bribed or bought for a consideration; and so he

(25)   Luke, ch. 4, v. 5, says he showed all the kingdoms of the
world in a moment. Matt., ch. 4, v. 9.

promptly offered Jesus “the whole world” if He would
just fall down and worship him.

Jesus’ answer, “Get thee behind me, Satan,” is as
immortal as the stars, and ought to be stamped upon
men’s minds and hearts until the evening of the last
day. Thereupon the devil “for a season” left Jesus;
and thus ended one of the most remarkable dialogues
(if it is a dialogue) in all history. (26)

Section 7. I cannot close this chapter without re-
marking that both of these temptations have a weird
and unreal aspect. Are those devils real living things?
Or are they simply creatures of the poet’s brain? Did
old Satan really take Jesus and set him on that pin-
nacle; and also take him up into that mountain? Yet
however much we may speculate on this matter, it is
plain that Jesus believed that there were devils (27)
and He prayed God to keep evil (devil) from His
disciples (28); and Jesus, it is said, afterwards cast
out many devils. (29)

The followers of the man of Galilee persistently set
aside all other writings and pin their faith to the New
Testament; but only two men, Matthew and Luke, in
all this world, tell us that these episodes of the pin-
nacle and the mountain actually took place. In this I
omit, of course, the Apocryphal gospels.

But where did Matthew and Luke get their facts?
Matthew was a tax collector at the time Jesus is said

(26)   For a season. Luke, eb. 4, v. 13.

(27)   Matt. 6:13.

(28)   John 17:15.

(29)   Matt. 8:16.


to have been in company with the devil on the moun-
tain ; and Luke never was a disciple, and never at any
time saw Jesus. The best authorities now agree that
the four gospels were composed from older writings
founded on old traditions.

A story, we know, gains and never loses anything in
its travels. I shall not declare that these things did
not happen on the mountain and pinnacle, but simply
add that the evidence offered to prove them seems
lamentably deficient.

It may be, however, that all those explicit state-
ments and colloquies were, and are, merely subjectives,
in order to teach us that no matter what the tempta-
tion one should always stand firmly for the right, for
justice and for truth. If such was the object of
Matthew and Luke, they struck the keynote for all
men, for all time.

Buddhism Known in Palestine Before Jesus Was


Section I. In some former chapters I have said that
Jesus probably copied certain things from Buddha and
the Hindus. As that statement is likely to be con-
troverted by narrow-minded people who think that
nothing pertaining to religion ever happened beyond
the stinted confines of Palestine, I will now proceed to
show that he not only probably followed the great
Hindu teacher in many things, but will make the proof
so strong that to every fair and unprejudiced mind it
will truly equal absolute certainty.

In fact the proof will be nearly as absolute and cer-
tain as that Jesus preached in Capernaum. First it
must be borne in mind always that Buddha was born
in India about five hundred to five hundred and forty-
three years before Jesus appeared in Galilee.

If now I show that India and Palestine were en-
gaged with each other in friendly commerce centuries
before Buddha was born, I shall have established'the
possibility, yes, even a probability, that the religions of
those two peoples were more or less known to each

It is certain that Palestine, India and the islands of

the sea, as far back as the days of Solomon (one thou-
sand years B. C.), were engaged in friendly commerce
with each other, along the coasts of Malabar, and as
far south as Ceylon, and perhaps even beyond that.
My proof is found in those old Hebrew records, which
tell us that Solomon made a navy of ships in Ezion-
geber, on the shores of the Red Sea, and that navy,
which was called “the Navy of Tarshish,” made distant
voyages, lasting three years, and brought back gold,
silver, apes and peacocks, from India or Ceylon or
both, (i) Those ships reached Ophir, and Josephus
says Ophir was in India (2), and as they returned
freighted with merchandise, including cassia and
cinnamon, peacocks and apes, we are sure that they
must have visited such hot sultry coasts as Malabar and
Ceylon, for cassia and cinnamon were not then pro-
duced west of there.

Hiram, the famous king of Tyre, was at that time
engaged in the same business. He likewise brought
cinnamon and cassia from Malabar. His ships of
Tarshish sailed every sea. (3)

Moreover, the Egyptians, long before Solomon’s
day, must likewise have sent fleets to Malabar, as cin-
namon and cassia, in the time of Moses, is mentioned
as constituting a part of the holy anointing oil. (4) 1

(1)   1st Kings, ch. 9, v. 26; also 1st Kings 10, ?. 22. Of course
it is well known that peacocks are natives of India and Ceylon,
and they were brought from there to Palestine.

(2)   Joa Antiq. Book 8, ch. 6.

(3)   1 Kings 10, v. 22.

(4)   Exodus, ch. 30, v. 22 to 25; Bev. 18, v. 13.

Babylon at a later day also traded in the cinnamon
and odors and ointments of Ceylon and Malabar.

When two nations or communities of people are
found trading together in a friendly way, and the same
people continue to occupy the same original territories
and produce from the soil the same products for ex-
change, the reasonable supposition is that their friendly
exchanges continue. A temporary interruption, even
war itself, we know, is never a perpetual bar to com-
merce. Those people were not only trading along the
coast in ships of three year voyages, but they also had
a land and water route, from near the mouth of the
Indus, up the Persian Gulf, and across Arabia, thence
up the Red Sea, to the present town of Akabah. (5)
From Akabah the line of travel passed northwest, not
far from the Dead Sea, where John the Baptist
preached in the wilderness. Moreover, the Phoeni-
cians, 600 years B. C., circumnavigated Africa, a much
more dangerous voyage and longer than to reach
India. (6)

Section 2. Now let us go back to India and see
what happened there after Buddha came. Within two
hundred and sixty years after his birth his doctrines
had so far supplanted the old Brahmanic religion as to
become, in the reign of King Asoka, the state religion
of a people occupying a territory greater than all
Europe, Russia alone excluded. India then had a pop-

(5)   Ezion-Geber, where Solomon built his ships, is near
Akabah, but is now submerged in the Sea. What a remorse-
less destroyer is old time!

(6)   Vol. 18, Br. Eney., p. 807.

ulation forty or fifty times greater than Palestine; and
the same disparity in numbers continued after Jesus
was bom, and so continues to this day.

Before Jesus’ birth, Buddhism had crossed the
Himalayas and was welcomed in Tibet (7); and the
swarming multitudes of China had approved it. Dago-
bas (churches) had been erected from the Punjab to
the mouth of the Ganges; Assam and Burmah had felt
its influence and surrendered to its mild sway; it had
penetrated the Indian Ocean and hoisted its victorious
banner triumphantly over Ceylon.

In fact, all that vast and populous region from the
Yellow Sea to Persia was, two hundred years B. C.,
under the religious sway of Buddhism. It is true that
the old Brahmans still offered serious opposition; but it
was ineffectual to check the rising flood. Moreover, a
great event which took place about three hundred and
thirty years B. C. had opened the gates for its migra-
tion further west.

Alexander, that great Macedonian butcher, on his
march to conquer Persia, founded a city named for
himself on the southern shores of the Mediterranean ;
and those old lines of intercourse with India, by sea,
were called into requisition more frequently than ever

Towards this new city of Alexandria people of all
classes, from every known quarter of the globe, flocked

(7)   Tibet held firmly to Buddha’s religion for five centuries,
when Lamaism (which is partly religious and partly political)
crept in (Br. Ency., vol. 14, p. 226).

in great numbers, and they were welcomed without
regard to their nationality or their religion.

Greeks came with their gods and their philosophy;
Egyptians with their worship of animals and their pe-
culiar ritual for the dead; Persians with their Zend
Avesta (their bible), which taught that hell was a cold,
frozen place, where the wicked suffered for a time;
and the Jew with his Thora (law), which left out both
heaven and hell, but allowed slavery and permitted
polygamy. (8) He here offered his bloody sacrifices
without hindrance or objection. All these came early
and were simply magnets which drew others to them.

Two hundred years B. C. this new city had so grown
and flourished that it was the commercial metropolis
of the world.

Does anyone suppose that this could happen and
India remain unmoved amid all this trade and tumult?
If so, let us see what Alexander himself did to open
new lines of intercourse with India. After conquering
Persia he entered the Punjab, the land of the seven
rivers; crossed the great Indus, and at the river Jhelum
.defeated Porus, an Indian King, but lost his famous
war horse, Bucephalus.

From here Alexander sent Nearchus, one of his ad-
mirals, down the Indus, with orders to examine the
route for traffic along the Indian Ocean to the mouth
of the Euphrates, and later went himself down that
great river, where, near its mouth, he planned a new

(8)   Exodus 21:2; Leviticus, ch. 25, v. 39 to 44. The Jews
would even bay their own brother*. Levit. 25, v. 89.

Alexandria, to trade with the one at the mouth of the

He had encountered Buddhism in Bactra and Kabul,
but in northwest India its Samanas (priests) and its
Dagobas (temples or churches) were found in sur-
prising numbers. It is said that his officers, and even
the private soldiers of his army, were greatly interested
in Buddha’s religion. From the mouth of the Indus
Alexander turned toward Bactra, and a year or two
later died, as we know, in a drunken debauch at Baby-
lon. But he had opened up a new line of communica-
tion with India, which from that day to this has never
been closed.

After Alexander’s death Bactra and India fell to the
portion of Seleucus Nicator, one of Alexander’s gen-
erals. But meanwhile Chandra-Gupta, a Buddhist ad-
venturer, had formed a principality in the Ganges val-
ley in the present territory of Oudh, and so stoutly op-
posed Nicator’s pretensions that war followed. (9)

Section 3. Nicator found his way to the Syrian
throne beset with such serious difficulties that he
offered Chandra-Gupta peace, and all northwest India,
including the Greek settlements founded by Alexander,
on condition that he would send him five hundred ele-

Chandra agreed to accept this if Nicator would give
him his daughter in marriage. The bargain was struck,

(9)   Chandra Gupta was the Grandfather of Asoka, the King.
The Greeks called him Sandrocottus. I will add that the land
of Ophir was no doubt in India. There was also a great over-
land route from India west by way of Palmyra and Mesopotamia.


and thus a Greek princess became a Hindu’s wife,
and all of Alexander’s Greek colonists became Indian
subjects. Nicator moreover sent to this Ganges court
Megasthenes, that clear headed ambassador, who, in
writing his impressions of India gave to the world a
most interesting piece of history. “The people,” he
said, “are brave, truthful, industrious, sober, not quar-
relsome, and so honest that they require no locks on
their doors.”

But that which first struck his attention and called
forth his admiration was that in India men and women
could not be bought and sold. Buddha’s teachings
had set the last captive free. “Slavery,” said Megas-
thenes, “does not exist there.” This was three hun-
dred years before Jesus came.

At that time all the known world, India alone ex-
cepted, was engaged in the nefarious traffic of buying
and selling human beings. Nations then unborn af-
terwards engaged in it, and it is only ninety-eight years
ago that England abolished it. America, my own
loved country, extinguished it barely forty-five years
ago; and then only after a long and bloody war.

But India herself, before this, and under Brahmanic
rule, had been severe. When Buddha came he found
seven classes of slaves (to), and the poor Sudras were
so ground down that they were not allowed to learn
even a text or a line of the Veda.

(10)   Captives in war; he who serves for his daily food; born
slaves, purchased slaves, inherited slaves those given, and those
enslaved for punishment.


idols, and causing their sons and their daughters to
pass through consuming flames. (9) The logic of
these sacrifices, as blind old Homer tells us, was that
the gods were persuaded by gifts. Think of it! that
Almighty God could, or can, be moved by burning a
man, or a bull or goat, or rice cakes and butter! Yet
we continue to publish those old heathenish records
as a part of our Holy Bible. 9

(9)   Second Kings, ch. 17, v. 19 to 17.

The Fastings and Temptations of Buddha and


Section i. Did Jesus and Buddha, as asserted by
their followers, come down from heaven to bring salva-
tion to the race? Of Buddha, it is said he was bom for
the good and blessing of the world. (i) Jesus said,
“The Lord hath anointed me, to preach the gospel to
the poor.” (2)

Both of these men are alleged to have voluntarily
undergone an incarnation, that they might teach
righteousness to the remotest comers of the earth.
Both fasted; but that was not strange, for fasting was
then practiced in nearly all religions, and in some even
yet. Moses, it is said, fasted for forty days and forty
nights, without either bread or water. (3) He was
then up there on Sinai, we are told, with the Lord,
fixing up the ten commandments; but why it was nec-

(1)   Vol. 10, Sacred Books of the East, p. 123, 2nd part.

(2)   Luke 4, v. 18, quotes Isaiah 61, 1. But whether Jesus
quoted Isaiah is not certain; neither is it certain that Buddha
used the words attributed to him in Fo Sho Varga, 26, section
1991. Both of these men were establishing new religions^ and
their followers made, and still make, great claims in their behalf.

(3)   The reasonable supposition about Moses9 fast, is that he
was there writing upon those two tables of stone; but why the
writer of chap. 24, Exodus, y. 23, should state that he faeteS
all that time, is hard to understand.


essary for him to fast for nearly six weeks has never
yet been explained.

The fasting of Jesus for forty days was probably
copied from Moses, but he did not in that matter, as
in many others, copy from Buddha; for Buddha, at the
utmost, only fasted four weeks; and some claim that
his fast barely extended seven days. Nor did Jesus
copy from Buddha the long and severe penance which
the latter endured in the forest of Uravila. Here,
for nearly six years, Buddha strove to repress every
bodily passion; and with purity of heart gave himself
up to meditating upon the great problems of life; the
impermanency of all things, age, disease, death and,
after the death of the body, Nirvana.

He subsisted for a time, it is said, on a grain or two
of hemp seed per day, and this he continued until
his limbs became so weak and wasted that they could
scarcely support his attenuated body. His fame as a
persistent ascetic was, meanwhile, spreading far and
wide. A Burmese writer says: “It was like the sound
of a great bell hung in the canopy of the skies.”

On further consideration Buddha concluded that
the withering of his body was not the true way of sal-
vation. Another method must be tried. He would
bathe his body, refresh it with food, and by a composed
mind seek that ecstasy which emaciation and mortifica-
tion could never bring. At his feet flowed the Naran-
gana river; and into this he plunged for a bath. On
seeking to leave it, his exhausted strength gave way,
and he fell back hopelessly into the stream.


But just then when death seemed about to snatch
him, an alleged miracle takes place. A heavenly spirit,
we are told, is close at hand, and seeing Buddha’s
peril, reaches a branch to him, which he grasps, and is
safely drawn from the water. (4) Then an angel
(perhaps the same one) told Nanda, the daughter of a
nearby herdsman, to bring Gotama some rice and milk,
which, when brought, she bowed low at his feet and
offered to him.

This renewed him, but his critics were near; they
were then, as now, always at one’s elbows, ready to
pull one down. In Buddha’s case they were the five
Bhikkhus who had lived with him in the forest. For
this sensible act they said his religious zeal was Bag-
ging. And they deserted him and went back to

Section 2. A sublime purpose of a great mind is
never thwarted by small obstacles. Buddha was now,
after six years of persevering penance, alone in a lonely
forest, barefooted, poorly clad, nothing but an alms
bowl in his possession, to call his own. Yet this man,
thus situated, thus equipped, is ultimately to shake
the whole Eastern world!

Looking back now twenty-four centuries, we seem

(4)   This is the first miracle since the escape from the palace.
I suppose the angel was some person who happened to be near.
Angels from this on will be numerous. It may have been the
same angel that helped Jesus later on. (Luke 22, v. 43; Fo Sbo
Hing, verse 1017.) Arthur Lillie, in his “Buddhism in Chris-
tendom,” tells us that Mara, the Hindu devil, appeared in the
air at this moment and begged Buddha to return to his father’s
palace; that if he would return, he would become a universal
monarch in seven days.


to see that strange figure there on the banks of the
Narangana river, wandering on until he finally sits
down beneath that Bodhi tree. His whole capital in
this world’s goods consists simply in a sublime resolu-
tion. If God ever rules in the affairs of men—and
sometimes it looks as if he did; then again, it seems,
to our short vision, as if he just let things go as best
they may—he at least has not frowned either upon
Buddha or his mission. For the followers of that man
under that Bodhi tree, are greater in number than
those of any other four religions on this earth today,

The time possibly may come in the distant future,
when the man of Galilee may surpass him; but as both
religions teach a rigid morality, and that love only can
conquer hate, it may be that they will yet flourish, and
not clash, upon any part of the earth. “Love, kindness,
patience, charity; do no wrong to any one” is the
keynote to both religions.

Section 3. Both Buddha and Jesus had their temp-
tations. Buddha’s is now at hand. We are told that
the heavenly Nagas (angels), or sinless beings, seeing
Buddha firmly resolved to seek deliverance for the
world, were filled with joy. Mara, the evil one, alone
was dejected and sorrowing. This Hindu devil, we
must notice, is very much like the one in Jerusalem
five hundred years later. In both cases, they seek to
thwart the good purposes of man. The Persians, like-
wise, had a devil, and he was of the same piece of cloth.

Moreover these devils are all great linguists. The
one in Eden understood Adam’s tongue completely;
the Persian devil was well up in all the ancient Aryan
texts, as his diatribes with Zoroaster plainly show; and
this Indian fiend could wax eloquent in the Pali dialect.
(5) The devils of Palestine spoke Aramaic fluently,
and were likewise masters in bribery, or graft, which
is the same thing.

The Hindu devil divined at once that Buddha’s pur-
pose was the overthrow of his kingdom, and forthwith
he threatened him with all manner of vengeance. Not
being able single-handed to move him, Mara sum-
moned a great army of goblins to his assistance. The
appearance of those monsters was enough to strike
terror to the stoutest heart. Some, it is said, were
lion-headed; some, as tigers, snarled at him; serpents
hissed at him; others filled the air with startling
sounds. Hell itself seemed to have vomited forth all
its furies.

It was in this case exactly as it is even to this day.
Withstand temptation, and help will come to you.
Here, around Buddha, it is said, there were gathered
a host of devils; enough to shake heaven and earth.
Yet he remained firm. Then, as a last resort, a win-

(5)   Gotama preached in the Pali tongue, one of the dialects
of ancient India. It was spoken at Kapilavastu, where he was
born. Pali has long been a dead language. The Singhalese of
Ceylon is, however, closely allied to it. It is said that the Genius
of Buddha raised the standard of Pali to the rank of a classic.
This Hindu devil, as we shall see, was a master of Pali also.

some woman, in lustful garb, and sweet of speech,
sought to entice him into devious paths. But she
failed; and just as this last tempting bait was rejected
we are told that voices from invisible forms (6) in the
air were heard praising the great Muni. (7) Paul de-
scribed a Muni exactly when he said: “He that over-
cometh evil,” and Paul, as we shall see further on,
heard a voice in the air calling to him. (8)

We are told that Mara’s army of goblins, hearing
those voices and seeing no one, were filled with alarm
and, throwing away their arms, fled in utter rout and

Section 4. The statement about those Hindu voices,
“voices from invisible forms,” is not believed by Chris-
tians to be true. In fact it is utterly and completely
disbelieved, and by some laughed at and sneered at.

On the other hand the Hindus do not believe that
Brahma (God) saluted Jesus as he came up out of
the water from his baptism, by saying:   “This is my

beloved son, in whom I am well pleased.” Nor do the
Hindus believe that the “heavens opened” and that

(6)   Mark 1:11, says that God himself spoke from the skies,
when Jesus was baptized. Who told Mark that? and who told
that Hindu writer about those voices t Both statements seem
highly improbable. Matt. 3, v. 17, is likewise imaginary.

(7)   Muni: a man who has overcome all desire; one who has
weighed both sides, and has chosen the good; one who has over-
come evil. Paul to the Bomans, ch. 12, v. 21, says the same.
First Epistle of John, ch. 2, v. 13, also ch. 5, v. 4, describes per-
fectly a muni.

(8)   Acts 22, v. 7.

something like a dove descended and lit upon Jesus,
even though John says he saw it. (9)

The story of the dove and the temptation of Jesus
is a curious piece of theological writing. (10) It has
been set aside by many as a wild and improbable Jew*
ish legend. But, on the other hand it has been stoutly
defended by great intellects; and there are about one
hundred and sixty millions out of sixteen hundred mil-
lions of people on our globe who strenuously insist that
the story as told in the gospels is not only almost, but
is altogether, true. It is simply a question of belief,
but belief never changes facts.

The “heavens opened” and the spirit descended, or it
did not descend; but what is even more curious is that
immediately thereafter that same spirit “drove or led”
Jesus “up into the wilderness,” and “he was there with
the wild beasts forty days.” What for? Simply to
be tempted by the devil. Now, if Jesus was the son
of God, and God had just said he was pleased with
him, God knew exactly how the temptation would end.
What earthly, or heavenly, good to send Jesus among
the “wild beasts for forty days?”

(9)   John, eh. 1, v. 32,, if lie made such an assertion, would not
today be believed in a Court of Justice. Matt., cb. 3, v. 16 and
17; Mark, ch. 1, v. 10; Luke 3, v. 22. Tbe simple naked assertion
of any one man about such an extraordinary occurrence, would
be passed by as a foolish exaggeration.

(10)   John the Baptist did not know who Jems was when he
baptized him; for he afterwards sent two disciples to make in-
quiry. (Matt. 11, v. 2 and 3.) Now if Jesus was a sinless be-
ing, why the necessity of His baptism 1 John was baptizing
unto repentance. What had Jesus done that he must needs re-
pent f

Perhaps these wild beasts were some of Mara’s gob-
lins imported from India.

No doubt the writers of our Gospels had heard of
Buddha’s temptation and his triumphant victory, some
five hundred years before. It is not improbable that
they had; and I shall show further on that Jesus Him-
self knew of Buddha and his religion.

But where was that wilderness unto which Jesus
was led? Mark says Jesus came from Nazareth of
Galilee, to be baptized in the river Jordan. Luke tells
us He “returned from Jordan and was (then) led by
the spirit unto the wilderness, where He was tempted
forty days and did eat nothing.” (11) Later on Jesus,
like Buddha, changed his mind about fasting and did
not believe in it. (12)

The temptation, therefore, took place at, or near,
Nazareth, where Jesus had been brought up; and is it
not a little strange that he should stay out there in the
wilderness and not go home to dinner? (13)

According to the record he was there for the express
purpose of being tempted; but the angels did not forget
him, (14) though Luke says: “In those forty days he
did eat nothing.” (15) How then did the angels
minister unto Him? Did they give him a piece of
bread and butter, or a cup of water, or did they furnish
Him a blanket to keep the chill of night from him ? In

(11)   Luke 4, 1 and 2.

(12)   Matt. 9, v. 14.

(13)   Mark 1, v. 12.

(14)   Mark, ch. 1, v. 13; Matt. 4, y. 11.

(15)   Luke, ch. 4, v. 1 and 2.

some of those ways they must have served Him. (16)

The devil was on hand also, and seems to have
known God’s power, for he said: “If thou be the son
of God command that this stone be made bread.” Is
it possible that Jesus could have turned that stone into
a good wholesome loaf? We are certain, at least, that
he did not try it.

Section 5. This devil understood Aramaic, the lan-
guage of Jesus, for he talked to him, and Jesus under-
stood the devil, for he answered back.

But all this is not so astonishing as that the devil
should take Jesus into Jerusalem, the Holy City, and
set him conspicuously upon the pinnacle of the temple.
(17) Can the reader imagine how those two famous
personages (18) marched up through the streets of
Jerusalem ? The inference is that the evil one escorted
Jesus, for the record says, “the devil took him.” Did
they walk? Did they go arm in arm? Or did the
devil (the master of ceremonies on that occasion) call
for a conveyance and ride up to the temple in fine
style? How is this? Would not every one like to
know all about it? Here is a great transaction, world-
famous forever—the arch enemy of the human race

(16)   The angel, in Buddha’s case, as we have seen, was Nanda,
who gave him some rice and milk. In fact, both religions are
well supplied with angels. Ten thousand Hindu angels (Devas)
appeared at Buddha’s birth, and more than twelve legions of
angels were subject to Jesus’ command. (Matt. 26, v. 53. P.
345, vol. 19, Sacred Books of the East.)

(17)   Luke, ch. 4, v. 9: “He brought him to Jerusalem,” etc.
Matt., ch. 4:25.

(18)   I say “personages,” for the Gospels make the devil a
person as much as they do John the Baptist.

is passing up the streets of Jerusalem to the temple,
with Jesus, the great unselfish lover and friend of man-
kind—they reach the temple and together climb the
stairway leading to that high and exposed point, the
pinnacle, and here the devil gives Jesus a seat. (19)
What is all this for? The devil himself tells us. He
wants to test a verse or two in the ninety-first psalm,
written by David, or some other poet, a thousand years
before Jesus was born. And he tries to get Jesus to
“cast himself down” from the pinnacle, to see whether
the angels will “in their hands, bear Him up,” and
not allow him to be crushed by the fall. It must be
noticed that this devil is not only a linguist, but is a
Hebrew scholar and a lover of poetry, for he quotes
that beautiful ninety-first psalm correctly.

( #??????????????? in Ukrainian and #??????????????? in Russian ). July 3 July 5

Ukrainian journalist Nastya Melnychenko’s Facebook post prompts others to share stories of sexual harassment and violence.

On July 14, Facebook suspended the account of Melnichenko. (shortly)

“[Facebook administrators] sent me a notification yesterday, saying that I'd supposedly posted something that doesn't comply with Facebook's rules. And then it turned out that my account had been suspended temporarily, to check to make sure it's not fake,” Melnichenko said, the Meduza news website reported.

Melnichenko suspects that this was probably due to a barrage of coordinated complaints about her account made by Facebook users, according to the news source. “It's clear that this is connected to the flash mob,” she told Meduza. “It's just that Facebook is my personal mass-media outlet. I use it to communicate with the world, and so I'm in a state of mild panic right now.”

FACEBOOK Report them, NAME them, SHAME them.

only site you can report sexual violence worldwide (started after Tahrir Square Egypt attacks, Arab Spring) Woman is the nigger of the world- John Lennon "Daddy, the boys will call me a whore" "???????, ???????? ????? ????? ???? ??????"

Europe: Muslim Atrocities against Women? So What!By overlooking or justifying Islamic atrocities, European judges are endangering innocent women.
and there are also these idiots I replied on haha Why Women DESTROY NATIONS * / CIVILIZATIONS - and other UNCOMFORTABLE TRUTHS How Women Dismantle NATIONS * / & other UNCOMFORTABLE TRUTHS

Laughable rofl ol ! #IAMNOTAFRAIDTOSAYIT - #IAMNOTAFRAIDTOSPEAK Religious patriarchy source of all (DOMESTIC/SEXUAL) VIOLENCE and WAR - all religions are plagerism from Sumeria


Bannon: 'Anti-patriarchy movement' will 'undo ten thousand years of recorded history' : and rightly so with their unfactual religions, all plagerised from SUMER (not jewish at all btw) thank aeongoddess for that ! #IAMNOTAFRAIDTOSAYIT - #IAMNOTAFRAIDTOSPEAK #METOO

Religious patriarchy source of all (DOMESTIC/SEXUAL) VIOLENCE and WAR - all religions are plagerism from Sumeria, which was later then Aratta-Ukraine which started 22.000 BCE and before even

In 2007 Council of Europe calculated that cost of domestic/sexual violence in Europe, besides the PAIN of being victim, in lost working days/reintegration, healthcare cost is 500 euro for each citizen (in 2007 340 billion !! for whole of Europe) you can easily recalculate that for your country. Besides this domestic violence is the largest (deadly) violence crime in Europe! (and elsewhere) (even more then organized crime) Why is that not adressed by politicians? F.i. in Netherlands it affects every year more then half a million (mostly women & children) on 17 million, and that for several years. For Netherlands thats a cost of 8.5 billion a year.

Think what can be saved in any country if that violence (and war) can be prevented !! Besides pain of the victims and their children and family offcourse.

More news: 1500 women die every year in Ukraine
Fetus as Human Being: Where is the Cut-off Point?

news:(newest added at bottom of this post)) " In 2008, a St Petersburg judge threw out a case of workplace sexual harassment, ruling it was a natural part of human relations: “If we had no sexual harassment we would have no children,” the verdict read." ----WTF #IAMNOTAFRAIDTOSAYIT: UKRAINIANS SPEAK OUT ABOUT SEXUAL ASSAULT
Biopolitics violence: that flashmob women told us about Russia
Equality and familiarity: what's wrong with women's rights in Russia
Religious patriarchy is to blame for all domestic/sexual violence AND WAR since 3500 BCE, before there was virtually NONE research showed. WODC in Europe calculated domestic violence alone costs 500 euro a person, a year for each country, in a lot of countries its the nr. 1 violence crime, even bigger then organized crime and yet most Justice departments do little or nothing. russia:

#iamnotafraidtospeak from OH YES as soon as people get where it comes it can be solved :-) Stop sexual harrasment, groping, sexual abuse Name them, shame them. The orginal, started 2010 in Arab Spring in Egypt. ??????? ?? ?????? ??????? ???????? ?? ???? ????? ??????? ?????? ??????? al’iiblagh ean altaharush bialnisa’ walfatiat fi jmye ‘anha’ alealim, waismahin waearatihin

IAMNOTAFRAIDTOSAYIT - #IAMNOTAFRAIDTOSPEAK Religious patriarchy source of all (DOMESTIC/SEXUAL) VIOLENCE and WAR - all religions are plagerism from Sumeria, which was later then Aratta-Ukraine which started 22.000 BCE

interesting: The Mufti of the North Caucasus urged Russia to circumcise off all women "Russian women asked to cut the tongue Mufti of the North Caucasus" As social networks in response to the invitation Berdieva of total female circumcision

On Wednesday, August 17, a member of the Presidential Council for Cooperation with Religious Associations and the head of the Coordinating Center of Muslims of the North Caucasus Ismail Berdiyev in an interview to "Interfax" called circumcision to all women. In his opinion, this procedure will prevent the spread of corruption in the world. "To" followed, which caused a reaction from the Russian Mufti offer users of social networks.

1028 Women Absorb And Retain DNA From Every Man They Have Sex With


THATS a bummer for all those believers in MAN-god religions, even man chromosomes came from FEMALE chromosomes, so women didn't came from men, but all men come from women, now genetic evidence rofl ol Research looks at what drove sex chromosomes apart

the paper :
so throw your (annexed from sumer- so forget Yaweh-Jesus-Allah) man god religions away...and go back to peacefull nature- sun- and mother (goddess) worship ! He has speculated that these genes may be linked to brain size and intelligence and has wondered if the mutations—one of which took place roughly 40,000 years ago, the other, 5,800 years ago—correlate with the development of art, written language, and the founding of cities. And he stepped on more than a few feet when he noted that, geographically speaking, the changes had occurred pretty much everywhere but sub-Saharan Africa. Scientist's Study Of Brain Genes Sparks a Backlash Dr. Lahn Connects Evolution In Some Groups to IQ; Debate on Race and DNA
Graecopithecus freybergi (use google chrome) Man en vrouw allang gescheiden

'En God schiep den mensch naar zijn beeld, naar het beeld Gods schiep hij hem; man en vrouw schiep Hij hen', zo beschrijft Genesis 1:27 de gebeurtenissen op de zesde dag van de schepping van hemel en aarde....

30 oktober 1999

Twee Amerikaanse genetici hebben nu de lengte van die zesde dag wat nader gepreciseerd: 240 tot 320 miljoen jaar. Dat is de tijdspanne waarover volgens Bruce Lahn en David Page van het Whitehead instituut in Cambridge (VS) de menselijke geslachtchromosomen X en Y - die in hun samenspel bepalen wie vrouw (XX) of man (XY) wordt - zich hebben ontwikkeld tot wat ze nu zijn (Science van 29 oktober).Volgens Page, kenner bij uitstek van het 'mannelijke' Y-chromosoom, en Lahn is het kleine Y-chromosoom, met maar een paar dozijn genen erop, geëvolueerd uit het veel grotere X-chromosoom, dat duizenden genen herbergt. Voordien waren beide chromosomen gewone autosomen zonder seksebepalende eigenschappen.Die evolutie is in vier stappen verlopen, aldus Lahn en Page. De eerste stap, 240 tot 320 miljoen jaar geleden, viel samen met de evolutionaire scheiding van vogels en zoogdieren. De tweede stap werd 130 tot 170 miljoen jaar geleden gezet, tegelijkertijd met de evolutie van het vogelbekdier. De derde en vierde stap, 80 tot 130 miljoen jaar en 30 tot 50 miljoen jaar geleden, vielen samen met de ontwikkeling van de kangaroe en de lemuur, een primaat.Het menselijke X- en Y chromosoom delen nu nog slechts 19 zogeheten 'X-Y genen'. Page sluit niet uit dat de beide geslachtchromosomen in het komende eon nog verder uit elkaar zullen drijven.

Man and woman already divorced

"And God created man in his image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them ", as Genesis 1:27 describes the events on the sixth day of the creation of heaven and earth ....

October 30, 1999, Two American geneticists now have the length of the sixth day which clarified: 240 to 320 million years. That is the time period over which according to Bruce Lahn and David Page of the Whitehead Institute in Cambridge (USA), the human sex chromosomes X and Y - which determine their interaction whom female (XX) or male (XY) is - have evolved to what they now (Science, 29 October) .According Page, expert of the "male Y chromosome and Lahn is the small Y chromosome, with only a few dozen genes on it, evolved from the much larger X chromosome, which contains thousands of genes. Previously both chromosomes were ordinary autosomes without sex-determining eigenschappen.Die evolution took place in four steps, according to Lahn and Page. The first step, 240 to 320 million years ago coincided with the evolutionary separation of birds and mammals. The second step was put 130 to 170 million years ago, simultaneously with the evolution of the platypus. The third and fourth steps, 80 to 130 million years old and 30 to 50 million years ago coincided with the development of the kangaroo and the lemur, a primaat.Het human X and Y chromosome parts still only 19 so-called "XY genes '. Page does not rule out that the two sex chromosomes will further drift apart in the coming eon.

Why do people all over shoot, kill, and destroy each other? | easy ... with (religious) patriarchy came also war, before there was NO war..those ancienst were not so stupid as "modern" mankind... Kolovrat (symbol), a Slavic pagan symbol of the Sun, similar to the swastika.
The earliest known swastika-like symbol dates from around 10,000-13,000 BC. It appears on a late paleolithic figurine of a bird, carved from mammoth ivory, which was found in Mezine, Ukraine. The bird was found with a number of phallic objects which is consistent with the idea that the swastika pattern was used as a fertility symbol.[23] However it has also been suggested that this swastika may be a stylized picture of a stork in flight and not the true swastika that is in use today.[24]

Among the earliest cultures utilizing swastika is the neolithic Vin?a culture of South-East Europe (see Vin?a symbols)

According to painter Stanis?aw Jakubowski the "little sun" is an Early Slavic pagan symbol of the sun. It was engraved on wooden monuments built near the final resting places of fallen Slavs to represent eternal life.[61] The symbol was first seen in a collection of Early Slavic symbols and architectural features drawn and compiled by Polish painter Stanis?aw Jakubowski, which he named Pras?owia?skie motywy architektoniczne (Polish: Early Slavic Architectural Motifs).[61] His work was published in 1923, by a publishing house that was then based in the D?bniki district of Kraków.[61] The symbol can also be found on embroidery and pottery in most Slavic countries.

Sex and Punishment: Four Thousand Years of Judging Desire Kindle Edition by Eric Berkowitz (Author)
the “raging frenzy” of the sex drive, to use Plato’s phrase, has always defied control. However, that’s not to say that the Sumerians, Victorians, and every civilization in between and beyond have not tried, wielding their most formidable weapon: the law. At any given point in time, some forms of sex were condoned while others were punished mercilessly. Jump forward or backward a century or two (and often far less than that), and the harmless fun of one time period becomes the gravest crime in another. Judging Desire tells the story of the struggle throughout the millennia to regulate the most powerful engine of human behavior.
Domestic (sexual) violence comes from (religious) patriarchy state, around 5500 BCE/3100 BCE, before 1000's of years of Nature-, Ancestor-, Mothergoddess- and Sun worship, when people still looked at Nature and lived accordingly. (Mother Earth, Mother Nature, Mother Sun). Oldest mothergoddess figure is dated 833.000 BCE.

Patriarchy took people away from Nature and was more abstract (most using a male Sun abstract God like Christianity) and with state, also reason of war. Since the rise of the state some 5,000 years ago, military activity has occurred over much of the globe. The advent of gunpowder and the acceleration of technological advances led to modern warfare. According to Conway W. Henderson, "One source claims that 14,500 wars have taken place between 3500 BC and the late 20th century, costing 3.5 billion lives, leaving only 300 years of peace (Beer 1981: 20)."

See also Origins of War, Violence in Prehistory, 2005, Jean Guilaine and Jean Zammit

The problem of domestic & sexual violence against females and WAR is 1000's of years old and started with ALL patriarchial religions, depending on region 5500/3500 BCE. Just read Origins of War, Violence in Prehistory, 2005, Jean Guilaine and Jean Zammit(Authors) -Sex and Punishment: Four Thousand Years of Judging Desire Kindle Edition by Eric Berkowitz (Author). Before people worshipped Mother Earth, Mother Nature, Mother Sun and their ancestors and domestic & sexual violence AND WAR didn't happen. Females even young ones had a high status, being being representatives of "the Mother", and like Sun only ones giving life. That was reflected in the rituals. And for all those "pervy" men, that time, life,worship and rituals were all about sex, cause sex meant life.. But women weren't regarded as sluts, it were the females who were the players. Men, look what we have lost with those "fucking" patriarchal religions... (pun intended)
about violence/war and from that domestic/sexual violence as a society/education problem and where it all came from : (religious) patriarchy.

So there's no religion of peace, cause all present religions are patriarchial, and all from a single source if you look into history of religion.

I could also have mentioned religious violence, and then most will think of IS, but then again on their behavior towards women, and I don't have to remind anyone of Inquisition, witchhunt and the killing of Völva, holy women in Viking culture, in the course of Christianization, which also led to an extreme polarization of the role of females in Germanic society.

3 Islam and Quran no english translations? Only turkish?

Muazzez ?lmiye Ç?? works orginal title

“Zaman Tüneliyle Sümer'e Yolculuk” (1993) (Geni?letilmi? 2. bask? 1998) “Kur'an, ?ncil ve Tevrat'?n Sümer'deki Kökeni” (1995) “Sümerli Ludingirra - Geçmi?e Dönük Bilimkurg”u (1996) “?brahim Peygamber- Sümer Yaz?lar?na ve Arkeolojik Buluntulara Göre” (1997) “?nanna'n?n A?k? - Sümer'de ?nanç ve Kutsal Evlenme” (1998) “Hititler ve Hattu?a - ??tar'?n Kaleminden” (2000) “G?lgame? - Tarihte ?lk Kral Kahraman” (2000) “Ortado?u Uygarl?k Miras?” (2002) “Ortado?u Uygarl?k Miras? 2” (2003) “Sümer Hayvan Masallar?” (2003) “Atatürk Dü?ünüyor” (2003) “Bereket Kültü ve Mabet Fahi?eli?i” (2005) “Vatanda?l?k Tepkilerim” (2005) “Uygarl???n Kökeni Sümerliler 1- Tarihte ?lk Edebi Eserlerden Seçmeler” (2007)

works english gt titles "Journey through Time Sumerian Tunnel" (1993) (expanded 2nd edition, 1998) "The Koran, the Bible and the Sumerian origin of the Torah" (1995) "Sumerian Ludingirr to - retroactive science fiction" (1996) "According to Ibrahim prophets Sumerian writing and Archaeological Finds" (1997) "Inanna's Love - the Sumerian religion and the Holy Marriage" (1998) "the Hittites and Hattu?a - the Ishtar of the pen" (2000) "Gilgamesh - History in the first King heroes "(2000) " the Middle East Civilization Heritage "(2002)" the Middle East Civilization Heritage 2 "(2003), " Sumer Animal Tales "(2003) " think Lincoln "(2003) " fertility cult and temple prostitution "(2005) " Citizen Response My "(2005)

" the Origin of the Sumerian civilization 1- History Selections from the first Literary Works "(2007)

1995: Kur'an, ?ncil ve Tevrat'?n Sümer'deki Kökeni [The Origins of the Koran, the Bible and the Torah in Sumer]

2005: Bereket Kültü ve Mabet Fahi?eli?i [Cult of Fertility and Holy Prostitution] and Prophet said Jews, Christians and Muslims are people of the BOOK not books! Or are you a infidel, a non-believer? Prophet said the same as Tom Holland and Turkish scientists Muazzez_?lmiye_Ç??, last wrote all present and lot of past came from Sumer in her book 1995: Kur'an, ?ncil ve Tevrat'?n Sümer'deki Kökeni [The Origins of the Koran, the Bible and the Torah in Sumer] . Btw Quran was not "born" in Mecca but in Syria, on the trips of Prophet with his uncle to Bahira. Yazidi's are link between western and eastern religions, cause he kept parts of their oldest in their rituals for everyone to see.

Before religious patriarchy there was nature-mothergodess-sun-ancestor worship and it was a time of peace, according scientists war-religious patriarchy and statehood started between 5500/3500 BCE. "Marrying" young girls is a ancient Middle East/North-Africa custom that was incorporated in Jewish and Muslim religions, in Islam it's given as example given by the Prophet, so like it's approved by "God". In Jewish writings you see that they even allow (by "God" again) sex with girls as young as 3, as long as it's a Jew with a gentile/infidel (nonbeliever), in christian writings you will find that and polygamy in Old Testament (plagerism from Jewish writing) also, not in New Testament. Islam and Judaism are closer in customs together.

The Myth of Arab-Muslim civilization Science is based on law of cause and effect, and on law contradiction , ISLAM isn't... Why We Are Afraid, A 1400 Year Secret, by Dr Bill Warner

The history of Islam in Europe and how it effects us to this day. This is a history based on numbers and facts that you may not see anywhere else and explains why we may be afraid to see Islam for what it is based on its own doctrine and practice.

2 Christianity
Yeshu was a common name in Palestine, Thorah describes a Yeshu who in 100 BCE was conivicted/hanged on Easter for sorcercy (magican) and sexual offenses. Simon of Peraea who lived from 4 BCE to 15 CE and was killed by Romans cause he acted as a bandit , seems Catholics put a lot of stories together
The more dangerous or Christianity - Who Benefits 10 Commandments? Writing about Christianity is difficult - the theme of this large, ambiguous, and many - still too painful. So you have to choose words carefully and to mitigate some points that should be said more harshly.

The golden Rule is base 10 commandments Do for one who may do for you, / That you may cause him thus to do." - The Tale of the Eloquent Peasant 109-110, Ancient Egypt, 1970- 1640 BCE. What is hateful to you, do not do to your fellow,(rabbi Hiliel 70BCE) later known as the Ten Commandments)

Christianity comes from persian Manichism (gave us Good and Evil duality and Hell/Satan), Zarahoestra, Mithras (they had SUN-day as day of worship, sunworship is base of abrahamic religion they got also from egyptians) and ofc taking Thorah as Old Testament, but they forgot to give Jaweh his wife Aserah.

Feel lucky Jews have 613 commandments, and muslims even more As the Bible looks at women

easy to explain, but present (religious) patriarchy dogma's prevent wide acceptance
they're fighting which religion is the most peacefull there is at present no right..true one, religious patriarchy (man-god) started also wars, before that there were NO wars when people worshipped nature-ancestors- sun-mothers(goddess), and I say that being man myself :-) Babylonisches im Neuen Testament by Jeremias, Alfred, 1864-1935 Publication date 1905

1 Judaism
Where Judaism, Christianity and Islam are based on ;The Old Testament in the light of the ancient East - manual of Biblical archaeology Die Panbabylonisten der alte Orient und die Aegyptische Religion I The Old Testament in the light of the ancient East : manual of Biblical archaeology by Jeremias, Alfred, 1864-1935,Publication date 1911 II The Old Testament in the light of the ancient East
by Jeremias, Alfred, 1864-1935; Johns, C. H. W. (Claude Hermann Walter), 1857-1920; Beaumont, C. L., Mrs., tr Publication date 1911

Ancient Hebrew Seals by Reifenberg, A.Publication date 1948 and where they copied it from

Shlomo Sand de invention of the Jewish people

The non-excisting secular Jew is his 3rd

hebrew goddess

religion of the Semites

Semitic is NOT a race-, and NOT a faith/believe definition but a LANGUAGE defenition so anti-semetic meaning anti-jew or even anti-israeli has NO meaning whatsoever.. And Jew is not a race either, it's a religion !
The Bible and archaeology

Main articles: The Bible and history The Bible and history and Biblical archaeology According to one of the world'ss leading biblical archaeologists, William G. Dever Archaeology certainly doesn't prove literal readings of the Bible;It calls them into question, and thats what bothers some people. Most people really think that archaeology is out there to prove the Bible. No archaeologist thinks so. From the beginnings of what we call biblical archeology, perhaps 150 years ago, scholars, mostly western scholars, have attempted to use archeological data to prove the Bible. And for a long time it was thought to work. William F. Albright, the great father of our discipline, often spoke of the “archeological revolution.Well, the revolution has come but not in the way that Albright thought. The truth of the matter today is that archeology raises more questions about the historicity of the Hebrew Bible and even the New Testament than it provides answers, and thats very disturbing to some people. Dever also wrote:

Archaeology as it is practiced today must be able to challenge, as well as confirm, the Bible stories. Some things described there really did happen, but others did not. The biblical narratives about Abraham
probably reflect some historical memories of people and places, but the larger than life portraits of the Bible are unrealistic and contradicted by the archaeological evidence.
I am not reading the Bible as Scripture… I am in fact not even a theist. My view all along—and especially in the recent books—is first that the biblical narratives are indeed stories, often fictional and almost always propagandistic, but that here and there they contain some valid historical information

                                -------------------------------------------- Tel Aviv University archaeologist Ze'ev Herzog wrote in the Haaretz newspaper:

This is what archaeologists have learned from their excavations in the Land of Israel: the Israelites were never in Egypt, did not wander in the desert, did not conquer the land in a military campaign and did not pass it on to the 12 tribes of Israel. Perhaps even harder to swallow is that the united monarchy of David and Solomon, which is described by the Bible as a regional power, was at most a small tribal kingdom. And it will come as an unpleasant shock to many that the God of Israel, EL later YHWH, had a female consort (Aserah) and that the early Israelite religion adopted monotheism only in the waning period of the monarchy and not at Mount Sinai.


Archeology on "Jewish" Bible, no evidence | Bible remove from jewish bookshelf Professor Israel Finkelstein who is known as the father of biblical archaeology, told the Jerusalem Post that Jewish archaeologists have found no historical or archaeological evidence to back the biblical narrative on The Exodus the Jews wandering in Sinai or Book of Joshua conquest of Canaan. On the alleged Temple of Solomon, Finkelstein said that there is no archaeological evidence to prove it really existed. Professor Yoni Mizrahi, an independent archaeologist who has worked with the International Atomic Energy Agency, agreed with Israel Finkelstein Regarding The Exodus
of Israelites from Egypt,

Egyptian archaeologist Zahi Hawass said:

“Really, it’s a myth. This is my career as an archaeologist. I should tell them the truth. If the people are upset, that is not my problem.”
More critical scholars see the nativity stories either as completely fictional accounts,[40] or at least constructed from traditions that predate the Gospels. So Palestine is NOT the Holy Land of Jews - Israeli's, THEY are not the chosen ones. And no SUMER is not Israel!

older religions:
                       ========================== (one of sources Christianity) ---- --- (one of sources Christianity- service on SUN-day) 1177 BC: The Year Civilization Collapsed (Eric Cline, PhD) ------------------------------------------


A History of Women in Russia: From Earliest Times to the Present
Children inherit their intelligence from their mother not their father, say scientists |always thought that :-) #iamnotafraidtosayit
to be added to this and its mirrors: Eva is the Primal Sex As nature boys and girls designed