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AuthorTopic: THE SWASTIKA, THE EARLIEST KNOWN SYMBOL, by Wilson, Thomas, 1832-1902/1896  (Read 18564 times)

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leaves or small wings. The points of the omega are generally changed
into small circles, leaves, or trefoil; and the disk itself is placed on a
pedestal. From its lower arc there fall two spires like serpents’ tails
with the ends curving, sometimes up and sometimes down. This is a
very complex symbol. None of the Buddhist texts give any positive
information in regard to its origin or meaning, and few symbols have
given rise to more varied explanations. The upper part of the figure
is frequently found separated from the lower; sometimes this is plainly
a trident superposed upon a disk-shaped nucleus. The trident may
possibly have symbolized the flash of lightning, as did Neptune’s trident
among the Greeks, but more probably it is the image of the solar radia-
tion. Among the northern Buddhists it personifies the heaven of pure
flame superposed upon the heaven of the sun. Though undoubtedly a
Hindu emblem, Its primitive shape seems to have early felt the influence
of the cadueeus, while its more complex forms exhibit a likeness to
certain types of the winged globe. Still later the trisula was converted
by Brahmanism into an anthropoid figure, and became the image of
Jagenath. The vegetable kingdom was also laid under contribution,
and the trisula came into a resemblance of the tree of knowledge.
Although we have learned the probable signification of its factors in the
creeds that preceded Buddhism, we know very little about its meaning
in the religion that used it most, but it is a symbol before which mil-
lions have bowed in reverence. The plastic development of the trisula
shows with what facility emblems of the most dissimilar origin may
merge into each other when the opportunity of propinquity is given,
and there is sufficient similarity in form and meaning.

The double-headed eagle on the escutcheon of Austria and Russia.—
Count D’Alviella tells the history of the migration of the symbol of
the double-headed eagle on the escutcheon of Austria and Russia. It
was originally the type of the Garuda bird of southern India, found on
temple sculptures, in carved wood, on embroideries, printed and woven
cloths, and on amulets. It first appears on the so-called Ilittite sculp-
tures at Eyuk, the ancient Pteria in Phrygia. In 1217 it appeared on
the coins and standards of the Turkoman conquerors of Asia Minor.

In 1227-28 the Emperor Frederick li undertook the si.xth crusade,
landing at Acre in the latter year, and being crowned King of Jerusa
lem in 1229. Within thirty years from these dates the symbol appeared
on the coins of certain Flemish princes, and in 1345 it replaced the
single-headed eagle on the armorial bearing of the liolyBoman Empire.
Thus, the historic evidence of the migration of this symbol, from the far
east to the nations of the west by direct contact, would seem complete.

The lion rampant of Belgium.—This lion was incorporated into the
Percy or Northumberland escutcheon by the marriage of Joceline of
Louvain, the second son of Godfrey, the Duke of Brabant, to Agnes, the
sister and heir of all the Percys. The Counts of Flanders, Brabant, and
Louvain bore as their coat of arms the lion rampant facing to the left,


which is the present coat of arms of the King of Belgium. The story
is thus told in Burke’s “ Peerage” (1895): Agnes de Percy married Joce-
line of Louvain, brother of Queen Adeliza, second wife of Henry I, and
son of Godfrey Barbalus, Duke of Lower Brabant and Count of Brabant,
who was descended from the Emperor Charlemagne. Her ladyship, it
is stated, would only consent, however, to this great alliance upon con-
dition that Joeeline should adopt either the surname or arms of Percy,
the former of which, says the old family tradition, he accordingly
assumed, and retained his own paternal coat in order to perpetuate
his claim to the principality of liis father, should the elder line of the
reigning duke become extinct. The matter is thus stated in the old
pedigree at Sion House: “The ancient arms of Hainault this Lord
Jocelyn retained, and gave his children the surname of Percy.”

The migration of this lion rampant is interesting. It was in the
twelfth century the coat of arms of the King of Albania. Phillippe
d’Alsace, the eldest son of Thierry d’Alsace, was Count of Flanders,
sixteenth in succession, tracing his ancestry back to G21 A. D. The
original and ancient coat of arms of the Counts of Flanders consisted
of a small shield in the center of a larger one, with a sunburst of six
rays. Phillippe d’Alsace reigned as Count of Flanders and Brabant
from 11GS to 1190 A. D. He held an important command in two cru-
sades to the Holy Land. During a battle in one of these crusades, he
killed the King of Albania in a hand-to-hand conflict, and carried off
his shield with its escutcheon of the lion rampant, which Phillippe
transferred to his own shield, took as his own coat of arms, and it has
been since that time the coat of arms of the Counts of Flanders and
Brabant, and is now that of Belgium. The lion in the escutcheon
can thus be traced by direct historic evidence through Northumberland,
Flanders and Louvain back to its original owner, the King of Albania,
in the twelfth century. Thus is the migration of the symbol traced by
communication and contact, and thus are shown the possibilities in this
regard which go far toward invalidating, if they do not destroy, the
presumption of separate invention in those cases wherein, because of
our ignorance of the facts, we have invoked the rule of separate

Greek art and architecture.—It has come to be almost a proverb in sci-
entific investigation that we argue from the known to the unknown.
We might argue from this proverb in favor of the migration of the
Swastika symbol and its passage from one people to another by the
illustration of the Greek fret, which is in appearance closely related to
the Swastika; and, indeed, we might extend the illustration to all
Greek architecture. It is a well-known fact, established by number-
less historic evidences, that the Greek architecture of ancient times
migrated—that is, passed by communication and contact of peoples,
and by transfer of knowledge from one man to another, and from one
generation to the succeeding generation, until it became known through-


out all western countries. The architects of Borne, Vicenza, Paris,
London, Philadelphia, Washington, Chicago, and San Francisco derive
their knowledge of Grecian architecture in its details of Doric, Ionic,
and Corinthian styles by direct communication, either spoken, written
or graphic, from the Greek architects who practiced, if they did not
invent, these styles.

The Greek fret.—This has migrated in the same manner. As to its
invention or origin, wu~‘Tlavelitile to do in the present argument.

Whether the fret was the ancestor or the descendant of the Swastika
is of no moment to our present question. It has been demonstrated in
the early part of this paper that both it and the Swastika had a com-
mon existence in early if not prehistoric Greece, and that botirwere
employed in^peJiehteiVlbrm on the same specimen of Archaic Greeks"
pottery. F,ig^jL33 and 134 demonstrate that these two signs migrated
together from (jfeece to Egypt, for the particular specimen mentioned
was found at Naukratis, Egypt. From this high antiquity the Greek
fret has migrated to practically every country in the world, and lias
been employed during all historic tfineTiy the peoples of every civiliza-
tion. The fret is known 11istoricallvlabave-na^sedJhv means of teachers,
either through speaking, writing, or drawing, and never yet a sugges-
tion that its existence or appearance in distant countries depended
upon separate invention or independent discovery.

Why strain at the gnat of independent invention of the Swastika 1
when we are compelled to swallow the camel of migration when applied /
to the Greek fret and architecture? The same proposition of migra-
tion applies to Greek art, whether of sculpture, engraving, or gem
carving. These ancient Grecian arts are as well known in all quarters
of the civilized globe at the present day as they were in their own
country, and this was all done by communication between peoples either
through speaking, writing, or drawing. So far from being separate
inventions, the modern sculptor or engraver, with full historic knowl-
edge of the origin or, at least, antiquity of these arts, and with an
opportunity for inspection and study of the specimens, is still unable to
reproduce them or to invent original works of so high an order. The
imaginary and newly invented theory that culture is the result of the
psychologic nature of man manifesting itself in all epochs and coun-
tries, and among all peoples, by'the evolution of some new di^ov eryQtUJ
made to jit a-hum an need—that as all human needs in a given stage are ^v
the same, therefore all human culture* must, per se. pass through the
same phases or stages—is a theory to which I refuse adhesion. It
receives a hard blow when we take down the bars to the modern sculp-
tor, requiring of him neither original invention nor independent discov-
ery, but permitting him to use, study, adapt, and even servilely copy
the great Greek art works, and we know that with all these opportuni-
ties and advantages he can not attain to their excellence, nor reach
their stage of art culture.


VII.—Prehistoric Objects associated with the Swastika,


• ry Migration.


Spindle-whorls arc first to be considered. These are essentially pre-
historic utensils, and are to be found in every part of the world where
the inhabitants were sufficiently cultured to make twisted threads or
.^/cords, whether for hunting or fishing, games, textile fabrics, or cover-
ings, either for themselves, their tents, or other purposes. In western
Asia, all of Europe, in the pueblos of North America, and among the
aborigines—by whatever name they are called—of Mexico, Central
America, and the north and west coast of South America, wherever
the aborigines employed cord, cloth, or fiber, the spindle-whorl is found.
"Where they used skins for the coverings of themselves or their tents,
the spindle-whorl may not be found. Thus, in the Eskimo land, and
among certain of the North American savages, spindle-whorls are rarely
if ever found.

. The spindle-who^l was equally in use in Europe and Asia during the
v Neolithic Age as in tin1, Bronze Age. It continued in use among the
peasants in remote and outlying districts into modern times. During
the Neolithic- Age its materials were stone and terra cotta; during the
Bronze Age they were almost exclusively terra cotta. They are found
of both materials. Decently a Gallo-Roman tornlTwas opened at Cler-
mont-Ferrand and found to contain the skeleton of a young woman,
and with it her spindles and whorls.1

The existence of spindle-whorls in distant and widely separated
v/countries affords a certain amount of presumptive evidence of migra-
tions of peoples from one country to another, or of contact or com-
munication between them. If the people did not themselves migrate
and settle the new country, taking the spindle-whorls and other objects
with them, then the spindle-wliorl itself, or the knowledge of how to
make and use it, must in some other way have gotten over to the new

This argument of migration, contact, or communication does not
rest solely on the similarity of the whorls in the distant countries,
but equally on the fact of spinning thread from the fiber; and this
argument is reenforced by the similarity of the operation and of the
^tool or machine with which it was done. It has been said elsewhere
that the probability of communication between widely separated
peoples by migration or contact depended for its value as evidence, in
some degree, upon the correspondence or similarity of the object con-
sidered, and that this value increased with the number of items of corre-
spondence, the closeness of similarity, the extent of the occurrence,
and the difficulty of its performance. So we pass to the similarity in
size, appearance, mode of manufacture, and, finally, the use of the
whorls of the two continents.

1 Bull. Soc. d’Aiithrop., Paris, October, 1893, p. GOO.



Switzerland—Lake dwellings.—Figs. 345 and 340 show stone spindle-
wliorls from prehistoric Swiss lake dwellings. These are in the U. S.
National Museum, and with them are dozens of others of the same kind

Figs. 345 ami 34G.



Swiss lake dwellings.

U. S. National Museum.

and style from all other parts of Europe. Fig. 347 shows a stone spindle-
whorl from Lund, Sweden. It is in the U. S. National Museum and
was contributed by Professor J illson. Figs. 348, 34b, and 350 represent
terra-cotta spindle-whorls from the Swiss lakes. These specimens were

Neolithic.   Neolithic or llronzo Age.

Lund, Sweden.   Swiss lake dwellings.

Cat. No. 51**1, U. S. N. M.   Cat. No. 100(542, U. S. N. M.

selected to show the different patterns, to illustrate their unlikeness
•instead of their likeness, to give an understanding of the various kinds
of Avhorls rather than that they Avere all one kind, a fad Avhieh should be
kept in mind during this argument.


Italy.—Figs. 351, 352, and 353 show terra-cotta spindle-whorls from
Orvieto, Italy, 78 miles north from Koine. Figs. 351 and 355 represent

Neolithic or Bronze Age.
Swiss lake dwellings.

Cat. Xo.-100(54 2, V. S. N. M.

Fig. 350.

Swiss lako dwellings.

Cat. No. 100047, l\ S. N. M.

spindle-whorls from Oorneto, Italy, 03 miles north from Rome. As
remarked above, they have been chosen to represent the different kinds.

_   _   There are thou-

sands of these
whorls found in
Italy. In the
Arelneo logical
Exposition at
Turin, 1884, the number was so
great tha t they were twined about
the columns, thereby providing
a place of storage as well as a
place of display.

Wiirtembury.—Dr. Charles Ran
procured for, and there is now in,
the U. S. National Museum a
spindle (fig. 35G) with its whorl
which had been in use for spin-
ning from 18G0 to 1870, and which
he obtained in Wurtemburg, Germany, from the woman who had used it.
Frame.—The author has seen the French peasants in Brittany spin-

Figs. 351,3512, and 353.


Orvieto, Italy.

Cut. Noh, 101(57 1, 101(572, U. S. N. M.

Figs. 354 and 355.
Corneto, Italy.

Cat. No. 101773, U. S. N. M.

ning their thread in the same way, and once took a photograph of one
in the hamlet of Pont-Aven, Morbihan, but it failed in development.
 Report of National Museum, 1894.—Wilson.

Plate 21.

Spindle-whorls of Modern Porcelain from Southern France.

Cat. No. 169598, U. S. N. M.


In 1893 Mr. Hiirle purchased at St. Gerons, Ardeche, a merchant’s
entire stock of modern porcelain spindle-whorls. The manufactory was
located at Martres-Tolosane, and the trade extended throughout the
Pyrenees. H e presented a series to the Soeiete d’An-
tliropologie at Paris, July, 1893.1

The U. S. National Museum has lately received,
through the kindness of the It)cole d’Anthropologie, a
series of nine of these porcelain whorls (pi. 21). The
wheel and modern machines for spinning have pene-
trated this corner of the world, and these whorls are W
the last emblem of an industry dating slightly after7
the advent of man on earth and already old in that
locality when Poland crossed the mountain pass
near there and sounded his uO!iphant,” calling for
help from Charlemagne. These are the death chant
of the industry of hand spinning in that country.


The North American Indians employed rushes and
animal skins as the principal coverings for them-
selves and their tents. They used sinews and thongs
for thread and cord, and thus avoided largely the
necessity for spinning fiber or making textiles; for
these or possibly other reasons, we find few spindle-
whorls among them compared with the number
found in Europe. Yet the North American Indians
made and used textile fabrics, and there are pieces
of woven cloth from mounds in Ohio now in
the Department of Prehistoric Anthropology, U. S.

National Museum. The Pueblo Indians spun thread
and wove elotli in pre-Columbian times, and those
within the States of Colorado and Utah and the
adjoining Territories of Arizona and New Mexico,
particularly the Navajoes, have been long noted
for their excellence in producing textile fabrics.

Specimens of their looms and thread are on dis-
play in the National Museum and have been pub-
lished in the reports. Special attention is called
to that by Dr. Washington Matthews in the Third
Annual lieport of the Bureau of Ethnology, 1881-82.

Dr. Matthews is of the opinion that the work of the
Pueblo Indians antedated that of the Navajoes, that the latter learned
the art from the former since the advent of the Spaniards; and he re-
marks that the pupils now excel their masters in the beauty and quality
of their work. He declares that the art of weaving has been carried
to greater perfection among the Navajoes than among any native
tribe in America north of the Mexican boundary; while with none in the
entire continent has it been less influenced by contact with Europeans.

Fig. 35li

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Wiirtemlmrg, Germany.

Bull. Goc. (l’Aiitlu-opv. Paris, pp. 461-462,


The superiority of the Navajo to the Pueblo work results not only from
a constant advance of the weavers’ art among the former, but from a
deterioration of it among the latter. This deterioration among the
Pueblo Indians he attributes to their contact with the whites, their
inclination being to purchase rather than to make woven fabrics, while
these influences seem not to have affected the Navajoes. lie repre-
sents a Navajo woman spinning (see
pi. 22 of the present paper). She is
seated, and apparently whorls the
spindle by rubbing it on her leg.
The spindle is of wood, as are all other
spindles, but the whorl is also of
wood. In this these people are pecul-
iar and perhaps unique. The whorl,
among most other savage or prehis-
toric peoples, as we have already seen,
was of stone or clay. These wooden
whorls are thinner and larger, but
otherwise they are the same. An
inspection of the
plate will show that
with it the spinning
apparatus forms the
same machine, ac-
complishes the same
purpose, and does
it in the same way.
The sole difference
is in the size and ma-
terial of the whorl.
The difference in
material accounts
for the difference in
size. It is not im-
probable that the
Indian discovered
that the wooden
whorl would serve as well as a stone or pottery one, and that it was
easier made. The machine in the hands of the woman, as shown in
the figure, is larger than usual, which may be accounted for by the
thread of wool fiber used by the Navajo being thicker and occupying
more space than the flaxen thread of prehistoric times; so it may have
been discovered that a large whorl of wood served their purpose better
than a small one of stone. Stone whorls of large size might be too
heavy. Thus may be explained the change from small stone or pottery
whorls to large wooden ones.

Mexico,—Fig. 357 represents the two sides and edge of a pottery terra-
cotta spindle-whorl. It is the largest of a series of six (Oat. Nos.

Fig. 357.

Valley of Mexico.

Cat. No. i'7JS75, U. S. N. M.
 Report of National Museum, 1894.—Wilson.

Plate 22,

Navajo Woman Using Spindle and Whorl.

Dr. Washington Matthews, Third Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology, 1881-82, PI. xxxiv.










27875-27880) from the valley of Mexico, sent to the U. S. National
Museum by the Mexican National Museum in 1877. Fig. 35S also rep-
resents one of a series from Mexico, obtained by W. W. Blake, July,
1880 (Cat. Nos. 99051-99050). The National Museum possesses hun-
dreds of these from Mexico, as well as the small ones from Peru.


These specimens are chosen because they are the largest and most
elaborately decorated. It will be perceived at a glance how the style
of decoration lends itself to the Swastika. It consists mostly of geo-
metric figures, chief of which is the Greek fret, the labyrinth, the
circle, and the volute, but as in the color stamps (pp. 94(5-947) there is
no Swastika.


Nicaragua.—The specimen shown in fig. 359, from Omotepe Island,
Lake Nicaragua, is one of a series of pottery spindle-whorls, bearing,


Omotepe Island, Nicaragua.

Cat. Nos. 28893, 28899, U. S. N. M.

however, great resemblance to those of stone. Fig. 360 shows a speci-
men from the same locality. It is of pottery and bears much resem-


bianco in form to the earliest whorls found by Scliliemann on the site
of Troy on the hill of Hissarlik. Both these were collected by Dr. J.
F. Bransford, and are in the U. S. National Museum. Fig. 3G1 shows
a specimen from Granada, Nicaragua. It is of the common shape of
the European prehistoric spindle-whorl. Its Hat surface is decorated


Granada, Nicaragua.

Oat. No.   V. S. N. M.

Fig. 362.

Malanatn, Nicaragua.

Cal. No. 20000, U. S. N. M.

with a Greek cross in incised lines, two quarters of which are tilled
with hatch marks. Fig. 3G2 shows a terra cotta spindle-whorl from
Malaeate, Nicaragua. It is cone-shaped. Both these specimens were
collected by Dr. Earl Flint.


Chiri<fiii.—Figs. 30 >, 304, and 305 show terra-cotta spindle-whorls
from Ohiriqui, the most northern territory in South America and
adjoining the Isthmus of Panama. They are engraved natural size,
with ornamentation similar to that on the pottery of that country.

shows a cone-shaped terra-cotta whorl from
Manizales, Colombia, South America. It has
a star-shaped design on the face and a three-
line zigzag or chevron pattern.

Pern.—Plate 23 represents a series of spin-
dles and whorls from Peru. They were fur-
nished to the U. S. National Museum by I. V.
Norton, of Plainville, N. Y. The whorls were
originally considered to be beads, and were
without further description. The spindles were
not inserted in them as at present. The spin-
dles, as well as whorls, are exceedingly small.
Some of the whorls are decorated by incised
lines in the clay, and many of the spindles are
decorated in the middle with paint iu different colors, in lines, scrolls, and
chevrons. These are the only whorls from Peru which the U. S. National
Museum has, tlfough it possesses an extensive series of the spindles,
several of which still have the spun thread wrapped upon them.

There are certain distinguishing peculiarities to be remarked when

Colombia.—Fig. 3GG

Fig. 363.



Sixth Animal Report of the Burea-i of Eth-
nology, fig. 218.
 Report of National Museum, 1 894.—Wilson.

Plate 23.

Series of Aboriginal Spindles and Whorls from Peru.
Cat. No. 17510, U. S. N. M.


comparing the spindle-whorls from the Western Hemisphere with those
from the Eastern Hemisphere. There is greater diversity in size, form,
and decoration in the American than in the European whorls. A series
of European whorls from any given locality will afford a fair represen-

Fig. 364.



Sixth Animal Report of the Bureau of Ethnology,
tip. 219.

Fig. 365.



Sixth Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology,
fig. 220.

tation of those from almost every other locality. But it is different
with the American specimens. Each section in America has a differ-
ent style, not only different from the European specimens, but different
from those of neighboring sections. Among the eighteen thousand
whorls found by Dr. Schliemann on the hill of Hissarlik, there is


Maiiizalcs, Colombia.

Cat. No. I683k, U. S. N. M.

scarcely one so large as those here shown from Mexico, while, on the
other hand, there were only a few as small as the largest of the series
from Peru. The difference in size and material in the Pueblo whorls
has already been noticed. The ornamentation is also peculiar in that
it adoj)ts, not a particular style common to the utensil, but that it


adopts the styles of the respective countries. The Mexican whorl lias
a Mexican style of ornamentation, etc. The Nicaragua specimens
resemble the European more than any other from America in their
forms and the almost entire absence of decoration.

The foregoing are the differences; but with all the number and extent
of these differences the fact remains that the whorls of the two hemi-
spheres are practically the same, and the differences are insignificant.
In style, shape, and manner of use they arc so similar in the two hemi-
spheres as to be the same invention. The whorls, when put ivpon their
spindles, form the same machine in both countries. They were intended
for and they accomplish the same purpose, and the method of their
performance is practically the same. While the similarity of the art of
spinning and the mechanism (?'. e., the spindle and whorl) by which it is
accomplished may not prove conclusively that it migrated from the
Eastern Hemisphere, nor yet show positive connection or communica-
tion between the two peoples, it goes a long way toward establishing
such migration or communication. The similarity in the art and its
mechanism appears to the author to show such resemblance with the
like culture in the Eastern Hemisphere, and is so harmonious with
the theory of migration or contact or communication, that if there shall
be other objects found which either by their number or condition would
prove to be a well-authenticated instance of migration from or contact
or communication between the countries, the evidence of the similarity
of the spindle-whorls would form a valuable addition to and largely
increase the evidence to establish the main fact. Until that piece of
well-authenticated evidence has been obtained, the question must, so
far as concerns spindle-whorls, remain only a probability. The differ-
ences between them are of manner, and not of matter; in size and
degree, but not in kind, and are not other or greater than might easily
arise from local adaptation of an imported invention. Compare the
Navajo spindle (pi. 22) with that from Wurtemburg, Germany (fig. 35G),
and these with the spindles and whorls from Peru (pi. 23). These facts
are entirely in harmony with the possibility that the spindle and whorl,
as a machine tor spinning, was a single invention, and that its slight
differentiations resulted from its employment by different peoples—the
result of its intertribal migrations. For purposes of comparison, and
to show the similarity of these objects in Europe, the author has intro-
duced a series of spindle-whorls from Troy, Ilissarlik (pis. 24 and 2o).
These belong to the U. S. National Museum, and form part of the valu-
able collection from Mine. Schliemann, the gift by her talented husband
to the people of the United States as a token of his remembrance and
grateful feelings toward them.
 Report of National Museum, 1894,—Wilson.

Plate 24

Selected Specimens of Spindle-whorls from the Third, Fourth, and Fifth Cities

of Troy.

U. S. National Museum.







 Report of National Museum, 1894.—Wilson.

Plate 25,

Selected Specimens of Spindle-whorls from the Third, Fourth, and Fifth Cities

of Troy.

U. S. National Museum.
 \ I







We liave already seen how an increase in the number of correspond-
ences Jifitween. objects.- from, distant countries Tnereases~the weight
of their evidence in favor of contact or communication between the
peoples. If it should be found upon comparison that the bobbins
on which thread
is to be wound,
as well as the
spindle-wh o r Is
with which it is
made, had been iio
use during1 preliis-jj
toric times in thev
two hemispheres,
it would add to
the evidence of
contact or commu-
nication. The U.

S. National Museum

are believed to have been, running1 from

Fig. 367.


Type Villanova.

Coriieto, Italy.

U. S. National Museum.

possesses a series of these bobbins, as they


large to small,

about one dozen specimens ..from—Ltaly, one from Corneto and the

others from Bologna, in which
places many prehistoric spindle
whorls have been found (figs.
307 and 308). These are of the
type Yillanova. The end as
well as the side view is rep-
resented. The former is one
of the largest, the latter of
middle size, with others smaller
forming a graduating series.
The latter is engraved on the
end by dotted incisions in three parallel lines arranged in the form
of a Greek cross. A similar bobbin from Bologna bears the sign
of the Swastika on its end (fig. 193)J It was found by Count Gozzadini
and forms part of his collection in Bologna.


THREAD ( ?).

Typo Villiinova.

Bologna, Italy.

Cat. No. 101771, IT. S. N. M.


The three following figures represent clay and stone bobbins, all
from the State of Kentucky. Fig. 3G9 shows a bobbin elaborately dec-
orated, from a mound near Maysville, Ky. It has a hole drilled longi-

1 Do Mortillet, “Mus6e Prdhistorique,” fig. 1239.

tudinally through the center. The end shows a cross of the Greek
form with this hole in the center of the cross. Tig. 370 shows a sim-
ilar object from Lexington, Ky., sent by the Kentucky University. It

is of fine-grained sand-
stone, is drilled longi-
tudinally through the
center and decorated as
shown. The end view
shows a series of con-
centric circles with rows
of dots in the intervals.
Tig. 371 shows a simi-
lar object of fine-grained
sandstone from Lewis
County, Ky. It is also drilled longitudinally, and is decorated with
rows of zigzag lines as shown. The end view represents four con-
secutive pentagons laid one on top of the other, which increase in
size as they go outward, the
hole through the bobbin
being in the center of
these pentagons, while the
outside line is decorated
with spikes or rays ex-
tending to the periphery
of the bobbin, all of which
is said to represent the
sun. The specimen shown
in lig. 373, of line-grained
sandstone, is from Maysville, Ky. The two ends are here represented
because of the peculiarity of the decoration. In the center is the hole,
next to it is a rude form of Greek cross which on one end is repeated

as it goes farther from the
center; on the other, the dec-
oration consists of three con-
centric circles, one interval of
which is divided by radiat-
ing lines at regular intervals,
each forming a rectangle. Be-
tween the outer lines and the
periphery are four radiating
rays which, if completed all
around, might form a sun
symbol. Bobbins of clay have
been lately discovered in Tlorida by Mr Clarence B. Moore and noted
by Prolessor Holmes.

Thus we And some of the same objects which in Europe were made

Fig. 371.

Lewis County, Kentucky.

Cat. No. 596S1, V. S. X. M.

Fig. 370.

Cat. No. I•!»!!> 1, C. S. N. AI.

Cat. No. Hills, U.S. N. M.


and used by. prehistoric man and which bore the Swastika mark have
migrated to America, also in prehistoric times, where they were put to
the same use and served the same purpose. This is certainly no incon-
siderable testimony in favor of the migration of the sign.

VIIr.—Similar Prehistoric'Arts, Industries, and Implements
in Europe and America as Evidence of tiie Migration of

The prehistoric objects described in the foregoing chapter are not
the only ones common to both Europe and America. Eelated to the
spindle-whorls and bobbins is the art of weaving, and it is perfectly
susceptible of demonstration that this art was practiced in the two
hemispheres in prehistoric times. Woven frabrics have been found


Maysville, Kentucky.

Cat. No. 10747, U. S. X. M.

in the Swiss lake dwellings, in Scandinavia, and in nearly all parts of
Europe. They belonged to_the XooIithhTand Bronze ages.

Figs. 373 and 374 illustrate textile fabrics in theTBronze Age. Both
specimens are from Denmark, and the. National Museum possesses
another specimen (Cat. No. lSGGlI) in all respects similar. While pre-
historic looms may not have been found in Europe to be compared
with the looms of modern savages in America, yet these specimens of
cloth, with the hundreds of others found in the Swiss lake dwellings,
afford the most indubitable proof of the use of the looms in both
countries during i>rehistoric times.

Complementary to this, textile fabrics have been found in America,
from the Pueblo country of Utah and Colorado, south through Mexico,
Central and South America, and of necessity the looms with which they
were made were there also. It is not meant to be said that the looms
of the two hemispheres have been found, or that they or the textile
fabrics are identical. The prehistoric looms have not been found in
Europe, and those in America may have been affected by contact with
the white man. Nor is it meant to be said that the textile fabrics of
II. Mis. 90, pt. 2-----------62


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the two hemispheres are alike in thread, stitch, or pattern. But these
at liest are only details. The great fact remains that the prehistoric
man of the two hemispheres had the knowledge to spin fiber into

[thread, to wind it on bobbins, and
to weave it into fabrics; and what-
ever differences there may have
been in pattern, thread, or cloth,
they were finally and substantially
the same art, and so are likely to
have been the product of the same

While it is not the intention to
continue this examination among
the prehistoric objects of the two
hemispheres in order to show their
similarity and thus prove migra-
tion, contact, or communication, yet
it may be well to mention some of
them, leaving the argument or proof
to a future occasion.

The polished stone hatchets of
the two hemispheres are substan-
tially the same. There are differ-
ences of material, of course, for in
each country the workman was
obliged to use such material as was
obtainable. There are differences
in form between the polished stone
hatchets of the two hemispheres,
but so there are differences between
different localities in the same hem-
isphere. Some hatchets are long,
others short, some round, others
flat, some have a pointed end, others
a square or nearly square or unfin-
ished end; some arc large, others
small. But all these differences
are to be found equally well pro-
nounced within each hemisphere.

Scrapers have also been found in
both hemispheres and in all ages.
There are the same in
material, form, and appearance as
in the polished stone hatchet. There is one difference to be mentioned
of this utensil—i. e., in America the scraper has been sometimes made
with a stem and with notches near the base, after the manner of arrow-

Fig. 373.

woman’s woolen dress found in an oak coffin


Bronze Age.

Report of the Smithsonian Institution (U. S. National Museum),
1K92, pi. ci, fif?. 2.


and spear-heads, evidently intended to aid, as in the arrow- and spear-
head, in fastening the tool in its handle. This peculiarity is not found
in Europe, or, if found, is extremely rare. It is considered that this
may have been caused by the use of a broken arrow- or spear-head,
which seems not to have been done in Europe. But this is still only a
difference in detail, a difference slight and insignificant, one which
occurs seldom and apparently growing out of peculiar and fortuitous

The art of drilling in stone was known over an extended area in
prehistoric times, and we find innumerable examples which must have
been performed in both hemispheres substan-
tially in the same manner and with the same

The art of sawing stone was alike practiced
during prehistoric times in the two hemispheres.

Many specimens have been found in the prehis-
toric deposits of both.

The aboriginal art of making pottery was also
carried on in the same or a similar manner in
both hemispheres. The examples of this art
are as numerous as the leaves on the trees.

There were differences in the manipulation and
treatment, but the principal fact remains that
the art was the same in both countries. Not
only were the products greatly similar,-but the
same style of geometric decoration by incised
lines is common to both. Greater progress in
making pottery was made in the Western than
in the Eastern Hemisphere during prehistoric

The wheel was unknown in both hemispheres,
and in both the manipulation of clay was by
hand. True, in the Western Hemisphere there
was greater dexterity and a greater number of methods employed.
For example, the vase might be built up with clay inside a basket,
which served to give both form and decoration; it was coiled, the
damp clay being made in a string and so built up by a circular move-
ment, drawing the side in or out as the string of clay was laid thereon,
until it reached the top; it may have been decorated by the pressure
of a textile fabric, real or simulated, into the damp clay. A few years
ago it would have been true to have said that pottery decorated in this
manner was peculiar to the Western Hemisphere, and that it had never
been found in the Eastern Hemisphere, but Prince Poutjatine has
lately found on his property, Bologoje, in the province of Novgorod,
midway between Moscow and St. Petersburg, many pieces of prehis-
toric pottery which bear evidence of having been made in this manner,

Fig. 374.



aiul while it may he rare in tlie Eastern Hemisphere, it is similar in
these respeets to thousands of pieces of prehistorie pottery in North

One of the great puzzles for arclnvologists has been the prehistoric
jade implements found in both countries. The raw material of which
these were made has never been found in sufficient quantities to justify
anyone in saying that it is indigenous to one hemisphere and not to the
other. It may have been found in either hemisphere and exported to
the other. But of this we have no evidence except the discovery in
. both of implements made of the same material. This material is dense
and hard. It is extremely difficult to work, yet the operations of saw-
ing, drilling, carving, and polishing appear to have been conducted in
both hemispheres with such similarity as that the result is practically
the same.

,/Prehistoric flint-chipping was also carried on in both hemispheres with
such similarity of results, even when performing the most difficult and
delicate operations, as to convince one that there must have been some
communication between the two peoples who performed them.

, / The bow and arrow is fairly good evidence of prehistoric migration,
V because of the singularities of the form and the intricacies of the
machinery, and because it is probably the earliest specimen of a
machine of two separate parts, by the use of which a missile could be
sent at a greater distance and with greater force than if thrown by
hand. It is possible that the sling was invented as early as the bow
and arrow, although both were prehistorie and their origin unknown.

The bow and arrow was the greatest of all human inventions—greatest
in that it marked man’s first step in mechanics, greatest in adaptation
of means to the end, and as an invented machine it manifested in the
most practical and marked manner the intellectual and reasoning
power of man and his superiority over the brute creation. It, more
than any other weapon, demonstrated the triumph of man over the
brute, recognizing the limitations of human pliysica-l capacity in con-
tests with the brute. With this machine, man first successfully made
up for his deficiency in his contests with his enemies and the capture
of his game. It is useless to ask anything of history about the begin-
nings of the bow and arrow; wherever history appears it records the
prior existence, the almost universal presence, and the perfected use
of the bow and arrow as a weapon. Yet this machine, so strange and
curious, of such intricacy of manufacture and difficulty of successful
performance, had with all its similarities and likenesses extended in
prehistoric times almost throughout the then inhabited globe. It is
useless to specify the time, for the bow and arrow existed earlier than
any time of which we know; it is useless for us to specify places, for
it was in use throughout the world wherever the world was occupied
by neolithic man.

Imitative creature as was man, and slow and painful as were his
steps in progress and in invention during his infancy on earth, when


he knew nothing and had everything yet to learn, it is sufficiently won-
derful that he should have invented the how and arrow as a projectile
machine for his weapons; but it becomes doubly and trebly improba-
ble that he should have made duplicate and independent inventions
thereof in the different hemispheres. If we are to suppose this, why
should we be restricted to a separate invention for each hemisphere,
and why may we not suppose that he made a separate invention for
each country or each distant tribe within the hemisphere? Yet we are
met with the astonishing but, nevertheless, true proposition that
throughout the entire world the bow and arrow existed in the early
times mentioned, and Avas substantially the same machine, made in the
same way, and serving the same purpose.


The argument in this paper on the migration of arts or symbols, and
with them of peoples in prehistoric times, is not intended to be exhaust-
ive. At best it is only suggestive.

There is no direct evidence available by which the migration of sym-
bols, arts, or peoples in prehistoric times can be proved, because the
events are beyond the pal&-o£4dstory. Therefore we are, everybody is,
driven to the secondary evidence of the similarity of conditions and
products, and we can only subject them to our reason and at last deter-
mine the truth from the probabilities. In proportion as the probabili-
ties of migration increase, it more nearly becomes a demonstrated fact.
It appears to the author that the probabilities of the migration of the"*
Swastika to America from the Old World is infinitely greater than that
it was an independent invention.

The Swastika is found in America in such widely separated places,
among such different civilizations, as much separated by time as by
space, that if we have to depend on the theory of separate inventions
to explain its introduction into America we must also depend upon the
same theor^for its introduction into the widely separated parts of
America. £The Swastika of the ancient mound builders of Ohio and
Tennessee is similar in every respect, except material, to that of the
modern Xavajo and Pueblo Indian^ Yet the Swastikas of Mississippi
and Tennessee belong to the oldest civilization we know in Americai
while the Xavajo and Pueblo Swastikas were made by men still living.)
A consideration of the conditions bring out these two curious facts: (1)\
That the Swastika had an existence in America jirior to any historic/
knowledge we have of communication between the two hemispheres;?
but (2) we find it continued in America and used at the present day, )
while the knowledge of it has long since died out in Europe.

The author is not unaware of the new theories concerning the paral-
lelism of human development by which it is contended that absolute
uniformity of man’s thoughts and actions, aims and methods, is pro-
duced when he is in the same degree of development, no matter in
what country or in what epoch he lives. This theory has been pushed


until it lias been said, nothing but geographical environment seems to
modify the monotonous sameness of man’s creations. The author does
not accept this theory, yet he does not here controvert it. It may be
true to a certain extent, but it surel^-has its limitations, and it is only
applicable under special conditions.^ As a general proposition, it might
^yfrpply to races and neooles but not to individuals. If it builds on the
Hereditary human instincts, it does not take into account the will,
energy, and reasoning powers of man. Most of all, it leaves out the
I egoism of man and his selfish desire for power, improvement, and liappi-
\ness, and all their effects, through the individual, on human progress.
In the author’s opinion the progress of peoples through consecutive
stages of civilization is entirely compatible with his belief that knowl-
edge of specific objects, the uses of material things, the performance
of certain rites, the playing of certain games, the possession of cer-
tain myths and traditions, and the carrying on of certain industries,
passed from one country to another by migration of their peoples, or by
contact or communication between them; and that the knowledge, by
separate peoples, of the same things, within reasonable bounds of simi-
ilarity of action and purpose, and with corresponding difficulty of per-
formance, may well be treated as evidence of such migration, contact, or
(jominunieation. Sir John Lubbock expresses the author’s belief when
be says,1 “ There can be no doubt but that man originally crept over
the earth’s surface, little by little, year by year, just, for instance, as the
weeds of Europe are now gradually but surely creeping over the surface
of Australia.” The word migration has been used by the author in
any sense that permitted the people, or any number thereof, to pass
ifrom one country to another country, or from one section of a country
to another section of the same country, by any means or in any num-
/ bers as they pleased or could.

The theory (in opposition to the foregoing) is growing in the United
States that any similarity of culture between the two hemispheres is
held to be proof of migration of peoples. It appears to the author that
these schools both run to excess in propagating their respective theories,
and that the true condition of affairs lies midway between them. That
is to say, there was certain communication between the two hemi-
spheres, as indicated by the similarities in culture and industry, the
objects of which could scarcely have been the result of independent
invention; while there are too many dissimilar arts, habits, customs,
and modes of life belonging to one hemisphere only, not common to
both, to permit us to say there was continuous communication between
them. These dissimilarities were inventions of each hemisphere inde-
pendent of the other.

An illjistiatiomof^hemigration to^Aanericais-the^culture of Greece.
We know that Greek art and architecture enter into and form an
important part of the culture of Americans of the present day; yet

1 “ Prehistoric Man,” p. G01.


the people of America.are-4101 Greek, nor do they possess any consid-
erable share of Greek culture or civilization. They have none of the
blood of the Greeks, nor their physical traits, nor their maimers, habits,
customs, dress, religion, nor, indeed, anything except their sculpture and
architecture. Now, there was undoubtedly communication between the
two countries in so far as pertains to art and architecture; but it is
equally true that there has been no migration of the other elements of
civilization mentioned.

The same thing may be true with regard to the migrations of pre-
historic civilization. There may have been communication between the
countries by which such objects as the polished stone hatchet, the bovfl
and arrow, the leaf-shaped implement, chipped arrow- and spear-heads,
scrapers, spindle-whorls, the arts of pottery making, of weaving, ofJ
drilling and sawing stone, etc., passed from one to the other, and the
same of the Swastika; yet these may all have been brought over in spo-
radic and isolated cases, importing simply the germ of their knowledge,
leaving the industry to be independently worked out on this side. Cer-
tain manifestations of culture, dissimilar to those of the Old World,
are found in America; we have the rude notched ax, the grooved ax,
stemmed scraper, perforator, mortar and pestle, pipes, tubes, the cere-
monial objects which are found here in such infinite varieties of shape
and form, the metate, the painted pottery, etc., all of which belong to
the American Indian civilization, but have no prototype in the prehis-
toric Old World. These things were never brought over by migration
or otherwise. They are indigenous to America.

Objects common to both hemispheres exist in such numbers, of such
infinite detail and difficulty of manufacture, that the probabilities of
their migration or passage from one country to another is infinitely
greater than that they were the result of independent invention. These
common objects are not restricted to isolated cases. They are great in
number and extensive in area. They have been the common tools and
utensils such as might have belonged to every man, and no reason is
known why they"might not have been^used by, and so represent, the
millions of prehistoric individuals in either hemisphere. This great
number of correspondences between the two hemispheres, and their
similarity as to means and results is good evidence of migration, con-
tact, or communication between the peoples ; while the extent to which
the common industries were carried in the two continents, their delicacy
and difficulty of operation, completes the proof and forces conviction.^

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It is not to be understood in the few foregoing illustrations that the
number is thereby exhausted, or that all have been noted which are
within the knowledge of the author. These have been cited as illustra-
tive of the proposition and indicating possibilities of the argument. If a
completed argument in favor of prehistoric communication should be pre-
pared, it would present many other illustrations. These could be found,
not only among the objects of industry, utensils, etc., but in the modes
of manufacture and of use which, owing to their number and the extent
of territory which they cover, and the difficulty of accomplishment,
would add force to the argument.



ABBOTT, Charles C. Primitive Indus-
try: | or | Illustrations of the Handi-
work, | in stone, bone and clay, | of
the | Native Races | of | the Northern
Atlantic Seaboard of America. | By
Charles C. Abbott, M. D. | Cor. Mem-
ber Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., | Fellow
Royal Soc. | of Antiq. of the North.
Copenhagen.etc.,etc., | Salem,Mass.: |
George A. Bates. | 1881.

8°, pp. v-vi, 1-560, fig. 429.

Grooved ax, Pemberton, X. J. Inscription
of Swastika denounced as a fraud, p. 32.

ALLEN, E. A. The | Prehistoric World |
or | Vanished Races | by | E. A. Al-
len, | author of “The Golden Gems of
Life.” | Each of the Following well-
known Scholars reviewed one or more |
Chapters, and made valuable sugges-
tions: | C. C. Abbott, M. 1)., | Prof.

F. W. Putnam, | A. F. Baiulelier, |
Prof. Clias. Kau, | Alexander Wincliell,
LL. D., | Cyrus Thomas, Pli. D. | G. F.
Wright. | Cincinnati: | Central Pub-
lishing House. | 1885.

8°, pp. i-vi, 1-820.

Swastika regarded as an ornament in the
bronze Age, p. 233.

ental Journal.

Vol. VI, Jan., 1884, p. 02.

Swastika found in a tessellated Mosaic pave-
ment of Roman ruins at Wiveleseombe, Eng-
land ; reported by Cornelius Nicholson, F. G. S.,
cited in Munro’s “Ancient Scottish Lake
Dwellings,” note, p. 132.


Title, Cross.   j

and of the History of Fine Arts.

Vol. xi, No. 1, Jan.-March, 1896, p. 11, fig. 10.

Andokides, a Greek vase painter (525 b. C.),
depicted Athena on an amphora with her dress
decorated with many ogee and meander Swas-
tikas. The specimen is in the berlin Museum.

ANDERSON, Joseph. Scotland in Early
Christian Times.

The Swastika, though of Pagan origin, became
a Christian symbol from the fourth to the four-
teenth century, A. I). Vol. ji, p. 218.

Cited in “Mnnro’s Ancient Scottish Lake
Dwellings,” note, p. 132.

BALFOUR, Edward. Cyclopmdia of
India | and of | Eastern and Southern
Asia, | Commercial, Industrial, and
Scientific: \ Products of the | Mineral,
Vegetable and Animal Kingdoms, |
Useful Arts and Manufactures; | edited
by | Edward Balfour, L. R. C. S. E., |
Inspector General of Hospitals, Madras
Medical Department, | Fellow of the
Uuivorsity of Madras, | Corresponding
Member of the Imperial Geologic Insti-
tute, Vienna. | Second Edition. | Vol.
V. | Madras: | Printed at the Law-
rence and Adelpbi Presses, | 1873. |

8°, pp. 1-956.

Title, Swastika, p. 656.

BARING-GOUL1), S. Curious Myths |
of | the Middle Ages. | By | S. Baring-
Gonld, M. A., | New York: | Hurst Ar
Co., Publishers, | No. 122 Nassau street.

12°, pp. 1-272.

Title, “Legends of the Cross,” pp. 159-185.

BERLIN SOCIETY for Anthropology,
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Sessional report of—.

m, 1871; viii, July 15, 1876, p. 9.

BLAKE, Willson W. The Cross, | An-
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Blake. | (Design) | New York: | Anson
I). F. Randolph and Company. | 1888.

8°, pp. 1-52.

BRASH, Richard Rolt. The | Ogam
Inscribed Monuments | of the | Gaed-
liil | in the | British Islands | with a
dissertation on the Ogam character,
&c. | Illustrated with fifty Photo-
lithographic plates | by the late |
Richard Rolt Brash, M. R. I. A., F. S. A.
Scot. | Fellow of the Royal Society of |
Ireland; and author of “The Ecclesi-
astical | Architecture of Ireland.” |
Edited by George M. Atkinson | Lon-
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Covent Garden | 1879.

4°, pp. i-xvi, 1-425.

Swastikas on Ogam stone at Aglish (Ireland),
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(Scot.), pi. xlviii, p. 358; bressay, (Scot.), pi.


BRINTON, Daniel G. Tlie Ta Ki, tlie
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xxvi, 1889, pp. 177-187.

----The | Myths of the New World: | A

treatise | on the | Symbolism and My-
thology | of the | Red Race of America.

| By | Daniel G. Brinton, A. M.,M. D.,

| Member of the Historical Society of
Pennsylvania, of the Numismatic | and
Antiquarian Society of Philadelphia;
Corresponding Member | of the Ameri-
can Ethnological Society; Author of
“Notes | on the Floridian Peninsula,”
etc. | (Design) | New York: | Leypoldt
& Holt. | 1868. ‘

8°, pp. i-viii, 1-307.

The cross of Mexico, pp. 95-97,183-188.

----American | Hero-Myths. | A study of

tlio Native Religions | of the Western
Continent. | By | Daniel G. Brinton, j
M.D., | Member of the. American Philo-
sophical Society; the American | Anti- j
quarian Society; the Numismatic and |
Antiquarian | Society of Phila., etc.; I
Author of “The Myths of | the New
World;” “The Religious Senti- | ment,”
etc. | Philadelphia: | H. C. Watts A ,
Co., j 506 Minor Street, | 1882.

8°, pp. i-xvi, 1-251.

Symbol of the cross in Mexico. The rain god, |
the tree of life, and tho god of strength, p. 122;
in ralenque, tho four rain gods, p. 155; the
Museayas, light, sun, p. 222.

BROWNE, G. F. Basket-work ligures
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Archaioluyia, Vol. L, 1887, pt. 2, p. 291, pi.
xxiii, tig. 7.

BURGESS, James. Arelneologieal Sur-
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ples | and | Their Inscriptions I Being
Part of | Tlie Results of the Fourth,
Fifth, and Sixth Seasons’ Operations |
of the Arelneologieal Survey of West-
ern India, | 1876-77, 1877-78, 1878-71). |
Supplementary to the Volume on “Cave
Temples of India.” | By | Jas. Burgess,
LL. D., F. R. G. S., | Member of the
Royal Asiatic Society, of the Soei<5t6
Asiatique, Ac. | Arelneologieal Sur-
veyor and Reporter to Government!
for Western and Southern India. | Lon-

BURGESS, James—continued,
don: | Triibner & Co., Ludgate llill. |
1883. | (All rights reserved.)

Folio, pp. 140.

Inscriptions with Swastika, vol. IV, pis. xliv,
XLVI, XLVII, XLIX, L, LII, LV; vol. V, pi. LI.

----The | Indian Antiquary, | A Journal

of Oriental Research | in j Archaeology,
History, Literature, Languages, Folk-
Lore, Ac., Ac., | Edited by | Jas. Bur-
gess, M. R. A. S., F. R. G. S. | 3vols.,
1872-71, | Bombay: | Printed at the
“Times of India” Offiee. | London:
Triibner A Co. Paris: E. Lcroux.
Berlin: Asher A Co. Leipzig: F. A.
Brockhaus. | New York: Westermann
A Co. Bombay: Thacker, Vining A Co.

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Twenty-four Jain Saints, Suparsva, son of
Pratishtha by Prithoi, one of which signs was
the Swastika. Yol. n, p. 135.

BURNOUF, Emile. Le | Lotus de la
Bonne Loi, | Traduit du Sanscrit, |
Accompagnd d’un Comincnttiire | et
de Vingt et un Mdmoires Relatifs au
Buddhisme, | par M. E. Burnouf, j
Secretaire Perpetuel de l’Acaddmie des
Inscriptions et Belles Lettres. | (Pic-
ture) | Paris. | Imprime par Automa-
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Nandavartaya, p. 626.

----The | Science of Religions | by Emile

Burnouf | Translated by J ulie Liebe |
with a preface by | E. J. Rapson,
M. A., M.R. A. S. | Fellow of St. John’s
College, Cambridge | Loudon | Swan,
Sonnenseheiu, Lowrey A Co., | Pater-
noster Square. | 1888.

Swastika, its relation to tho myth of Agni, tho
god of tire, and its alleged identity with the tiro-
cross, pp. 165, 253-256, 257.

BURTON, Richard F. Tlie [ Book of the
Sword | by | Richard F. Burton | Ma1-
tre d’Armes (Brevette) | (Design) |
With Numerous Illustrations | Lon-
don | Chatto and Windus, Piccadilly |
1881 | (All rights reserved).

4°, pp. 299.

Swastika sect, p. 202, note 2.

CARNAC, H. Rivett, Memorandum on
Clay Disks called “Spindle-whorls”
and votive Seals found at Sankisa^


CARNAC, H. Rivett—continued.

Behar, and other Buddhist ruins in
the Northwestern provinces of India.
(With three plates).

Journal Asiatic Society of Bengal, Yol. xlix,
pt. 1, 1880, pp. 127-137.

CARTAILHAC, Emile. Ilesultats d’Une
Mission Scientifique | du | Ministero
de l’lnstruction Puhlique | Les j ages
Prehistoriques | de | l’Espagne et dn
Portugal | par | M. Emile Cartailhac, |
Directeur des Materiaux pour 1’IListoire
primitive de riiomme | Preface par M.
A. De Quatrefages, de 1’Institut \ Avee
Quatre Cent Cinqiiante Gravures et
Quatre Planches | Paris | Cli. Reiu-
wald, Lihraire | 15, Rue des Saints
Peres, 15 1886 | Tons droits reserves.

4°, pp. i-xxxv, 1-347.

Swastika, p. 285.

Triskelion, p. 286.

Tetraskelion, p. 286.

Swastika in Myeeiue and Sabrnso.—Are they
of the same antiquity?, p. 293.


Titles, Swastika, Fylfot.

CESNOLA, Louis Palma Di. Cyprus: |
Its Ancient Cities, Tombs, and Tem-
ples. | A Narrative of Researches and
Excavations During | Ten Years’ Resi-
dence in that Island. | By | General
Louis Palma Di Cesnola, | ?* * * | * * |
With Maps and Illustrations. *   * |

New York: | Harper Brothers, Pub-
lishers, | Franklin Square. | 1877.

8°, pp. 1-456.

Swastika on Cyprian pottery, pp. 210, 300,
404, pis. XLIV, XLV, XLVII.

CHAILLU, Paul B. Du. The Viking
Age | The Early History ] Manners aiid
Customs of the Ancestors | of the En-
glish-Speaking Nations | Illustrated
from | The Antiquities Discovered
in Mounds, Cairns, and Bogs, | As Well
as from the Ancient Sagas and Eddas. |
By | Paul B. Du Chaillu | Author of
“Explorations in Equatorial Africa,”
“Land of the Midnight Sun,” etc. |
With 1366 Illustrations and Map. | In
Two Volumes *   * | New York: |

Charles Scribner’s Sons. | 1889.

8°, i, pp. i-xx, 1-591; II, pp. i-viii, 1-562.

Swastika in Scandinavia. Swastika and tris-
kelion, Yol. i, p. 100, and note 1; Yol. ii, p. 343.
Swastika, Cinerary urn, Bornholm, Yol. i, tig.
210, p. 138. Spearheads with runes, Swastika

CHAILLU, Paul B. Du—continued.

and Triskelion, Torcello, Yenice, fig. 335, p. 191.
Tetraskelion on silver fibula, Yol. i, fig. 567, p.
257, and Yol. II, fig. 1311, p. 342. Braeteates with
Croix swasticale, Yol. n, p. 337, fig. 1292.

CHANTRE, Eknest. Etudes Paleoeth-
nologiques | dans le Bassin du Rhone |
Age du Bronze | Recherches | sur l’Ori-
gine de la Mdtallurgie en France |
Par | Ernest Chantre | Premiere Par-
tie | Industrie de l’Age du Bronze |
Paris, | Librairie Polytechnique de J.
Baudry | 15, Rue Des Saints-Peres, 15 |


Folio, pp. 1-258.

---- Deuxieme Partie. Gisements de

l’Age du Bronze, pp. 321.

i --Troisieme Partie. Statistique. pp.


Swastika migration, p. 206. Oriental origin
of the prehistoric Sistres or tintinnabula found
in Swiss lake dwellings, Vol. I, p. 206.

Spirals, Yol. II, fig. 186, p. 301.

----Notes Anfchropologiquos: De l’Ori-

gine Orientale de la Mdtallurgie. In-8,
avec planches. Lyon, 1879.

----Notes Authropologiqucs. Relations

entre les Sistres Bouddhiques et cer-
tains Objets Lacustres do l’Age du
Bronze. In-8. Lyon, 1879.

----L’Age de la Pierre et l’Age du Bronze

en Troade et en Groce. In-8. Lyon,

----L’Age de la Pierre et l’Age du Bronze

dans l’Asie Occidentale. (Bull. Soc.
Anth., Lyon, t. I, fasc. 2, 1882.)

----Prehistoric Cemeteries in Caucasus.

(Ndcropoles prdhistoriques du Caucase,
renferinent des crimes macrocdphales.)

Materiaux, seizi^me annee (16), 2® s6rie,
xn, 1881.

Swastika, p. 166.

Travds de los Siglos | Historia General
y Completa del Desenvolvimiento So-
cial, Politico, Religioso, Militar, Artis-
tico, Cientifico, y Literario de -Mdxico
desde la Antigiiedad | Mds Remota
hasta la Epoca Actual | * * | Publicada
bajo la Direccidn del General j D.Vi-
cente Riva Palacio | w | * | * | * | * |
Torno Primero | Historia Antigua y de
laCouquista | Escritapor elLicenciado
| D. Alfredo Chavero. | Mdxico | Bal-
 bibliography of the swastika.


CHAVERO, D. ALFREDO—continued,
lesca y Comp.% Editores | 4, Amor de
Dios, 4.

Polio, pp. i-lx, 1-926.

Ciclo de 52 anos. (Atlas del P. Diego Duran,
p. 386.) Swastika worked on shell (Fains
Island), “labrado con los cuatro puntos del
Nahui Ollin.” p. 676.

CLAVIGERO, C. F. Storia Antica del
Messico. Cesena, 1780.

Swastika, ii, p. 192, fig. A. Cited in Hamy’s
Decades Americana:, Premiere Livraison, 1884,
p. 67.

CONDER, Maj. C. R. Notes on Herr
Schick’s paper on the Jerusalem Cross.

Palestine Exploration Fund, Quarterly State-
ment, London, July, 1894, pp. 205, 206.

CROOKE, W. An Introduction | to
the | Popular Religion and Folk-lore |
of | Northern India | By W. Crooke,
B. A. | Bengal Civil Service. | Honor-
ary Director of the Ethnographical
Survey, Northwestern | Provinces and
Outlh | Allahabad | Government !
Press | 1894.   '

8°, pp. i-ii, 1-420.

Swastika, pp. 7, 58,104, 250.

CROSS, The. The Masculine Cross, or
History of Ancient and Modern Crosses,
and their Connection with the Mys-
teries of Sex Worship; also an account
of the Kindred Phases of Phallic Faiths
and Practices.

In Cat. 105 of Ed. Howell, Church street,


D’ALVIELLA, le Comte Goblet. La |
Migration des Symboles | par | Le
Comte Goblet d’Alviella, | Professeur
d’Histoire des Religions a l’Universitd
de Bruxelles, | Membre de l’Acaddmie
Royale de Belgique, | President do la
Socidtd d’Archeologie de Bruxelles |
(Design, Footprint of Buddha) | Paris |
Ernest Leroux, Editeur | Rue Bona-
parte, 28 | 1891.

8°, pp. 1-343.

Cross, pp. 16,110,113,164, 250, 264, 330, 332.

Crux ansata, pp. 22, 106,107,114, 186, 221, 229,
250, 265, 332.

Cross of St. Andrew, p. 125.

Swastika cross, Cap. II, passim, pp. 41-108,
110,111,225,271, 339.

Tetraskelion. Same references.

Triskele, triskelion, or triquetrum, pp. 27,28,
61, 71, 72, 83, 90,100, 221-225, 271, 339.

Reviewed in Athenaeum, No. 3381, Aug. 13,
1892, p. 217.

D’ALVIELL A,le Comte Goblet—cont’d.

Favorably criticised in Reliquary Illustrated
Archaeologist (Lond.l, Yol. I, No. 2, Apr. 1895,


The author approves Higgins’ views of the
Cross and its Relation to the Lama of Tibet.

DENNIS, G. The | Cities and Cemeter-
ies | of | Etruria. | Parva Tyrrhenum
per aequor vela darem. Ilorat. | (Pic-
ture) | By George Dennis. | Third
Edition. | In two volumes | *   *   * |

With maps, plans, and illustrations. |
London: | John Murray, Albemarle
Street. | 1883.

8°, two vols.: (1), pp. i-cxxviii, 1-501; (2)
pp. i-xv, 1-579.

Archaic Greek vase, British Museum. Four
different styles of Swastikas together on one
specimen. Yol. i, p. xci.

Swastika, common form of decoration, p.

Primitive Greek Lebes, with Swastika in
panel, left, p. cxiii, fig. 31.

Swastika on bronze objects in Bologna foun-
dry. Yol. ii, p. 537.

D’EICIITAL, G. Etudes sur les origines
bouddhiques do la civilization amdri-
caine, lrepartie. Paris, Didier, 1862.

Swastika, p. 36 et suiv. Cited in Hamy’s
Decades Americana?, Premiere Livraison, 1884,
p. 59.

thropologiques. Anatomie, Craniolo-
gie, Archeologie Prdhistorique, Ethno-
graphic (Moeurs, Arts, Industrie), Dd-
mographie, Langues, Religions. Paris,
Octave Doin, Editeur, 8, Place de
l’Oddon, Marpon et Flammarion, Li-
braires 1 a 7, Galeries de l’Oddon.

4°, pp. 1-1128.

Title, Swastika, Philippe Salmon, p. 1032.

DORSEY, J. Owen. Swastika, Ogee
(tetraskelion), symbol for wind-song on
Sacred Chart of Kansa Indians.

Am. Naturalist, xix (1885), p. 676, pi. XX,

fig. 4.

DULAURE, J. A. Histoire Abrdgee | de

| Diffdrens Cultes. | Des Cultes | qui
ont prdcdde et amend l’ldolatrie | ou |
PAdoration des figures humaines | par
J. A. Dulaure; seconde ddition | revue,
corrigde et auginentde | Paris | Guil-
laume, Libraire-Editeur | rue Haute-
feuille 14. | 1825.

Two vols.: (1), pp.i-x, 11-558; (2), pp.i-xvi,


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DULAUEE, J. A.—continued.

Origin of symbols, works of art and not nat-
ural things, Vol. I, pp. 25, 2G. Another result
of a combination of ideas, p. 45.

Tho cross represents the phallus, Vol. ii, pp.
58, 59, 167, 1G8.

DUMOTJTIER, Gustave Le. Swastika
et la rone Solairo on Chine.

Revue d'Etlinofjraphie, Paris, iv, 1885, pp.

Iteview by G. He Mortillet, Matcrianx pour
l’llistoire Primitiveet.Nntnrellode L’Homme,
II, p. 730.

EMERSON, Ellen Russell. Indian
Myths | or | Legends, Traditions, .and
Symbols of the | Aborigines of Amer-
ica | Compared with those of other
Countries, inclndingllindostan,Egypt,
Persia | Assyria and China | by Ellen
Russell Emerson | Member of the Soei-
tfte Am^ricaine de France | illustrated
| Second Edition | London | Triibner
A Company | Lndgate Hill | Printed
in the II. S. A.

8°, pp. i-x, 1-425.


Titles, Ansated Cross (Crnx ansata), ]). 230,
Vol. I; Cross, p. 13G2, Vol. II; Crux, p. 1378,
Vol. II; Fylfot, p. 2240, Vol. II; Gainmadion,
p. 225G, Vol. II.


Title, Cross. 4°, pp. 539-542.
ENGLEIIARDT, C. Influence Classiqne
sur | le Nord Pendant l’Antiquitd | par
| C. Englehardl. | Traduit par | E.
Beauvois. | Copenhague, | Iinprimerie
de Thiele. | 1876.

8°, pp. 199-318.

Solar disks, fig. 44, p. 240. Crosses, figs. 64,
65. p. 252.

ETHNOLOGY, Reports of the Bureau of.
Second Annual lb',port, 1880-81.

Art in Shell of the Ancient Americans, by
W. II. Holmes, pp. 179-305, pis. xxi-lxxvii.

Collections mado in New Mexico and Arizona
in 1879, by James Stevenson, pp. 307-422, figs.

Third Annual Report, 1881-82.

Catalogue of Collections made in 1881, by
W. II. Holmes, pp. 427-510, figs. 116-200.

Fourth Annual Report, 1882-83.

Ancient Tottery of tho Mississippi Valloy, by
W. II. Holmes, pp. 361-436, figs. 361-463.

Fifth Annual Report, 1883-84.

Burial Mounds of Northern Sections of the
United States, by Cyrus Thomas, pp. 3-119, pis.
i-VI, figs. 1-49.

Tho Mountain Chant, by Washington Mat-
thews. pp, 379-467, pis. x-xviii, figs. 50-59.

ETHNOLOGY, Reports of tho Bureau

Sixth Annual Report, 1884-85.

Ancient Art in the Province of Chiriqui, by
W. n. nolmes pp. 3-187, pi. I, figs. 1-285.

Tenth Annual Report, 1888-89.

Picture writing of tho American Indians, by
Garrick Mallory, pp. 3-807, pis. l-uv, figs.

Twelfth Annual Report, 1890-91.

-Monml Explorations, by Cyrus Thomas, pp.
3-730, pis. I-XUI, figs. 1-344.

EVANS, John. The Ancient | Bronze
Implements, | Weapons, and Orna-
ments, | of | Great Britain | and |
Ireland. | By | John Evans, D. C. L.,
LL. D., F. R. S., | F. S. A., F. G. S.,
Pres. Nnin. Soc., Ac., | London: |
Longmans, Green A Co. | 1881. | (All
rights reserved.)

8°, pp. i-xix. 1-509.

----The Ancient | Stone Implements, |

Weapons, and Ornaments, | of | Great
Britain, | by | .John Evans, F. R. S.,
F. S. A. | Honorary Secretary of the
Geological and Numismatic Societies
of | London, etc., etc., etc. | London: |
Longmans, Green, Reader, and Dyer. |
1872. | (All rights reserved.)

8°, pp. 1-xvi, 1-640.

FAIR1IOLT, F. W. A Dictionary | of |
Terms in Art. | Edited and Illustrated
l>y | F. W. Fairliolt, F. S. A. | with |
Five Hundred Engravings | On Wood
| (Design) | Daldy, Isbister A Co. |
56, Lndgate Hill, London.

12° pp. i-vi, 1-474.

Titles, Cross, Fret, Fylfot, Symbolism.

FERGUSSON, James. Rude Stone Mon-
uments | in | All Countries; | Their
Ages and Uses. | By James Forgusson,
D. C. L., F. R. S, | V. P. R. A. S., F. R. I.
B. A., Ac. | (Picture.) | With Two
Hundred and Thirty-four Illustrations.

| London: | John Murray, Albemarle
Street. | 1872. | The Right of transla-
tion is reserved.

8°, pp. i-xix, 1-559.

Crosses, Celtic and Scottish, pp. 270-273.

FORRER, R. Dio | Graeber-nndTextil-
funde | von | Aclimim-Panopolis |
von | R. Forrer | mit 16 Tafeln: 250
Abhiidnngen | in Photographic, Auto-
graphic, Farbendrnck nnd theilweisem


FORRER, R.—continued.

Handcolorit, nebst Clinehd-Abbildun-
gen | iin Text; Text und Tafeln auf
Cartoupapier. | Nur in wenigen num-
merirtenExemplarenliergestellt. | (De-
sign.) | Strassburg, 1891 | Drnck von
EmilBirklniuser, Basel. | Pliotographie
von Mathias Gerscliel, Strassburg. | Au-
tograx>bie und Farbendruek von R.
Fretz, Ziirich. | Niclit im Buchhandel.

Folio, ]*j). 1-27.

Swastika, ornament at Acliinin-Pauopolis,
Egypt, P- 2°. Pb xi, fig. 3.

FRANKLIN, Colonel. [Swastika an em-
blem used in the worship of specified
sects in India.']

The Jeyrees and Boodhisls, p. 49, cited in
“Ogam Monuments,” by Brash, p. 189.

FRANKS, Augustus W. Ilora* ferales.
PI. 30, fig. 19.

GARDNER, Ernest A. Naukratis.
Part II. | By | Ernest A. Gardner,
M. A., | Fellow of Gonville and Cains
College, Craven student and formerly
Worts student of the University of
Cambridge; | Director of the British
School of Archaeology at Athens. | With
an Appendix | by | F. L.L. Griffith, B.

A., | of the British Museum, formerly
student of the Egyptian Exploration
Fund. | Sixth Memoir of | the Egypt
Exploration Fund. | Published by or-
der of the committee. | London: etc.

Folio, pis. 1-24, pp. 1-92. Swastika in Egypt,
Pottery, Ajibrodite. PI. v, figs. 1, 7; pi. vi,
fig. 1; pi. VIII, fig. 1.

GREG, P. R. Fret or Key Ornamenta-
tion in Mexico and Peru.

Archieoloyia, Vol. xlvii, 1882, pt. l,pp. 157-
1C0, pi. vi.

----Meaning and Origin of Fylfot and


ArcJueoloyia, Yol. XLVlli, 1885, pt. 2, pp. 293,
32C, pis. xix, xx, xxi.

GOODYEAR, William II. The Gram-
mar of | the Lotus | A new 11 istory of
Classic Ornament | as a | development
of Sun Worship | with Observations on
the Bronze Culture of Prehistoric
Europe as derived | from Egypt; based
on the study of Patterns | by | Win.
II. Goodyear, M. A. (Yale, 1867) |
Curator Department of Fine Arts in
the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and

GOODYEAR, William II.—continued.
Sciences |   *   *   * | London: | Samp-

son, Low, Marston & Company | Lim-
ited | St. Dunstan’s House, Fitter Lane,
Fleet Street, E. C., | 1891.

Chapters on Lotus and Swastika.

GOULD, S. C. The Master’s Mallet or
the Hammer of Thor.

Notes and Queries, (Manchester, N. II.),
Yol. Ill (188C), pp. 93-108.

HADDON, Alfred C. Evolution in
Art: | As Illustrated by the | Life-His-
tories of Designs. | By | Alfred C.Had-
don, | Professor of Zoology, Royal Col-
lege of Science, Corresponding | Mem-
ber of the Italian Society of Anthro-
pology, etc. | With 8 Plates, and 130
Figures in the Text. | London: | Wal-
ter Scott, Ltd., Paternoster Square. |
Charles Scribner’s Sons, | 153-157 Fifth
Avenue, New York. | 1895.

The meaning and distribution of the Fylfot,
pp. 282-399.

HAMPEL, Joseph. Antiquity prdliis-
toriques de la Ilongrio; Erstegom, 1877.
No. 3, pi. xx.

----Catalogue de l’Exposition prdliis-

torique des Musdes de Province; Buda-
pest, 1876, p. 17.

HAMY, Dr. E. T. Decades Ain6ricana> |
Mdmoires | d’Arclidologie et d’Etlmo-
graphie | Americaines | par | le Dr. E.-
T. Hamy | Conservateur du Musde
d’Ethnographie du Trocad<5ro. | Pre-
miere Livraison | (Picture) | Paris |
Ernest Leroux, Editeur | Librairedela
Socidte Asiatique | de l’flcole des Lau-
gues Orientales Vivantes, etc. | 28, Rue
Bonaparte, 28 | 1884.

8°, pp. 1-67.

Le Svastika ct la roue solaire cn Amerique,
pp. 59-67.

HEAD, Barclay Y. Synopsis of the
Contents | of the | British Museum. |
Department of | Coins and Medals. |
A Guide | to the principal gold and sil-
ver | Coins of the Ancients, | from circa

B.   C. 700 to A. D. 1. | With 70 Plates. |
By | Barclay Y. Head, Assistant Keeper
of Coins. | Second Edition. | London: |
Printed by order of the Trustees. |
Longmans A Co., Paternoster Row; B.
Quaritch, 15, Piccadilly; | A. Asher &
Co., 13, Bedford Street, Convent Gar-


HEAD, Barclay V.—continued,
den, and at Berlin; | Triibner & Co.,
57 and 59, Ludgate Hill. | C. Rollin &
Feuardent, 61, Great Russell Street, and
4, Rue de Louvois, Paris. | 1881.

8°, pp.i-viii, 1-128, pi. 70.

Triakelion, (Lycian coins), throe cocks’ heads,
pi. 3, fig. 35.

Punch-marks on ancient coins representing
squares, etc., and not Swastika. PI. 1, figs. 1,3;
pi. 4, fig. 24; pi. 4, figs. 7,8, 10; pi. 5, fig. 16; pi. 6,
figs. 30, 31; pi. 12, tigs. 1,3, 6.

HIGGJNS, Godfrey. Anacalypsis | or |
attempts to draw aside tlie veil | of |
tlie Saitie Isis | or, | an inquiry into the
origin | of | Languages, Nations, and
Religions | by | Godfrey Higgins,
Esq. | E. 8. A., F. R. Asiat. Soc., F. R. ,
Ast. S. | of Skellow Grange, near I
Doncaster. | London | Longman, Ac.,
Ac., Paternoster Row | 1836.   I

Vols. I, II.

Origin of the Cross, Lainbli or Lama; official
name for Governor is Ancient Tibetan for
Cross. Yol. I, p. 230.

IIIRSCHFELD, G. Yasi arcaici Ateniosi.
Roma, 1872. Tav. xxxix and XL.

HOLMES, W. II. Art in Shell of the
Ancient Americans.

Second Ann. liep. Bureau of Ethnology 1860-81.

The cross, pis. xxxvi, lii, liii. Spirals, pis.
Liv, lv, lvi. Swastika, (shell gorget, the bird,)
pis. lviii, lix. Spider, pi. LXi. Serpent, pis.
lxiii, lxiv. Human face, pi. lxix. Human
figure, pis. lxxi, lxxii, lxxiii. Lighting fig-
ures, pi. LXXIV.

---- Catalogue of Bureau Collections

made in 1881.

Third Ann. Rep. Bureau of Ethnology, 1881-82.

Fighting figures, fig. 128, p. 452.

Swastika in shell, from Fains Island, fig. 140,
p. 4(56.

Spider, same, fig. 141.

Spirals on pottery vase, fig. 165, p. 484.

----Ancient Pottery of the Mississippi


Fourth Ann.Hep.Bureau of Ethnology, 1882-83.

Spirals on pottery, figs. 402, p. 396; 413, p. 403;
415, 416, p. 404 ; 435, p. 416; 442, p. 421; in
basketry, fig. 485, p. 462.

Maltese cross, fig. 458, p. 430.

---- Ancient Art in the Province of


Sixth Ann. liep. Bureau of Ethnology, 1884-85.

Conventional alligator, series of derivations
showing stages of simplification of animal
characters, figs. 257 to 528, pp. 173-181.

Spindle-whorls, Chiriqui, figs. 218-220, p. 149.

HOLMES, W. H.—continued.

----The Cross used as a Symbol by the

Ancient Americans.

Trans. Anthrop. Soc., Washington, D. C., It,


HUMPHREYS, II. Noel. The | Coin
Collector’s Manual, |'or guide to the
numismatic student in the formation
of | A Cabinet of Coins: | Comprising |
An Historical and Critical Account of
the Origin and Progress | of Coinage
from the Earliest Period to the | Fall
of the Roman Empire; | with | Some
Account of the Coinages of Modern
Europe, | More especially of Great
Britain. | By II. Noel Humphreys, |
Author of “The Coins of England,”

| “Ancient Coins and Medals,” | etc.,
etc. | With above one hundred and fifty
I illustrations | on Wood and Steel. |
In two volumes. | Loudon: | H. G.
Bohn, York Street, Convent Garden. |

12o, (1)) ])p. i_xxiv, 1-352; (2), pp. 353-726.

Punch-marks on ancient coins, Vol. I. pis. 2,
3, 4. Triquetrum, triskele or triskelion on
coins of Sicily, Yol. I, p. 57, and note.

KELLER, Ferdinand. The | Lake
Dwellings | of | Switzerland and Other
Parts of Europe. | By | Dr. Ferdinand
Keller | President of the Antiquarian
Association of Zurich | Second Edition,
Greatly Enlarged | Translated and
Arranged | by | John Edward Lee, F.
S. A., F. G. S. | Author of Isca Silurum
etc. | In Two Volumes | Vol. I. (Vol.
II) | London | Longmans, Green and
Co. | 1878 | All rights reserved.

8°, Yol. I, text, pp. i-xv, 1-696 ; Yol. II,
pis. CCVl.

Swastika, Lake Bourget, pattern-stamp and
pottery imprint, p. 339, note 1, pi. clxi, figs.
3, 4.

LANGDON, Arthur G. Ornaments of
Early Crosses of Cornwall.

Royal Institute of Cornwall, Vol. x, pt. 1,
May, 1890, pp. 33-96.

LE PLONGEON, Augustus. Sacred Mys-
teries | Among | the Mayas and the
Quiches, | 11,500 Years Ago. | Their
Relation to the Sacred Mysteries | of
Egypt? Greece, Chaldea and India. |
Free Masonry | In Times Anterior to
TheTempleof Solomon. | Illustrated. |
By Augustus Le Plongeon, | Author
of “Essay on | the Causes of Earth-
quakes;” “Religion of Jesus Compared

LE PLONGEON, Augustus—continued,
with the | Teachings of the Church;’7
“ The Monuments of Mayas and | their
Historical Teachings.” | New York :|
Robert Macoy, 4 Barclay Street. | 1886.

8°, pp. 163.

Cross mid Crux ansata, p. 128.

----Mayapan and Maya Inscriptions.

Proc. Am. Antiq. Soc., Worcester, Mass.,
April 21, 1881.

Also printed as a separate. See pp. 15,17, and
figs. 7, 13, and frontispiece.

LITTRE’S french dictionary.

Title, Svastika.

McADAMS, William. Records | of |
Ancient Races | in the | Mississippi
Valley; | Being an account of some of
the Pictographs, sculptured | hiero-
glyphics, symbolic devices, emblems,
and tra- | ditions of the prehistoric
races of America, with | some sugges-
tions as to their origin. | With cuts and
views illustrating over three hundred
objects | and symbolic devices. | By
Wm. McAdams, | Author of * | * | * |

* | * | St. Louis: | C. R. Barns Pub-
lishing Co. | 1887.

4°, pp. i-xii, 1-120.

Mound vessels with painted symbols, sun
symbols, cross symbols, cross with bent arms
(Swastika), etc., Chap, xv, pp. 62-68.

Cites Lord Kinsborougli, “Antiquities of
Mexico,” for certain forms of the cross, of which
the first is the Swastika and the third the
Nandavartaya Chap, xvii, pp. 62-68.

MACRICIIIE, David. Ancient | and |
Modern Britons: | A Retrospect. |
London: | Kegan Paul, Trench &
Co., | 1 Paternoster Square. | 1884.

Two vols.,8°.   (1), pp. i-viii, 1-401; (2),

i—vriii, 1-449.

Sculptured stones of Scotland (p. 115), the
Newton stone, a compound of Oriental and
western languages (pp. 117-118). Ethnologic re-
semblances between old and new world peoples
considered. Vol. ii (app.).

MALLERY, Garrick. Picture writing
of the American Indians.   i

Tenth Ann. Rep. Bureau of Ethnology,
1888-89, pp. 1-807, pis. I-LIV, figs. 1-1290.

Sun and star symbols, figs. 1118-1129, pp. 694-
697. Human form (cross) symbols, figs. 1164—
1173, pp. 705-709. Cross symbols, figs. 1225-
1234, pp. 724-730. Piaroa color stamps, fret
pattern, fig. 982, p. 621.

| MARCH, H. Colley. The Fylfot and
the Futhorc Tir.

Cited in Transactions of the Lancashire and

Cheshire Antiquarian Society, 1886.

MASSON,---------. [The Swastika found on

large rock near Karachi.]

Balochislan, Vol. iv, p. 8, cited in Ogam Mon-
uments, by Brash, p. 189.

matEriaux pour l’llistoire Primitive
et Naturelle de l’Homme. Revue men-
suelle illustrde. (Fondde par M. G. De
Mortillet, 1865 a 1868.) Dirigde par M.
Emile Cartailliac. *   * ? *

Swastika, Vol. xvi, 1881.

Prehistoric Cemeteries in Caucasus, by E.
Chantre, pp. 154-166.

Excavations at Cyprus, by General di Ces-
nola, p. 416.

Signification of the Swastika, by M. Girard
de Beale, p. 548.

Swastika, Vol. xvm, 1884.

Etude sur quelques N6cropoles Halstatti-
ennes de I’Autricho et de ITtalie. By Ernest
Chantre, Swastika on Archaic Vase, fig. 5, p. 8.
Croix Gamm6e, figs. 12 and 13, p. 14. Cross, p.
122. Swastika, pp. 137-139. Swastika sculpt6
sur pierre, llritcros, Portugal, fig. 133, p. 294.

Necropolis of Ilalstatt, pp. 13,14; p. 139, fig.
84; p. 280, Report of spearhead with Swastika
and runic inscription, found at Torcello, near
Venice, by Undset.

Swastika, Vol. xx, 1886.

Frontispiece of January number. Swastika
from Museum, Mayence.

MATTHEWS, Washington. The Moun-
tain Chant.

Fifth Ann. Rep. Bureau of Ethnology,! 883-84,
pp. 379-407, pis. X-XVIII, figs. 50-59.

Swastika in Navajo Mountain Chant. Sec-
ond (?) Dry Painting, pi. xvii, pp. 450,451.

MONTELIUS, Oscar. The | Civilization
of Sweden | in Heathen Times | by |
Oscar Montelius, Pli. D. | Professor at
the National Historical Museum, Stock-
holm. | Translated from the Second
Swedish Edition | Revised and en-
larged for the author | by | Rev. F. H.
Woods, B.D. | Vicar of Clialfont St.
Peter. | With Map and Two Hundred
and Five Illustrations. | London | Mac-
millan and Co. | and New York. | 1888.
pp. i-xvi. 1-214.

The wheel with cross on many monuments of
the Bronze Age became almost unknown dur-
ing the Age of Iron (in Scandinavia). It was
the contrary with the Swastika. Compte-
Rendu, Cong. Inter. d’Antbrop. et d’Arch. Pr6-
historique. 7me session, 1874,1, pp. 439, 466


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MOOREHEAD, Warren K. Primitive
Man | In Ohio | by | Warren K. Moore-
head | Fellow of the American Associa-
tion for the Advancement of Science |
Author of “Fort Ancient, the Great
Prehistoric | Earthwork of Ohio,’’ etc. |

G. P. Putnam’s Sons | The Knicker-
bocker Press, | 1892.

pp. i-xii, 1-246.

Discoveries in Hopewell Mound, Chillioothe,
Hose County, Ohio, pp. 184-196.

Swastika, p. 19.rS.

MORGAN, J. I)k. Mission Scientifiqne 1 !
an Caucase | Etudes | Arelneologiqncs
et Ilistoriques | par | .1. Do Morgan |
Tomo Premier | Lcs Premiers Ages Des I
Mtftaux | Dans FAnnenio linsse | j
Paris | Ernest Eeroux, Oliteur | 28, Rue !
Bonaparte, 28 | 1889.

8°, (1), pp. i-iii, 1-231; (2), pp. i-iv, 1-305.
Swastikas on bronze pin-heads from prehis-
toric Armenian graves. Vol. i. p. 160, figs. 177,
178, 179.

MORTI1/LET, Gabriel et Adrien de.
Mnsee | Prrihistnrique | par | Gabriel et
Adrien do Mortillet | Photogravures
Michelet I Paris | C. K’einwald, Li-
brairo-Editeur | 15, Rue des Saints-
Peres, 15 | 1881 | Tons Droits Reserves.

4°. Planches C, tigs. 1269.

Tintinnabulnin and Buddha with Swastika,
pi. xcvm, fig. 1230. Swiss Lake pottery, fig.
1231. Swastika, many representations, pi. xeix,
figs. 1233, 1234, 1235, 1239, 1240, 1241, 1244, 1246,
1247, 1248, 1249; pi. c, figs. 1255, 1256, 1257, 1261,
1263, 1264, 1265, 1266. 1267. Crosses—(livers, pi.
xeix, etc.

MORTILLET, Gabriel i>e. Le Prtdiis-
torique | Autiquite do P Homme | par
Gabriel do Mortillet | Professeur d’an-
thropologie pr<5Iiistoriquc | a 1’lOcole
d’anthropologie do Paris. | 61 figures
intercaldes dans le texte. | Paris | C.
Reinwald, Librairo-Editeur | 15, Rue
des Saints-P?ircs, 15 | 1883 | Tous
droits rdservds.

12°, pp. 1-642.

Communications between Europe and Amer-
ica, pp. 186,187.

----Le Signe | de la Croix | Avant | le

Christiauisme | par | Gabriel do Mortil-
let ) Directeur des Matdriaux pour
l’Histoire positive et philosophiqite |
de l’homme | avec 117 gravures sur
bois. | Paris | C. Reinwald, Libraire-

MORTILLET, Gabriel de—continued.
Editcur | 15, rue des Saints-Pere, 15 |
1866 | Tous droits rdservds.

See p. 182.

MULLER, F. Max. Chips | from | A Ger-
man Workship. | By Max Miiller, M.
A., | Fellow of All Souls College, Ox-
ford. | Essays on *   *   | New York: |

Scribner, Armstrong A Co. | Successors
to Charles Scribner A Co.

Essays on Mythology, Traditions, and Cus-
toms. Svasti, Sanscrit, meaning joy or happi-
ness. Yol. ii, p. 24.

Swastika. Letter to 1 >r. Kehlirmaim, “Ilios,”
pp. 346-349.

Swastika, Review of, Athemrum (Lend.), No.
3332, Ang. 20,1892, p. 266.

MULLER, Lpdwig. [Swastika.]

Proc. Royal Danish Academy of {science, Fifth
series, Section of History and Philosophy, Vol.
Ill, p. 93.

MUNRO, Robert. Ancient | Scottish
Rake Dwellings | or Crannogs | with a
Supplementary Chapter on | Remains
of Lake Dwellings in England | by |
Robert Mimro, M. A. | M. ])., F. S. A.
Scot. | (Design) | Edinburgh: David
Douglas | 1881 | All rights reserved.

8°, pp. i-xx, 1-326.

Swastika on pin and triskelion on plank, cran-
nog of Lochleo, figs. 144 and 149, pp. 130-134.
Note by Montelius, figs. 11 and 12, p. 131.

----The | Lake Dwellings | of | Eu-
rope: | Being the | Rliind Lectures in
Arehmology | for 1888. | By | Robert
Munro, MtA., M. ])., | Secretary of the
Society of Antiquaries of Scotland;
Author of | “Ancient Scottish Lake
Dwellings or Crannogs.,, | Cassell Sc
Company, Limited: | London, Paris &
Melbourne. | 1890 | (All rights re-

4°, pp. i-xl, 1-600.

Swastika in Lake Bonrgot (Savoy), fig. 195,
Nos. 11 and 12, pp. 532 and 538; in Lisnacroghora
(Ireland), fig. 124, No. 20; triskole, fig. 124, No.
22, pp. 383, 585.

NADAILLAC, Marquis de. Prehistoric
America | by the | Marquis de Nadail-
lac | Translated by N. D’Anvers | Ed-
ited by W. H. Dali | (Design of Vase) |
with 219 illustrations | New York and
London | G. P. Putnam’s Sons | The
Knickerbocker Press | 1884.

8°, pp. i-vii, 1-566.


^ADAILLAC, Marquis de—continued.
Swastika (?) alleged to bo on tlio Pemberton
hammer from New Jersey, pp. 22, note 1, citing
Professor Haldeman, Sept. 27, 1877, Rep. Pea-
body Museum, 1878, p. 255. Dr. Abbott de-
nounces this inscription as a fraud. Primitive
Industry, p. 32.

NEWTON, John. History of Migration
of tlie Triskelion from Sicily to tlio
Isle of Man, through Henry III of
England and Alexander III of Scotland.

Athencmm, No. 3385, Sept. 10, 1892, pp. 353,

NICHOLSON, Cornelius. Report of
Swastika found in recently explored
Mosaic pavement in Isle of Wight,
Munro’s “Ancient Scottish Lake Dwell-
ings,” note, p. 132.

PETRIE, W. M. Flinders. Naukratis
(Greek inscription). J Part I, 1884-85 j
by | W. M. Flinders Petrie. | With
Chapters by | Cecil Smith; Ernest
Gardner, B. A.; | and Barclay V. Head.

| (Design, two sides of coin.) | Third
Memoir of | The Egypt Exploration
Fund. | Published by Order of the
Committee. | London: | Triibner&Co.,
57 & 59, Ludgate Hill. | 1886.

Folio, pp. 1-100, pis. 1-28.

Swastika in Egypt, fourth and fifth centu-
ries B. C., pi. iv, fig. 3. Meander Swastikas,
pi. v, figs. 15,24.

| Dr. Julius Nan, in Miinchen. | VI.
Jahrg., 1894. Miinchen. Nr. 5. Mit
Taf. xi-nv.

Smlerberg, Sven. Dio Thierornamentik der
Vdlkerwanderungszeit. | Mit Tertabildungen
und Tafol xi-xv. | Lund, Sweden. Figs. 12, 13,
p. 73.

PRIME, William C. Pottery and Porce-
lain j Of All Times And Nations | With
Tables of Factory and Artists’ Marks |
For the Use of Collectors | by William

C.   Prime, LL.D. | (Design) | NewYork
| Harper & Brothers, Publishers |
Franklin Square | 1878.

8°, pp. 1-531.

Symbolic marks on Chinese porcelain. Tab-
let of honor inclosing Swastika. Fig. 155, p.
254; fig. 33, p. 61.

QUEEN LACE BOOK, The. A | Histor-
ical and Descriptive Account of the
Hand-Made | Antique Laces of All
Countries. | *   * | with | Thirty Illus-

trations of Lace Specimens, and seven

H. Mis. 00, ]>t. 2------G3

QUEEN LACE BOOK, The—continued.
Diagrams of | Lace Stitches. | London:
| “The Queen” Office, 346, Strand, W.
C. j 1874. | All rights reserved.

pp. i-viii, 1-38.

Swastika design in linen embroidery and cut-
work (Sixteenth Century. Geometric Style),
pi. 1, fig. 2.

RAWLINSON, George The Religions |
of | the Ancient World. | By | George
Kawlinson, M. A. | Author of “The
Seven Great Monarchies of the Ancient
| Eastern World,” etc. | New York: |
Hurst & Co., Publishers, | 122 Nassau

12°, pp. 1—180.

Religion of the Ancient Sanscrit Indians.
Agni, the god of Fire, described pp. 87, 89.
Sun, "Wind, Dyans (Heaven), and Pritliivi
(Earth). Nothing said about Swastika or Solar

RICHTER, Max Oiinefalsch. Excava-
tions in Cyprus.

Bull. Soc. d'Anthrop., Paris, Vol. xi (ser. in),
pp. 609-682.

ROBINSON, David. A Tour | through
| The Isle of Man: | To which is sub-
joined | A Review of the Manx His-
tory. | By David Robertson, Esq. |
London : | Printed for the Author, | by
E. llodson, Bell-Yard, Temple-Bar. |
Sold by Mr. Payue, Mews-Gate; Messrs.
Egertons, Whitehall; | Whites, Fleet
Street; and Deighton, Holborn. | 1794.
4° narrow, pp. 235.

Triskelion—Coat of arms of Isle of Man.

ROCKHILL, William Woodville.
Diary of a Journey | through | Mongo-
lia and Tibet | in | 1891 and 1892 j by |
William Woodville Rockhill | G o 1 d
Medalist of the Royal Geographical
Society | (Design.) | City of Wash-
ington | Published by the Smithsonian
Institution | 1894.

4°, pp. i-xx, 1-413.

Swastika (yung-drung) tattooed on hand of
native at Kumbum, p. 67.

SACHEVERELL, William. An | Ac-
count J of the j Isle of Man, j its | In-
habitants, Language, Soil, re- | marka-
ble Curiosities, the Succession | of its
Kings and Bishops, down to | the pres-
ent Time. | By way of Essat. | With a
Voyage to I-Columb-kill. ] By William
Saeheverell, Esq.: I Late Governonr of


SACHEVERELL, William—continued.
Man. | To which is added, | A Disserta-
tion about the Mona of Cresar and |
Tacitus; and an Account of the An-
tient | Druids, &c. | By Mr. Thomas
Brown, | Address’d in a Letter to his
Learned | Friend Mr. A. Sellars. | Lon-
don : | Printed for J. Hartley, next the
King’s Head Tavern. | R. Gibson in
Middle Row, and Tho. Hodgson over
a- | gainst Gray’s-Inn Gate in Holborn,

12mo, pp. 175.

Triskolion—Coat of arms of Isle of Man.
SCHICK, Herr Baurath von. The Jeru-
salem Cross.

Palestine Exploration Fund, Quarterly State-
ment, July, 1894, pp. 183-188.

SCHLIEMANN, Heinrich. Atlas Tro-
janischer Alterthiimer. | Photograph-
ische Abbildungen | zu dem | Berichte
| liber die Ausgrabungen in Troja |
von | Dr. Heinrich Schliemann. |
(Design) | Leipzig: | In Commission
bei F. A. Brockhaus. | 1874.

Folio, pp. 1-57, plates, 1-217.

Spindle ?whorls—passim. Swastikas on many
specimens from fig. No. 142 to 3468. No. 237 is
in U. S. National Museum as part of Mme.
Scliliemann’s collection.

SCHLIEMANN, Henry, llios | The City
and Country | of | the Trojans | The
Results of Researches and Discover-
ies on the Site of Troy and | Through-
out the Troad in the Years 1871-72-73-
78-79 | Including an | Autobiography
of the Author | By Dr. Henry Sehlie-
mann | F. S. A., F. R. I. British Archi-
tects | Author of “ Troy and Its Re-
mains,” “Mycenae,” etc. | With a Pref-
ace, Appendices, and Notes | By Pro-
fessors Rudolf Virchow, Max Muller,
A. II. Sayee, J. P. Mahaffy, II. Brugscli-
Bey, P. Aseherson, M. A. Postolaceas,
M. E. Burnouf, Mr. F. Calvert, and Mr.
J. A. Duffield. | (Greek Verse) | With
Maps, Plans, and About 1,800 Illustra-
tions. | New York | Harper & Brothers,
Franklin Square | 1881. |

8°, pp. i-xvi, 1-800.

Swastika: Introduction, p. xi, and pp. 229,231,
303,349,353,416,518,571, 573.

“Owl-faced” (?) vases, figs. 227, 1293, 1294.
Fig. 986 (not owl, but human, Virchow), pp.
xiii, xiv.

Figures of Swastika on spindle-whorls—pas-
sim—fig. 1850 is in the U. S. National Museum.

SCHLIEMANN, Henry—continued.

----Mycenae; | A Narrative of Researches

and Discoveries | at Myceme and Ti-
ryns. | By Dr. Henry Schliemann, | Cit-
izen of the United States of America, |
Author of “Troy and Its Remains,”
“Ithaque, Le Peloponucse et Troie,” |
and “ La Chine etleJapon.” | The Pref-
ace | By tho Right Hon. W. E. Glad-
stone, M. P. | Maps, Plans, and Other
Illustrations. | Representing more than
7,000 Types of the Objects Found in
the | Royal Sepulchres of Mycenae and
Elsewhere | In tho Excavations. | New
York: | Scribner, Armstrong Sc Com-
pany. | 1878. | (All Rights Reserved.)

8°, pp. i-lxviii, 1-384, Swastika, pp. 77, 165,
259, figs. 383, 385, and many others.

------Troja | Results of the Latest | Re-
searches and Discoveries on the | Site of
Homer’s Troy | And in the Heroic
Tumuli and Other Sites | Made in the
Year 1882 | and a Narrative of a Jour-
ney in the Troad in 1881 | by | Dr. Henry
Schliemann | Hon. D. C. L., Oxon., and
Hon. Fellow of Queen’s College, Ox-
ford | F. S. A., F. R. I. B. A. | Author of
“ llios,” “ Troy and its Remains,” and
“Mycenae and Tiryns ” | Preface by
j Prof. A. H. Sayce | with 150 Woodcuts
| and 4 Maps and Plans | (Quotation in
German from Moltke: Wunderbueh, p.
19, Berlin, 1879) | New York | Harper &
Brothers, Frankliu Square | 1884.

80, pp. 1-434.

Swastika, preface xviii, xxi, pp. 122,124,125

Spiral form, pp. 123.

Lycian coins—triskelion, pp. 123,124.

SCIIVINDT, Theodor. Vihko 1-4 | Suo-
malaisia koristeita. | 1. Ompelukor-
isteita. | Finnische Ornamente. | 1.
Stickornamente. | Heft 1-4 | Suola-
laisen Kirjallisuuden Seura Ilelsin-
gissa. | 1894.

Description of Finnish national ornamental
embroidery in which the Swastika appears as
a pattern made by oblique stitches, pp. 14, 15,
figs. 112-121.

SIMPSON, William. Swastika.

Palestine Exploration Fund, Quarterly State-
ment, January, 1895, pp. 84,85.

SNOWDEN, James Ross. A Descrip-
tion | of | Aocient and Modern Coins, |
in the | Cabinet Collection | at the Mint


SNOWDEN, James Ross—continued,
of the United States. | Prepared and
arranged under the Direction of |
James Ross Snowden, | Director of the
Mint. | Philadelphia: | J. B. Lippincott
& Co. | 1860.

8°, pp. i-xx, 1-412.

Punch-marks on ancient coins, and how they
were made. Introduction, pp. ix-xiv, and

SQUIER, E. George. Peru | Incidents
of Travel and Exploration | in the |
Land of the Incas | ByE. George Squier,
M. A., F. S. A. | Late U. S. Commis-
sioner to Peru, Author of “Nicaragua,”
“Ancient Monuments | of Mississippi
Valley,” etc., etc. | (Design) | With Il-
lustrations | New York | Harper Broth-
ers, Publishers | Franklin Square |

8°, pp. i-xx, 1-599.

Mythologic representations of earth, air,
and water. The cross not mentioned as one,
p. 184.

STEVENS, George L. The Old North-
ern | Runic Monuments | of Scandina-
via and England | Now first | collected
and deciphered | by | George Stevens,
Esq., F. S. A. | Knight of the Northern
Star and other titles, | with many hun-
dreds of fac-similes and illustrations
partly in gold, silver, bronze and col-
ors. | Runic alphabets; introductions;
appendices; word-lists, etc. | London,
John Russell Smith. | Kobenhaven,
Michaelsen and Tillge. | Printed by
H. H. Thiele, 1866-67.

8°, pp. i-xi, 1-625.

STEVENSON, James. Collections made
in New Mexico and Arizona, 1879, by
James Stevenson.

Second Ann. Rep. Bureau of Ethnology, 1880-81,
pp. 307-465, figs. 347-697.

Spiral in basketry, fig. 542. Swastika (dance-
rattle), fig. 562, p. 394. Maltese cross, fig. 642.
Greek cross, fig. 708, p. 453.

SYKES, Lieut. Col. Notes on the reli-
gious, moral, and political state of India
before the Mohammedan invasion,
chiefly founded on the travels of the
Chinese Buddhist priest, Fa-Hian, in
India, A. D. 399, and on the commen-
taries of Messrs. Klaproth, Burnouf,
and Landresse.

Journal Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain
and Ireland, Yol. vi, pp. 248, 299, 310, 334.

THOMAS, Cyrus. Burial Mounds of
Northern Sections of the United States.

Fifth Ann. Rep. Bureau of Ethnology, 1883-84,
pp. 3-119, pis. i-vi, figs. 1-49.

Excavations in Little Etowah Mounds.

Human figures on copper plates, repouss6
work, figs. 42,43, pp. 100, 101.

Eagle (copper) Mound near Bluff Lake, Un-
ion County, Illinois, fig. 48, p. 105.

----Report on the Mound Explorations

of the Bureau of Ethnology.

Twelfth Ann. Rep. Bureau of Ethnology,
1890-91, pp. 1-730, pis. i-XLll, figs. 1-344.

Human figures (copper), repouss6 work, figs.
186, p. 304; 189, p. 306.

Eagle Mound in Illinois, fig. 192, p. 309.

Swastika on shell, Big Toco Mound, Tennes-
see, fig. 262, p. 383.

THOMAS, G. W. Excavations in Anglo-
Saxon Cemetery, Sleaford, Lincoln-
shire. Swastika.

Arehceologia, Yol. L, 1887, pt. 2, p. 386, pi.
xxiv, fig. 2.

TYLOR, Edward B. Anthropology: |
An Introduction to the Study of | Man
and Civilization. | By | Edward B. Tay-
lor, D. C. L., F. R. S. | With Illustra-
tions. | New York: | D. Appleton and
Company, | 1, 3, and 5 Bond Street. |

12°, pp. 1-448.

Spinning and spindle whorls, pp. 247,248.

----Primitive Culture | Researches into

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the Development of | Mythology, Phi-
losophy, Religion, | Language, Art and
Custom | by | Edward E. Tylor, LL. D.,
F. R. S., | Author of “Researches into
the Early History of Mankind,” etc. |
(Quotation in French) | First Ameri-
can, from the Second English Edition |
In Two Volumes | (Design) | Boston |
Estes & Lauriat | 143 Washington
Street | 1874.

8°, (1), pp- i-xii, 1-502; (2), pp. i-viii, 1-470.

WAKE, C. S. The Swastika and Allied

Am. Antiquarian, 1894, Yol. xvi, p. 413.

The writer cites Prof. Alois Raimond Hein,
Meander, etc., Worbelornamente in Amerika.
Yienna, 1891.

WARING, J. B. Ceramic Art | in | Re-
mote Ages; | With Essays on the Sym-
bols of | the Circle, the Cross and
Circle, | the Circle and Ray Ornament,
the Fylfot, | and the Serpent, | Show-
ing their Relation to the Primitive


WARING, J. B.—continued.

Forms | of | Solar and Nature Wor-
ship, | by | J. B. Waring, | Author of |
“Stone Monuments, Tumuli, and Orna- i
meut of Remote Ages,” “Illustrations
of Architecture and Ornament,” | “The '
Art Treasures of the United Kingdom,” i
»Vc., *fcc. | London: | Printed and Pub-
lished by .John B. Day, | Savoy Street,
Straud | 1874.

Folio, pp. 1-127, pis. 1-55.

Swastika; Triskelion; Ancicntcoins. l’latcs
2, 3,7,27, 33,41-44.

WIENER,Ciiahles. lYrou j etBolivie |
R^eit de Voyage | suivi | d’Etmles
Archdologiques et Ethnographiques |
et de Notes | Sur l’Ecriture et les Lan-
gues des Populations Iiuliennes | ]>ar |
Charles Wiener | Ouvrage Contenant |
100 Gravures, 27 cartes et 18 plans | (De-
sign) | Paris | Librairie llaeliette et
Cie. | 79, Boulevard Saint-Germain,79 |
1880 | Droits de Propriety et de traduc-
tion reserves.

8°, pp. i-xi, 1-790.

Christian cross in America.—Means us<<l to
implant it. Chap, vii, pp. 71G-730.

| WOOD, J. G. The | Natural | History of
Man; | Being | an Account of the Man-
ners and Customs of the | Uncivilized
Races of Men. | By the Rev. | J. G.
Wood, M. A., F. L. S. | etc., etc. | AVith
New Designs by An gas, Dan by, Wolf,
Zweeker, etc., etc. | Engraved by the
Brothers Dalziel. | Loudon: j George
Rontledge and Sous, The Broadway,
Ludgate. | New York; 416 Broome
Street. | 1868.

2 volst., 8°, pp. 774, 804.

Tlie Gurani Indians wear the qiteyu or bead
apron; Vol. II, p. 020, blit the Waraus wear
only a triangular bit of bark, p. 023.

WRIGHT, T. F. Notes on the Swastika.

Palestine Exploration Fund, Quarterly State-
ment, London. October, 1894, p. 300.

ZMIGRODZKI, Michael V. Zur | Gc-
schichte der Suastika | von | Michael
V. Zmigrodzki | Mit Vier Figuren ini
Text und Vier Tafeln. | Braun-
schweig, | Druek und Verlag von Frie-
dericli Vieweg und Solin. | 1890.

----Histoire du Suastika.

Congris International d'Anthrop. et Archeol.
Prehist. Compte Rendu de la dixiinne session
a Paris, 1889 pp. 473-490.


Facing page.

FI. 1. Origin of Buddha, with Swastika sign, according to Tao Shih..... 800

2.   Swastika decreed by Empress Wn (684-704 A. D.) as a sign for sun in

China.......................................................... 800

3.   Swastika design on silk fabrics................................... 800

4.   Swastika in sjiider web over fruit................................ 800

5.   Buffalo with Swastika on forehead. Presented to Emperor of Sung

Dynasty.......................................................... 800

6.   Incense burner with Swastika decoration. South Tang Dynasty.....   800

7.   House of Wa Tsung-Chih of Sin Shin, with Swastika in railing...... 800

8.   Mountain or wild date—fruit resembling Swastika. China............ 800

9.   Punch marks on reverse of ancient coins........................... 876

Eig. 1. Coin from Lydia. Electrum. Reverse. Oblong sinking
between two squares. Babylonic stater. The earliest
known coinage. Circa B. C. 700.

2.   Phenician half stater. Electrum. Reverse. Incuse square

with cruciform ornament.

3.   Silver coin of Teos. Reverse. Incuse square. Circa 544


4.   Silver coin of Acanthus. Reverse. Incuse square.

5.   Silver coin of Mende. Reverse. Incuse triangles.

6.   Silver coin of Terone. Reverse. Incuse.

7.   Coin of Bisaltse.1 Reverse. Elat incuse square. Octa-


8.   Silver coin of Orrescii.1 Reverse. Incuse square. Octa-


9.   Corinthian silver coin. Reverse. Incuse square divided

into eight triangular compartments.

10.   Silver coin of Abdcra. Reverse. Incuse square.

11.   Silver coin of Byzantium. Reverse. Incuse square, gran-


12.   Silver coin of Thrasos (Thrace). Reverse. Incuse square.

10.   Engraved Eulgnr(?) shell resembling statue of Buddha. Toco mound,

Tennessee. Cat. No. 115560, U.S.N.M.............................. 880

11.   Plan of North Fork (Hopewell) Works, Ross County, Ohio. Smith-

sonian Contrib. to Knowledge, I, pi. x............................ 888

12.   Plan of Hopewell mound, Ross County, Ohio, in which aboriginal cop-

per Swastikas were found. Primitive Man in Ohio, pi. xxxiv........   888

13.   Human skull, with copper-covered horns, probably of elk. Hopewell

mound, Ross County, Ohio. Primitive Man in Ohio, frontispiece.....   890

14.   Altar, Hopewell mound, Ross County, Ohio. Found near the copper

Swastika shown in fig. 244. Primitive Man in Ohio, fig. xxxvii. Cat.

No. 148662, U. S. N. M............................................ 890

1 The Basal ta'- and Orrescii were Thracian tribes who dwelt in the valleys of the
Strymon and the Augites, to the north of the Pangman Range.



Facing page.

PI. 15. Bead necklace and garters witli Swastika ornamentation. Sac Indians. 894

16.   Ceremonial bead garters witli Swastikas. Sac Indians, Cook County

(Kansas) Reservation.............................................. 896

17.   “Navajo Mountain Chant.” Dr. 'Washington Matthews. Fifth Ann.

Rep. Bur. Ethnol., 1883-84, pi. xvn............................... 898

18.   Folium Vitus (“fig leaves”)—terra-cotta covers, “ tnnga,” used by ab-

origines of Brazil. Cat. Nos. 59089 and 36542, U.S.N.M............. 904

19.   Various forms of crosses in use among North American Indinns, from

Greek cross to Swastika. Second Ann. Rep. Bur. Ethnol., 1880-81,

pi. liii........................................................... 928

Fig. 1. Greek cross.

2.   Greek cross.

3.   Cross on copper.

4.   Cross on shell.

5.   Greek cross.

6.   Greek cross.

7.   Latin cross, copper.

8.   Greek cross.

9.   Latin cross, copper.

10.   Swastika on shell.

11.   Swastika on shell.

12.   Swastika on pottery.

13.   Swrastika on pottery.

20.   Palenque cross, foliated. Smithsonian Contrib. to Knowledge, xxir, fig. 7,

p. 33 ......................................................... 932

21.   Modern porcelain spindle-whorls. Southern France. Cat. No. 169598,

U.S.N.M.......................................................... 968

22.   Navajo woman using spindle and whorl. Dr. Washington Matthews,

Third Ann. Rep. Bur. Ethnol, 1881-82, pi. xxxiv................ 970

23.   Series of aboriginal spindles and whorls from Peru. Cat. No. 17510,

U.S.N.M.......................................................... 972

24.   Selected specimens of spindle-whorls from the Third, Fourth, and Fifth

cities of Troy. U. S. National Museum.......................... 974

25.   Selected specimens of spindle-whorls from the Third, Fourth, and Fifth

cities of Troy. U. S. National Museum............................ 974



Fig. 1. Latin cross (Crux immissa)........................................ 765

2.   Greek cross.................................................... 765

3.   St. Andrew's cross (Crux decussata)............................ 765

4.   Egyptian cross (Crux ansata), the Key of Life................ 766

5.   Tau cross, Thor’s hammer, St. Anthony's cross................ 766

6.   Monogram of Christ. Labarum of Constantine................... • 766

7.   Maltese cross.................................................. 766

8.   Celtic crosses................................................. 767

9.   Normal Swastika. Arms crossing at right angles, with ends bent to

the right..................................................... 767

10.   Suavastika. Arms bent to the left........................... 767

11.   Swastika...................................................... 767

12.   Croix swasticale (Zmigrodzki)................................. 767

13a. Ogee and spiral Swastikas. Tetraskelion (four-armed).......... 768

13&.   Spiral and volute. Triskelion (three-armed)................... 768

13c. Spiral and volute (five or many armed)...................... 768

13d. Ogee Swastika with circle..................................... 768



Fig. 14. Nandavartava, a third sign of the footprint of Buddha. Burnouf,

Lotus de la Bonne Loi, Paris, 1852, p. 626................... 774

15.   Typical lotuses on Cyprian vases. Goodyear, Grammar, etc., p. 77..   782

16. Typical lotus on Rhodian vases. Goodyear, Grammar, etc.......... 782

17. Typical lotus on Melian vases. Goodyear, Grammar of the Lotus___   782

18.   Detail of Cyprian vase showing lotuses with curling sepals. Met.

Mus. of Art, N. Y. Goodyear, Grammar, etc., pi. xlvii, fig. 1.. 782

19.   Details of a Cyprian amphora; lotus with curling sepals, and dif-

ferent Swastikas. Met. Mus. of Art, N. Y. Goodyear, Grammar,
etc., pi. xlvii, figs. 2 and 3........................ 783

20.   Theory of the evolution of the spiral scroll from lotus. One volute.

Goodyear, Grammar, etc., fig. 51............................... 783

21.   Theory of lotus rudiments in spiral. Tomb 33, Abd-el-Kourneh,

Thebes. Goodyear, Grammar, etc., p. 96......................... 783

22.   Concentric rings connected by tangents. Petrie, History of Scarabs. 784

23.   Conceiltric rings with disconnected tangents. Barringer Coll., Met.

Mus. of Art, N. Y. Goodyear, Grammar, etc., PI. vm, fig. 23.... 784

24.   Concentric rings without connection. Goodyear, Grammar, etc., pi.

vm, fig. 25. Farman Coll., Met. Mus. of Art, N. Y.............. 784

25.   Special Egyptian meander. An illustration of the theory of deriva-

tion from the spiral. Goodyear, Grammar, etc., pi. x, fig. 9... 784

26.   Detail of Greek vase. Meander and Swastika. No. 2843 in Polytech-

nic, Athens. Goodyear, Grammar, etc., fig. 174................. 785

27.   Detail of Greek geometric vase in the British Museum. Swastika,

right, with solar geese. Goodyear, Grammar, etc., fig. 173, p. 353..   785

28.   Greek geometric vase. Swastika with solar geese. Goodyear, Gram-

mar, etc., fig. 172, p. 353.................................... 785

29.   Bronze statue of Buddha. Japan. Eight Swastikas on pedestal, cane

tintinnabulum with six movable rings or bells. Cernuschi Coll.
One-fifteenth natural size...................................... 799

30.   Japanese potter’s mark on porcelain. Swastika, left. Sir A. W.

Franks, Catalogue, etc., pi. xi, fig. 139; De Mortillet, Muste Pre-
historique, fig. 1248........................................... 799

31.   Potter’s mark on porcelain. China. Tablet of Honor, with Swas-

tika. Prime, Pottery and Porcelain, p.254...................... 801

32.   Footprint of Buddha with Swastika, from Amaravati Tope. From

a figure by Fergusson and Schliemann............................ 802

33.   Explanation of Jain Swastika, according to Gandhi.............. 804

(1) Archaic or protoplasmic life; (2) plant and animal life; (3)
human life; (4) celestial life.

34a. The formation of   the Jain Swastika—First stage................. 804

34/>. The formation of   the Jain Swastika—Second stage................ 804

34c. The formation of   the Jain Swastika—Third stage................. 805

35.   Bronze pin-head from Cheithan-thagh. De Morgan, An Caucase, fig.

177............................................................. 807

36.   Bronze pin-head from Akthala. De Morgan An, Can case, fig. 178_ 808

37.   Swastika mark on black pottery. Cheithan-thagh. 1*6 Morgan, An

Caucase, fig. 179............................................... 808

38.   Fragment of bronze ceinturo. Necropolis of Koban, Caucasus.

Swastika repouss^. Natural size. Chantre, Le Caucase, pi. xi,
fig. 3.......................................................... 808

39.   Bronze agrafe or belt plate. Triskelion in spiral. Koban, Caucasus,

Chantre, Le Caucase,   pi.   xi, fig. 4.......................... 809

40.   Swastika signs from Asia Minor. Waring, Ceramic Art in Pemote

Ages, pi. xli, figs. 5   and 6.................................... 809



Fig. 41. Brand for horses in Circassia. Ogee Swastika, tetraskelion. Waring,

Ceramic Art, ete., pi.   xlii,   lig. 20c................................. 809

42.   Fragment of lustrous black pottery. Swastika, right. Sclilieinann,

Ilio8, fig. 247....................................................... 810

43.   Spindle-whorl with two Swastikas and two crosses; 23 feet depth.

Sclilieinann, Ilios, fig. 1858........................................ 811

44.   Spindle-whorl, two Swastikas; 23 feet depth. Schliemann, Ilios,

fig. 1874 ............................................................ 811

45.   Spindle-whorl, two Swastikas; 23 feet depth. Schliemann, Ilios,

fig. 1919............................................................. 811

46.   Spindle-whorl, two Swastikas; 23 feet depth. Schliemann, [lion,

fig. 1826 ............................................................ 811

47.   Spindle-whorl, three Swastikas; 23 feet depth. Schliemann, Iliox,

fig. 1851............................................................. 811

48.   Spindle-whorl, Swastikas; 23 feet depth. Schliemann, Ilios, fig.

1982.................................................................. 812

19. Sphere, eight segments, one containing Swastika. Schliemann, Ilios,

lig. 1999 ............................................................ 812

50.   Biconical spindle-wliorl,   Swastika. Schliemann, Ilios, fig. 1949....... 812

51.   Biconical spindle-wliorl, six Swastikas; 33 feet depth. Schliemann,

Ilios, fig. 1859...................................................... 813

52.   Biconical spindle-wliorl, two ogee Swastikas; 33 feet depth. Schlie-

niann, Ilios, fig. 1876............................................... 813

53.   Spindle-whorl, four Swastikas; 33 feet depth. De Mortillet, Mu see

Prehistorique, fig. 1210.......................................*—   813

54.   Spindle-wliorl, one Swastika; 33 feet depth. De Mortillet, Musee

Prehistorique, fig. 1241.............................................. 813

55.   Conical spindle-wliorl, three ogee Swastikas; 13| feet depth. Sclilie-

mann, Ilios, fig. 1850................................................ 814

56.   Conical spindle-wliorl, four Swastikas, various kinds; 13£ feet depth.

Schliemann, Ilios, fig. 1879.......................................... 814

57.   Conical spindle-wliorl, Swastikas; 13£ feet depth. Schliemann,

Ilios, fig. 1891....................................................   814

58.   Biconical spindle-whorl, one Swastika ; 134 fe depth. Schliemann,

Ilios, fig. 1983 ....'............................................. 815

59.   Biconical spindle-whorl, three ogee Swastikas; 134 feet depth.

Schliemann, Ilios, fig. 1990.......................................... 815

60.   Biconical spindle-whorl, two Swastikas; 161 feet depth. Sehlie-

niann, Ilios, fig. 1863............................................... 815

61.   Biconical spindle-whorl, five ogee Swastikas; 18 feet depth. Sehlie-

maun, Ilios, fig. 1905................................................ 816

62.   Spindle-whorl, three Swastikas; 19.8 feet depth. Schliemann, Ilios,

fig. 1855 ............................................................ 816

63.   Spindle-whorl, four ogee Swastikas, with spiral volutes; 18 feet depth.

Schliemann, Ilios, fig. 1868.......................................... 816

64.   Biconical spindle-whorl, one Swastika; 19.8 feet depth. Schliemann,

Ilios, fig>1865....................................................... 816

65.   Biconical spindle-whorl, one Swastika; 19.8 feet depth. Schliemann,

Ilios, fig. 1866...................................................... 817

66.   Biconical spindle-whorl, three Swastikas and three “burning

altars;” 19.8 feet depth. Schliemann, Ilios, fig. 1872............. 817

67.   Biconical spindle-whorl, four Swastikas of the Jain style; 19.8 feet

depth. Schliemann, Ilios, tig.   1873................................... 817

68.   Biconical spindle-whorl, three Swastikas of different styles; 19.8 feet

depth. Schliemann, Ilios, fig.   1912....T,...........................  817


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Fig. 69. Biconical spindle-wliorl, one Swastika of the figure-8 style; 19.8 feet

depth. Schliemann, Ilios, tig. 18C1............................. 818

70.   Biconical spindle-whorl, one Swastika slightly ogee; 19.8 feet depth.

Schliemann, Ilios, fig. 1864.................................... 818

71.   Conical spindle-whorl, three ogee Swastikas; 13|feetdepth. Selilio-

mann, Ilios, fig. 1852. Gift of Mme. Schliemann. Cat. No. 149704,
U.S.N.M............................................... 818

72.   73, 74. Forms of whorls from fifth buried city of Hissarlik, for com-

parison. Schliemann, Ilios, figs. 1801,1802, and 1803........... 819

75.   Terra-cotta sphere, thirteen Swastikas. Third city; 26 feet depth.

Schliemann, Ilios, figs. 245, 246............................... 819

76.   Terra-cotta disk, one Swastika. Schliemann, Ilios, fig. 1849..... 820

77.   Spindle-whorl, ogeo Swastika. Third city; 23 feet depth. Schlie-

mann, Ilios, fig. 1822........................................... 820

78.   Biconical spindle-whorl, irregular Swastikas and crosses. Fonrth

’ city; 13.6 feet depth. Schliemann, Ilios, fig. 1871 ............ 820

79.   Biconical spindle-whorl, uncertain and malformed Swastikas. Third

city; 33 feet depth. Schliemann, Ilios, fig. 1870...•-.......... 820

80.   Biconical spindle-whorl, irregular and partly formed Swastika with

large dot in center. Fourth city; 23 feet depth. Schliemann, Ilios,
fig. 1875 ....................................................... 821

81.   Biconical spindle-whorl, flattened, two Swastikas with indefinite

decoration.   Schliemann,   Ilios,   fig.   1947...................... 821

82.   Biconical spindle-whorl, one Swastika and four segments of circles.

Third city; 33 feet depth. Schliemann, Ilios, fig. 1989......... 821

83.   Biconical spindle-whorl, flattened, ogee Swastika with center circle.

Third city; 23 feet depth. Schliemann, Ilios, fig. 1987......... 822

84.   Biconical spindle-whorl, six ogee Swastikas, with center circlo and

dot. Third city; 23 feet depth. Schliemann, Ilios, fig. 1862.... 822

85.   Spherical spindle-whorl, flattened top, ogee lines which do not form

Swastikas.   Schliemann,   Ilios,   fig.   1890....................... 822

86.   Biconical spindle-whorl, ogeo carves not crossed to form Swastikas.

Fourth city; 10.6 feet depth. Schliemann, Ilios, fig. 1889...... 822

87.   Spherical spindle-whorl flattened, with two Swastikas combined with

segments and dots. Schliemann, Ilios, fig. 1988................. 823

88.   Two sections of terra-cotta sphere, central circle and many extended

arms, ogee and zigzag to the left. Schliemann, Ilios, fig. 1993. 823

89.   Spherical spindle-whorl, large central dot with 12 arms, in same form

as ogeo Swastika. Schliemann, Ilios, fig. 1946.................. 823

90.   Spindle-whorl, central dot with ogee arms radiating therefrom, turn-

ing in different directions, but in form of Swastika. Third city; 29
feet depth. Schliemann, Ilios, fig. 1830 ............. 824

91.   Spindle-whorl, central hole with radiating arms. Third city; 23 feet

depth. Schliemann,   Ilios,   fig.   1842................. 824

92.   Spindle-whorl, large central circle with many arms. Fourth city;

19.8 feet depth. Schliemann, Ilios, fig. 1837 .................. 824

93.   Spindle-whorl, central hole and large circle with many curved arms.

Third city; 29 feet depth.   Schliemann, Ilios, fig. 1833........   824

94.   Large biconical spindle-whorl with four large crosses with bifur-

cated arms. Third city; 23 feet depth. Schliemann, Ilios, fig.

1856............................................................. 825

95.   Spindle-whorl, hole and large circle in center with broad arms of

Greek cross. Third city; 26.4 feet depth. Schliemann, Ilios, fig.

1820............................................................ 825

96.   Spindle-whorl, hole and large circle in center, extended parallel arms

of Greek cross, with dots. Third city; 23 feet depth. Schliemann,

Ilios, fig. 1817................................................. 825


Fig. 97. Spindle-whorl, arms of Greek cross tapering, with dots. Third city;

23 feet depth. Schliemanu, Ilios, tig. 1818.................... 825

98.   Spindle-whorl, central hole, three arms ornamented with dots. Third

city; 23 feet depth. Schliemann, Ilios, fig. 1819.............. 826

99.   Bieonieal spindle-whorl, with four animals associated with the Swas-

tika. Third city; 33 feet depth. Schliemann, Ilios, fig. 1877.. 826

100.   Bieonieal spindle-whorl, with four animals associated with the Swas-

tika. Fourth city; 19.6 feet depth. Schliemann, Ilios, fig. 1867..   826

101.   Spindle-whorl, figure-8 Swastika (?) with six “burning altars.”

Fourth city; 19.6 feet depth. Schliemann, Ilios, fig. 1838..... 826

102 to 113. Trojan spindle-whorls. Schliemann, Ilios................. 827

114 to 124. Trojan Spindle-whorls. Schliemann, Ilios................. 828

125.   Leaden idol, Artemis Nana of Chaldea, with Swastika. Hissarlik,

23 feet depth, 1£ natural size. Schliemann, Ilios, fig. 226.... 829

126.   Terra-cotta vase with mamclon. Fourth city; 16| feet depth. One-

third natural size. Cat. No. 149676, U.S.N.M................... 830

127.   Terra-cotta vase with circle or ring. Fourth city; 20 feet depth. One-

third natural size. Schliemann, Ilios, fig. 988................ 830

128.   Terra-cotta vase, with circle or ring with Croix swasticale. Fourth

city; 20 feet depth. One-sixth natural size. Schliemann, Ilios,
iig. 986.............................................. 831

129.   Terra-cotta vase, with circle or ring inclosing Swastika. Fifth city;

10 feet depth. Two-fifths natural size. Schliemann, Troja, fig.

101.............................................................. 831

130.   Greek vase showing deer, geese, and three Swastikas. Naukratis,

ancient Egypt, sixth and fifth centuries B. C. Flinders Petrie,

Third Mem. Egypt Expl. Fund, pt. 1, pi. iv, fig. 3; and Goodyear,

Grammar, etc., pi. lx, fig. 2.................................. 834

130a. Detail of vase shown in the preceding figure................... 834

131.   Pottery fragments with two meander Swastikas. Naukratis, an-

cient Egypt. Petrie, Third Mem. Egypt Expl. Fund, pt. 1, pi. v,
figs. 24 and 15.................................................. 835

132.   Fragments of Greek vase with lion and three meander Swastikas.

Naukratis, ancient Egypt. Petrie, Sixth Mem. Egypt Expl. Fund,
pt. 2, pi. v, fig. 7; and Goodyear, Grammar, etc., pi. xxx, fig. 2 ..   835

133.   Fragment of Greek vase with figures of sacred animals and Swastikas

associated with Greek fret. Naukratis, ancient Egypt. Petrie,

Sixth Mem. Egypt Expl. Fund, pt. 2, pi. vi, fig. 1............. 836

134.   Fragment of Greek vase with figures of animals, two meander

Swastikas, and Greek fret. Nankratis, ancient Egypt. Petrie, Sixth
Mem. Egypt Expl. Fund, pt. 2, pi. viii, fig. 1; and Goodyear, Gram-
mar, etc., pi. xxx, fig. 10...................................... 836

135.   Greek vase with deer and meander and figure-8 Swastikas. Nan-

kratis, ancient Egypt. Sixth Mem. Egypt Expl. Fund, pi. v, fig. 1.   837

136.   Greek tapestry. Coptos, Egypt. First and second centuries A. D.

Forrer, Achmim-Panopolis, pi. ix, fig. 3......................... 837

137.   Torus of column with Swastikas. Roman ruins, Algeria. Dela-

mare. "Waring, Ceramic Art, etc., pi. xliii, fig. 2............ 838

138.   Bronze ingots captured at Coomassee during Ashantee war. Swastika

on each........................................................   838

139.   Variations of the Greek fret. The two continuous lines crossing

each other give the appearance of Swastikas.................... 839

140.   Greek geometric vase with goose and Swastika (panel). Smyrna.

Leyden Museum. Conze. Anfiinge, etc., Vienna, 1870; and Good-
year, Grammar, etc., pi. lvi, fig. 4.................. 839



Fig. 141. Greek vase, geometric ornament, Athens. Horses, Swastika (panels).

Dennis, Etruria, vol. 1, p. cxiii............................... 839

142.   Greek vase with Swastikas (panels). Conze, Anfange, etc., vol. 4;

and Goodyear, Grammar, etc., pi. lx, fig. 13.................... 839

143.   Detail of Archaic Greek vase with solar goose and Swastika (panel).

British Museum. Waring, Ceramic Art, etc., pi. xli, fig. 15..... 840

144.   Cyprian pottery plaque with Swastika (panel). Met. Mus. of Art,

N. Y. Cesnola, Cyprus, Its Ancient Cities, Tombs, and Temples, pi.

.   xlvii, fig. 40.................................................... 840

145.   Detail lrom Cyprian vase, Swastikas in triangles. Goodyear, Gram-

mar, etc., pi. i, fig. 11....................................... 840

146.   Detail of Attic vase with antelope (?) and Swastika. British

Museum. Bohlau, Jahrbuch, 1885, p. 50; and Goodyear, Grammar,
etc., pi. xxxvii, fig. 9.............................. 840

147.   Cyprian vase with Swastikas. Cesnola, Cyprus, etc., appendix by

'   Murray, p. 404, fig.   15........................................... 841

148.   Terra-cotta figurine with Swastikas (panels). Cesnola, Cyprus, p.

300. Ohnefalsch-Richter, Bull. Soc. d’Anthrop, Paris, 1888, p. 681,
fig. 11.........................................................   841

149.   Terra-cotta vase, Swastika, and figure of horse.................. 841

150.   Bronze fibula with Swastika, goose, and fish, Boeotia, Greece, onc-half

natural size. Ludwig Muller. De Mortillet, Musee FrShistorique, '
fig. 1265........................................................  841

151.   Details of Greek vase with birds and Swastikas. Waring, Ceramic

Art, etc., pi. xxxiii, fig. 24; and Goodyear, Grammar, etc., pi. xlvi,
fig. 5............................................................ 842

152.   Detail of Cyprian vase, sun hawk, lotus, solar disk, Swastikas. Bolau,

Jahrbuch, 1886, pi. vm; Reinach, Revue Archeologique, 1885, n, p.

360; Chipiez & Perrot, Hist, of Art in Antiq., iv, p.564; Goodyear,
Grammar, etc., pi. xlv, fig. 3.................................... 842

153.   Detail of Greek geometric vase with horses and Swastika. Thera.

Leyden Museum. Goodyear, Grammar, etc., pi. lxi, fig. 4......... 842

154.   Bronze fibula with large Swastika on shield. Greece. Musce St.

Germain. De Mortillet, Musde Pr61iistorique, fig. 1264. One-half
natural size....................................-..... 843

155.   Greek vase, oinochoe, with two painted Swastikas. De Mortillet,

Musfy Frehistorique, fig. 1244. One-quarter natural size........ 843

156.   Cyprian vase with animal and Swastikas. Cesnola, Cyprus, etc., pi.

xlv, fig. 36...................................................... 843

157.   Archaic Greek pottery fragment. Santorin, ancient Thera. War-

ing, Ceramic Art., etc., pi. xlii, fig. 2....................... 843

158.   Cyprian vase with bird, lotus, and Swastikas. Met. Mus. of Art,

N. Y. Goodyear, Grammar, etc., pi. lx, fig. 15.................. 844

159.   Cyprian vase with two Swastikas. Cesnola Coll., Met. Mus. of Art,

N. Y. Goodyear, Grammar, etc., fig. 151......................... 844

160.   Fragment of terra-cotta vase with Swastikas, from ruins of temple

at Paleo-Paphos; 40 feet depth. Cesnola, Cyprus, etc., p. 210... 845

161.   Wooden button, clasp, or fibula, covered with plates of gold, ogee

Swastika (tetraskelion) in center. Schliemann, Mycenw, fig. 385,
p. 259 ............................................... 845

162.   Detail of Greek vase with goose, honeysuckle (Anthemion), spiral

Swastika. Thera. Monumenti Inedite, lxv, 2. Goodyear, Gram-
mar, etc., pi. xlvi, fig. 7........................... 845

163.   Detail of Greek vase, Sphynx with spiral scrolls, two meander Swas-

tikas (right). Melos. Bohlau, Jahrbuch, 1887, xii'; Goodyear.
Grammar, etc., pi. xxxiv, fig. 8................................ 846



Fig. 164. Detail of Greek vase, ibex and scroll, meander Swastika (right).

Melos. Bohlau, Jahrbuch, 1887, p. 121; and Goodyear, Grammar,
etc., pi. xxxix, fig. 2..........................................  846

165.   Detail of Greek vase with ram, meander Swastika (left), circles,

dots, and crosses. Rhodian style. British Museum. Salzmann,
Necropole de Camire, Li; and Goodyear, Grammar, etc., pi. xxvm,
fig. 7...........................................................  846

166.   Cyprian vase and details with birds and Swastikas. Perrot &. Clii-

piez, Chypre, etc., p. 702; Goodyear, Grammar, etc., pi. xlviii, figs.

6 and 12; Cesnola, Cyprus, etc., appendix by Murray, pi. xliv,
fig. 34, p.412.................................................... 847

167.   Cyprian vase with lotus, bosses, buds, and sepals, and different Swas-

tikas. Cesnola Coll., Met. Mus. of Art., N. Y. Goodyear, Gram-
mar, e tc., pi. xlviii, fig. 3......................... 847

168.   Cyprian vase with bosses, lotus buds, and different Swastikas. Ces-

nola Coll., Met. Mus. of Art., N. Y. Goodyear, Grammar, etc., pi.
xlviii, fig. 15................................................... 848

169.   Detail of early Bmotian vase with horse, solar diagram, Artemis with

geese, and Swastikas (normal and meander, right and left). Good-
year, Grammar, etc., pi. lxi, fig. 12.................. 848

170.   Detail of Rhodian vase with geese, circles, and dots, Swastikas (right

and left). British Museum. Waring, Ceramic Art, etc., pi. xxvii,
fig. 9............................................................ 819

171.   Detail of Rhodian vase with geese, lotus, circles, and two Swastikas

(right and left). Goodyear, Grammar, etc., fig. 145, p. 271........ 849

172.   Greek vase of typical Rhodian style with ibex, geese, lotus, six Swas-

tikas (normal, meander, and ogee, all left). Goodyear, Grammar,
etc., pi. xxxviii, p.   251........................................ 850

173.   Detail of Greek vase with deer, solar diagrams, three Swastikas (sin-

gle, double, and meander, right). Melos. Conze. Meliosche Thovge-

fdsse; Goodyear, Grammar, etc., pi. lx, fig 8...................... 851

171. Archaic Greek vase from Athens with five Swastikas, of four styles.
British Museum. Birch, History of Ancient Pottery, quoted in
Waring’s Ceramic Art, etc., pi. xli, fig. 15; Dennis, Etruria, Yol i,
p. xci.................................................................. 851

175.   Detail of Archaic Boeotian vase with two serpents, crosses, eight

Swastikas (normal, right, left, and meander). Goodyear, Gram-
mar, etc., pi. lx, fig.   9......................................... 852

176.   Attic vase for perfume with Swastikas of two kinds and Croix swas-

ticale. Olincfalsch-Richter, Pull. Soe. d? Anthrop., Paris, 1888,
p. 674, fig. 6.................................................... 852

177.   Detail of Cyprian vase, Swastika with palm tree, sacred to Apollo.

Citium, Cyprus. Ohnefalsch-Richter, Bull. Soc. (VAnthrop., Paris,

1888, p. 673, fig. 3............................................ 852

178.   Cyprian vase, birds, Swastika, (panel). Musde St. Germain. Ohne-

falsch-Richter, Bull. Soc. (TAnthrop., Paris, 1888, p. 674, fig. 6. 853

179.   Chariot of Apollo-Resef with sun symbol (?) on a shield ; four Swas-

tikas, two right and two left, on quadrants of chariot wheels.
Cesnola, Salamania, p. 240, fig. 226; and Ohnefalsch-Richter, Bull.

Soc. d’Anthrop., Paris 1888, p. 675, fig. 7........................ 853

180.   Terra-cotta statue of goddess, Aphrodite-Astarte, with four Swas-

tikas. Curium, Cyprus. Ohnefalsch-Richter, Bull. Soc. d’Anthrop.,

Paris, 1888, p. 676, fig. 8........................................ 853

181.   Cyprian centaur with one Swastika. Cesnola, Salamania, p.243, fig.

230; Ohnefalsch-Richter, Bull. Soc. .d’Anthrop., Paris, 1888, p. 676,
fig. 9




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Fig. 182. Creek statue, Aphrodite-Ariadne, with six Swastikas, four right, ami
two left. From Polistis Chrysokon.   Ohuefalsch-Kicliter, Ball.

Soc. d’Anthrop., Paris, 1888, p. 677, fig. 10.................... 854

183.   Hut uru (Bronze Age), Etruria. “Burning Altar” mark associated

with Swastikas. Vatican Museum................................... 856

184.   Fragment of Archaic Greek pottery with three Swastikas. Cunne,

Campania, Italy. Pochette; "Waring, Cei'am-ic Art, etc., pi. xlii,
fig. 1................................................. 858

185.   Cinerary urn with Swastikas in panels. Vatican Museum. San

Marino, near Albano. Pigorini, Arehaologia, 1869................. 858

186.   Cinerary urn with Swastikas inclosed in incised lines in intaglio

(panels). Cervetri, Italy. Conestabile dne Dischi in Bronzo, pi. v,
fig. 2, one-sixth natural size......................... 858

187.   Gold fibula with Swastikas (left). Etruscan Museum, Vatican.

Catalogue, 1st pt., pi. xxvi, fig. 6, one-half natural size...... 859

188.   Etruscan gold bulla, Swastika on bottom. Waring, Ceramic Art,

etc., pi. xlii, fig. 4a............................... .......... 859

189.   Ornamental Swastika on Etruscan silver howl, Cervetri (Ciere),

Etruria. Waring, Ceramic Art, etc., pi. xli, fig. 13............. 859

190.   Bronzo fibula with two Swastikas (supposed rays of sun), Etruria.

Copenhagen Museum. Goblet d’Alviella. Oue-fourtli natural size.

Do Mortillet, Musee Prehistorique, fig. 1263..................... 859

191.   Pottery urn ornamented with successive bands, in intaglio, two of

which bands are Swastikas. Necropolis Aruoaldi, Italy, Museum
of Bologna. Gozzadini, Scavi Archaologici, etc., pi. iv, fig. 8.. 860

192.   Fragment of pottery, row of Swastikas in intaglio, Necropole Fel-

sinea, Italy, Museum of Bologna. Gozzadini, Due Sepolcri, etc., p.

7, one-half natural size......................................... 860

193.   Swastika sign on clay bobbin. Type Villanova, Bologna. Gozzadini

Coll. De Mortillet, Mush Prehistorique, fig. 1239................ 860

194.   Pottery vase ornamented with bronze nail heads in form of Swastika.

Este, Italy. Materiaux, etc., 1884, p. 14........................ 861

195.   Fragment of pottery with Swastika stamped in relief.............. 861

196.   Stamp for making Swastika sign on pottery. Swiss lake dwelling of

Bourget, Savoy, Mus6e de ChamlxSry. Chantre, Age du Bronze, figs.

53 and 55; and Keller, Lake Dwellings of Europe, etc., pi. clxi,
fig. 3................................................. 861

197.   Fragment of ccinture, thin bronze, repoussd, with Swastikas of vari-

ous kinds; Tumulus Alsace. Bronze Age, llalstattien epoch. De
Mortillet, Musee Prehistorique, fig. 1255 ............. £62

198.   Fragment of ceinture of thin bronze, openwork with intricate Swas-

tikas; Tumulus of Metzstetten, Wurtemburg. Museum of Stutt-
gart, Halstattien epoch. Do Mortillet, Musee Prehistorique, fig. 1257,
and Chantre, Caucasus, etc., vol. II, p. 50, fig. 25............. 862

199.   Bronze fibula, the body of whieh forms a Swastika. Museum of

Mayence. De Mortillet, Musee Prehistorique, fig. 1266 ........... 862

200.   Sepulchral urn with Swastika. North Germany. Lisch & Sohroter,

Waring, Ceramic Art, etc., pi. vn, fig. 94....................... 862

201.   Spearhead with Swastika, Croix swasticale and triskelion. Branden-

burg, Germany. Waring, Ceramic Art, etc., pi. xliv, fig. 21. Viking
Age, Vol. n, fig. 336.................................. «63

202.   Bronze pin with Swastika, pointille, from mound in Bavaria. Chan-

tre. Materiaux, 1884, pp. 14, 120................................ ^63

203.   Runic inscription on bronze sword, inlaid with silver. S'aebo, Nor-

way. One of the characters is a Swastika......................... 864



Fig. 204a. Swastika with. dots. Torcello, Italy. Du Cliaillu, Viking Age, vol.

ii, fig. 335 ....................................................   865

2045. Runic inscription on spearhead. Torcello, Italy. Du Chaillu, Viking

Age, vol. ii, fig. 335 .......................................... 865

205.   Redding comb with Swastika. Scandinavia........................... 865

206.   Bronze brooch or fibula with combination of Swastikas. Scandinavia. 865

207.   Bronze brooch with Swastikas (tetraskelions), right and left; tris-

kelion, left. Scandinavia.......................................... 866

208.   Plaque for ceinture with buckle, two ogee Swastikas (tetraskelions).   866

20S. Scandinavian sword scabbard with two ogee Swastikas (tetrasko-

lions), right and left............................................. 866

210.   Scandinavian sword scabbard with ogee Swastika.................... 866

211.   Scandinavian sword scabbard, two triskelions, right and left......   866

212.   Gold brooeh with ogee Swastika. Island of Fyen. Waring, Ceramic

Art, etc., pi. xliii, fig. 11.................................... 867

213.   Scandinavian bronze silver-plated horse gear with three Swastikas,

one elaborate. Waring, Ceramic Art, etc., pi. xliv, fig. 16...... 867

214.   Scandinavian sword scabbard with normal Swastika. Vimose bog

find............................................................... 867

215.   Sculptured stone with Greek cross in circle, normal Swastika in

square, and ogee Swastika in quatrefoil............................ 868

216.   Fragment of thin bronze, repoussd, ogee Swastika. Ireland. Dr. R.

Munro, Lake Dwellings of Europe, pi. 124, figs. 20-22............ 868

217.   Fragment of thin bronze, triskelion. Ireland. Munro, Lake Dwell-

ings of Europe, p. 384, pi. 124, figs. 20-22 .................... 868

218.   Bronze pin with small normal Swastika on head. Crannog of Loch-

lee, Tarbolton, Scotland. Munro, Lake Dwellings of Europe, p. 417..   868

219.   Carved triskelion found on fragment of ash wood. Crannog of Loch-

lee, Tarbolton, Scotland. Munro, Lake Dwellings of Europe, p. 415..   869

220.   Stone altar with Swastika on pedestal. France. Museum of Tou-

louse. Do Mortillet, Musce Prtihistoriquc, fig. 1267 ............ 869

221.   Pottery bottle of dark gray with Swastika, and decoration in white

barbotine. Gallo-Roman epoeh. Museum of Rouen. De Mortillet,

Musce Prthistorique, fig. 1246................................... 870

222.   Anglo-Saxon bronze gilt fibula, simulation of Swastika. Long Wit-

tenliam, Berkshire............................................... 870

223.   Pottery urn with band of twenty Swastikas made by hand. White

on blackish ground. Shropham, Norfolk. British Museum. War-
ing, Ceramic Art, etc., pi. hi, fig. 50 ............... 871

224.   Lycian coin, triskelion, with three arms representing cocks’ heads

and necks.......................................................... 871

225.   226. Lyeian coins, triskelions, with central dots and circles, 480 B. C.

Waring, Ceramic Art, etc., pi. xlii, figs. 12 and 13............. 871

227.   Sicilian coin with quadriga and triskelion, 336-280 B. C. Coins of the

Ancients, Brit. Mns., pi.   xxxv, fig. 28............................ 873

228.   Warrior’s shield, from a Greek vase, Achilles an4. Hector, Agrigen-

tum, Sicily. Waring, Ceramic Art, etc., pi. xlii, fig. 24-.--.... 873

229.   Corinthian coin with punch mark resembling Swastika. Obverse

and reverse........................................................ 876

230.   Ancient Hindu coin. A cross with Swastika on extremity of eaeh arm.

Cunningham, Waring, Ceramic Art, etc., pi. xli, fig. 18.......... 877

231.   232, 233, 234. Ancient Hindu eoins with Swastikas, normal and ogee.

Cunningham, Waring, Ceramic Art, etc., pi. xli, figs. 20, 21, 22, 23..   877

235. Ancient coin- with Swastika. Gaza, Palestine. Waring, Ceramic

Art, etc,, pi. xlii, fig. 6...., .rTT.. r........................ 878



Fig. 236. Gold braeteate with Jain Swastika. Denmark. Thomson, Atlas,

Table vn. Waring, Ceramie Art, etc., pi. i, fig. 9............ 878

237.   Shell gorget with engraved Swastika., circles, and dots. Mound on

Fains Island, Tennessee. Cat. No. 62928, U.S.N.M.............. 880

238.   Engraved shell with Swastika, circles, and dots. Toco Mound, Mon-

roe County, Tenn. Cat. No. 115624, U.S.N.M.................... 880

239.   Shell gorget. Two fighting figures, triangular breecli-clout, dots and

eircles, three garters and anklets. From mound on Fains Island;
associated with fig. 237. Cat. No. 62930, U.S.N.M. Third Ann.

Hep. Bur. Etlinol., 1881-82, p. 452, fig. 128................. 885

240.   Copper plate. Etowah Mound, Georgia. Cat. No. 91113, U.S.N.M.

Fifth Ann. Hep. Bur. Etlinol.,   1883-84.......................... 886

241.   Copper plate. Repoussd work. Etowah Mound, Georgia. Cat. No.

91117, U.S.N.M.................................................. 887

242.   Engraved shell. Triangular breech-clout, with dots and circles.

* Etowah Mound, Georgia. Cat. No. 91443, U.S.N.M................ 888

243.   Copper plate repousse (eagle). Mound in Union County, 111. Cat.

No. 91507, U.S.N.M.............................................. 889

244.   Swastika cross of thin copper. Hopewell Mound, Ross County,

Ohio.   One-fourth natural size.................................. 889

245.   Flat ring of thin copper. Hopewell Mound, Ross County, Ohio. One-

fifth natural size.............................................. 889

246.   Stencil ornament of thin copper. Hopewell Mound, Ross County,

Ohio.   One-eighth natural size.................................. 889

247.   Stencil ornament of thin copper. Hopewell Mound, Ross County,

Ohio.   One-fourth natural size................................. 890

248.   Fish ornament of thin copper. Hopewell Mound, Ross County,

Ohio.   One-sixth natural size................................... 890

249.   Lozenge-shaped stencil of thin copper. Hopewell Mound, Ross

County, Ohio. Three-fourths natural size........................ 890

250.   Spool-shaped object of copper. Repouss6 and intaglio decoration.

Hopewell Mound, Ross County, Ohio. Natural size................. 891

251.   Fragment of engraved bone representing a paroquet. Hopewell

Mound, Ross County, Ohio. Natural size.......................... 892

252.   Fragment of engraved bone probably representing a Mississippi kite

or leather-back turtle. Hopewell Mound, Ross County, Ohio. Nat-
ural size....................................................... 892

253.   Fragment of engraved bone probably representing an otter with a

fish in his mouth. Hopewell Mound, Ross County, Ohio. Natural
size............................................................ 893

254.   Water jug, red on yellow, Swastika in center. Poinsett County, Ark.

Cat. No. 91230, U.S.N.M.......................................   893

255.   Kansa Indian war chart. Swastika, sign for winds and wind songs.

J. Owen Dorsey, Am. Naturalist, July, 1885, p. 670 ........... 894

256.   Dance rattle, small gourd in black, white, and red, ogee Swastika on

each side. Cat. No. 42042, U.S.N.M. Second Ann. Jlep. Bur.
Etlinol., 1880-81, fig. 562..................................... 896

257.   Tima Indian war shield with ogee Swastika (tetraskelion) in three

stripes of color, (I) blue, (2) red, (3) white. Cat. No. 27829,
U.S.N.M......................................................... 900

258.   Pima Indian war shield with ogee Swastika. The hole near the

lower arm of the Swastika was made by an arro\v shot. (Prop-
erty of F. W. Hodge)................................. 900

259.   Colonial patchwork with pattern resembling Swastika; Scribner's

Magazine, September, 1894 ...................................... 901



Fig. 260. Fragment of the foot of a stone metate with Swastika. Niearagua.

Cat. No. 23726, U.S.N.M.................................. 902

261.   Fragment of stone slab with ogee Swastika (tetraskelion) from an-

cient Maya city of Mayapan. Inscription translated as “lire” by
Le Plongeon. Proc. Amcr. Antiq. Soc., April 21, 1881 ... 903

262.   Different forms of Swastika placed together for comparison....... 905

203. Shell gorget, cross, circle, sun rays (?), and the heads of four ivory-

hilled woodpeckers (?) arranged to form a Swastika. Missis-
sippi................................................... 906

261.   Shell gorget from Tennessee.............................. 907

265.   Shell gorget from Tennessee.............................. 907

266.   Shell gorget from Tennessee.............................. 908

267.   Scalloped shell disk (Fulgur), with three spiral volutes (triskelion).

From mound near Nashville, Tenn.......................... 909

268.   Scalloped shell disk with circles, dots, and four spiral volutes (tetra-

skelion). Mound near Nashville,   Tenn............................ 910

269.   Shell disk, unfinished engraving, dot and circle in center, and ogee

Swastika (tetraskelion) marked, but not completed. ilrakebill

mound, near Knoxville, Tenn...................................... 911

270,271. Engraved shell disk (obverse and reverse) with tliree-armed

volutes (triskelion)............................................... 911

272.   Engraved shell disk with three-armed volute or spiral Swastika

(triskelion). From mounds in Tennessee............................. 912

273.   Engraved shell disk. Three-armed volute   (triskelion).   Tennessee..   912

274.   Engraved shell disk. Three-armed volute   (triskelion).   Tennessee..   913

275.   276, 277, 278. Engraved shell gorgets (Fulgur) representing the spider,

with circles and Greek crosses. From stone graves and mounds in
Illinois and Tennessee..................................... 913,911,915

279.   Engraved shell gorget (Fulgur) representing rattlesnake. From

McMahon mound, Tennessee. Second Ann. Iicp. Bur. Ethnol.,
1880-81, pi. lxiii................................................. 915

280,   281, 282, 283, 281, 285. Engraved shells (Fulgur) with representations

of the human face. (For comparison.) From Tennessee and Vir-
ginia........................................................   916,917

286.   Engraved shell (Fulgur). Human figure. McMahon mound, Ten-

nessee. (For comparison.) Second Ann. Pep. Ilur. Ethnol., 1880-81,
pi. lxxi........................................................... 917

287.   Engraved shell (Fulgur). llumantigure. (Foreomparison.) Mound

in Tennessee. Second Ann. Pep. Bur. Ethnol., 1880-81, pi. lxxii.. .   918

288.   Engraved shell gorget (Fu Igur). Human figure. (Foreomparison.)

Missouri. Second Ann. Pep. Bur. Ethnol., 1880-81, pi. lxxiii.....   919

289.   Tottery vessel, with four-armed volute, ogee Swastika (tetraskelion).

Arkansas. One-third natural size................................... 920

290.   Pottery vessel, four volutes resembling Swastika. Fecan Point,

Ark. One-third natural size........................................ 920

291.   Pottery vessel, animal shaped, volutes, nine arms. Pecan Point,

Ark. One-third natural size........................................ 920

292.   Pottery bowl, volutes with many arms. Arkansas. One-third nat-

ural size.........................................................  921

293.   Pottery vase, volutes. Arkansas..................................   921

294.   Tripod pottery vase, four-armed volutes making spiral Swastika.

Arkansas. One-third natural size................................... 922

295.   Pottery bowl with spiral Swastika, live arms, in bottom. Poinsett

County, Ark. Cat. No. 114035, U.S.N.M. Two views, top and side. 923

296.   Vessel of black ware, spiral scroll. Arkansas.................... 924


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ig. 297. Pottery bowl, bird shaped with three parallel incised lines with

ribbon fold. Charleston, Mo..................................... 924

21)8. Pottery bottle with three parallel incised lines turning with ribbon

fold. Charleston, Mo............................................ 925

299.   Pasket work with many armed volutes. Fourth Ann. Ilep. F>nr.

Fihnol., 1882-83, fig. 485 ..................................... 925

300.   Engraved shell gorget disk. Greek cross resembling Swastika, in-

cised lines. Monnd, Union County, 111.............................. 920

301.   Engraved shell gorget with Greek cross. Charleston, Mo. Second

Ann. Hep. Bur. Ethnol., 1880-81, pi. li, fig. 2................. 927

302.   Engraved shell gorget disk. Greek cross, inchoate Swastika. Sec-

ond Ann. Bep. Bur. Ethnol., 1880-81, Tl. lii, fig. 3............ 928

303.   Fragment of copper disk. Greek cross in center eirele. Ohio. Am.

Mns. Nat. Hist., N.Y. Second Ann. Bep. Bur. Ethnol., 1880-81, pi.
lii, fig. 4........................................................ 928

304.   Engraved shell disk gorget, rude cross with many dots. Lick Creek,

Tenn. Second Ann. Bep. Bur. Ethnol., 1880-81, pi. lii, fig. 2... 929

305.   Engraved shell, Greek cross, hatched. Caldwell County, N. C. Cat.

No. 831G9, U.S.N.M................................................. 929

306.   Engraved shell tliree-armed (triskelion). Lick Creek, Tenn. Cat.

No. 83170, U.S.N.M.............................................. 929

307.   Drilled and engraved shell or “rnntoe” with dotted Greek cross in

circle. Arizona.................................................... 930

308.   Drilled and engraved shell or “runtee/’ dots and rings forming circle

and Greek cross.   Ohio....-......................................... 930

309.   Drilled and engraved shell or “runtce,” dots and rings forming circle

and Greek cross. New York .   ................................ 930

310.   Pottery jar with crosses, encircling rays and scallops. Third Ann.

Bep. Bur. Ethnol., 1881-82, tig. 188.............................. 931

311.   Olla, decorated with Greek and Maltese crosses. Second Ann. Bep.

Bur. Ethnol., 1880-81,   fig.   708 .................................. 93,2

. 312. Pottery water vessel, Maltese cross. Second Ann. Bep. Bur. Ethnol.,

1880-81, fig. 642.................................................. 932

313.   Pottery vase finely decorated in red and white glaze. Mexico. Mal-

tese cross with sun symbol (?). Cat. No. 132975, U.S.N.M........ 933

314.   Greek cross representing winds from cardinal points. Dakota

Indians. Tenth Ann. Bep. Bur. Ethnol., 1888-89, fig. 1225....... 934

315.   The eross in connection with eirele. Sun symbols (?). Petroglyphs

a to f, Hopi Indians, Oakley Springs, Ariz.; g, Maya Indians.

Tenth Ann. Bep. Bur. Ethnol., 1888-89, figs. 1118, 1120, and 1126....   935

316.   Circles and rays, probably representing sun symbols, a to /, Hopi

Indians, Oakley Springs, Ariz.; g to k—Ojibways................. 935

317. Crosses with circles, star symbols. Oakley Springs, Ariz.......... 936

318. Star symbol, circle and rays without eross. Oakley Springs, Ariz.. 936

319.   Crosses, circles, and squares representing lodges. Dakota Indians..   936

320.   Latin cross representing dragon fly. Dakota Indians.............. 936

321.   Double cross of six arms, representing dragon fly. Moki Indians,

Arizona. Tenth Ann. Bep. Bur. Ethnol., 1888-89, fig. 1165....... 937

322.   Crosses representing flocks of birds, Eskimos. Cat. Nos. 14211 and

45020, U.S.N.M. Tenth Ann. Bep. Bur. Ethnol., 1888-89, fig. 1228..   937

323.   Large white Greek eross, petroglyph. Tulare Valley, California.

Tenth Ann. Bep. Bur. Ethnol., 1888-89, fig. 1229 ............... 937

324.   Petroglyphs from Owens Valley, California, a, h, Greek cross; c,

double Latin cross; d to /, Latin crosses representing human
figures. Tenth Ann. Bep. Bur. Ethnol., 1888-89, fig. 1230:......

H. Mis. 90, pt. 2-------04




Fig. 325. Cross in zigzag lines representing human form. Navajo Indians____   9.58

326. Maltese cross (?), representing a woman; breath in the center....   939

327.   Maltese and St. Andrew's crosses, emblems of maidenhood. Moki

Indians........................................................... 939

328.   Cross with bifurcated foot representing human form. Shaman,

Innuits........................................................... 939

329.   St. Andrew's crosses, symbol for wood. Tenth Ann. Rep. Bur. Ethnol.,

1888-89, fig. 1233................................................ 940

330.   Graphic delineation of the alligator, from a vase of the lost-color

group. Chiriqui. Ilolmes, Sixth Ann. Rep. Bur. Ethnol., 1884-85,
fig. 257.......................................................... 941

331.   Graphic delineation of the alligator, from a vase of the lost-color

group. Chiriqui. Holmes, Sixth Ann. Rep. Bur. Ethnol., 1884-85,
fig. 258.......................................................... 941

332.   Conventional ligure of alligator, from lost-color ware. Chiriqui.

Holmes, Sixth Ann. Rep.   Bur.   Ethnol.,   1884-85,   lig.   259 ......... 942

333.   Conventional figure of alligator crowded into a short rectangular

space. Chiriqui. Holmes, Sixth Ann. Rep. Bur. Ethnol., 1884-85,
fig. 265 ......................................................... 942

334.   Conventional figure of alligator crowded into a circle. Chiriqui.

Holmes, Sixth Ann. Rep.   Bur.   Ethnol.,   1884-85,   fig.   266 ......... 942

335.   Series of figures of alligators, showing stages of simplification.

Chiriqui. Holmes, Sixth Anti. Rep. Bur. Ethnol., 1884-85, fig. 277..   943

336.   Series showing stages in the simplification of animal characters,

beginning with the alligator and ending with the Greek cross.
Chiriqui. Holmes, Sixth Ann. Rep. Bur. Ethnol., 1884-85, fig. 278...   943

337 to 342. Terra-cotta color stamps, Mexico, with designs similar to the
Swastika. Cat. Nos. 99124, 99127, 27887, 99115, 99118, and 99122,
U.S.N.M................................................................. 946

343.   Terra-cotta color stamps, with designs similar to the Swastika.

Piaroa Indians, Venezuela. Tenth Ann. Rep. Bur. Ethnol., 1888-89,
fig. 982, p. 621.................................................. 947

344.   Modern churn lid with design resembling Swastika. Lapland.......   956

345.   Stone spindle-whorl, Neolithic. Swiss lake dwelling. C at. No. 100641,

U.S.N.M........................................................... 967

346.   Stone spindle-whorl, Neolithic. Swiss lake dwelling. Cat. No. 100641,

U.S.N.M........................................................... 967

347.   Stone spindle-whorl, Neolithic. Lund, Sweden. Cat. No. 5281,

U.S.N.M........................................................... 967

348.   Terra-cotta spindle-whorl, Neolithic or Bronze Age. Swiss lake dwell-

ing. Cat. No. 100642, U.S.N.M..................................... 967

349.   Terra-cotta spindle-whorl, Neolithic or Bronze Age. Swiss lake dwell-

ing. Cat. No. 100642, U.S.N.M..................................... 968

350.   Terra-cotta spindle-whorl, Swiss lake dwelling. Cat. No. 100642,

U.S.N.M........................................................... 968

351.   352, 353. Prehistoric terra-cotta spindle-whorls. Orvieto, Italy. Cat.

No. 101671, 101672, U.S.N.M...................-................ 968

354, 355. Prehistoric spindle-whorls. Corneto, Italy. . Cat. No. 101773,

U.S.N.M.................................-.....-................ 968

356.   Modern spindle and whorl used for spinning thread. Wiirtemberg,

Germany....................................-................... 969

357.   Terra-cotta spindle-whorl design similar to Swastika. Valley of

Mexico. Cat. No. 27875, U.S.N.M.....-.......................... 970

358.   Mexican terra-cotta.spindle-whorl design similar to Swastika....   971

359.   Terra-cotta spindle-whorl. Omotepe Island, Nicaragua. Cat. No.

28899, U.S.N.M.................................................... 971



Fig. 360. Terra-cotta spindle-wliorl. Omotepe Island, Nicaragua. Cat. No. ?»

28898, U.S.N.M................................................. 971

361.   Terra-cotta spindle-whorl. Granada, Nicaragua. Cat. No. 23295,

U.S.N.M........................................................ 972

362.   Terra-cotta spindle-whorl. Malacato, Zapatera Island, Nicaragua.

Cat. No. 29009, U.S.N.M........................................ 972

363.   Spindle-whorl, gray clay decorated with annular nodes. Chiriqui.

Holmes, Sixth Ann. Bep. Bur. Ethnol., 1884-85, fig. 218....•___ 972

364.   Spindle-whorl of gray clay with animal figures. Chiriqui. Holmes,

Sixth Ann. Bep. Bur. Ethnol.,   1884-85, fig. 219................ 973

365.   Spindle-whorl of dark clay with perforations and incised ornaments.

Chiriqui. Holmes, Sixth Ann. Bep. Bur. Ethnol., 1884-85, fig. 220..   973

366.   Terra-cotta spindle-whorl. Manizales, Colombia, South America.

Cat. No. 16838, U.S.N.M........................................ 973

367.   Bobbin or spool for winding thread (?). Type Villanova, Corneto,

Italy.' U.S.N.M................................................ 975

368.   Terra-cotta bobbin or spool for winding thread (?). Type Villanova,

Bologna, Italy. Cat. No. 101771,   U.S.N.M...................... 975

369. Bobbin (?). Mound near Maysville, Ky. Cat. No. 16748, U.S.N.M..   976

370. Bobbin ($). Lexington, Ky. Cat. No. 16691, U.S.N.M.............. 976

371.   Bobbin (?). Lewis County, Ky. Fine-grained sandstone. Cat. No.

59681, U.S.N.M................................................. 976

372.   Bobbin (?). End views. Fine-grained sandstone. Maysville, Ky.

Cat. No. 16747, U.S.N.M........................................ 977

373.   Woman’s woolen dress found in oak coffin. Borum-Eskoi, Denmark.

Bep. Smithsonian Inst. (U.S.N.M.), 1892, pi. ci, fig. 2........ 978

374.   Detail of woven cloth shown in the preceding figure. Denmark.

Bep. Smithsonian Inst. (U.S.N.M.), pi. ci, fig. 3.............. 979

Distribution of the Swastika

Facing page.

.....   904



Showing the probable introduction of tlie Swastika into different countries.. 794

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Preface.................................................................... 763

I.—Definitions, Description, and Origin.

Different forms of tlie cross.............................................. 765

Names and definitions of the Swastika...................................... 768

Symbolism and interpretation............................................... 770

Origin and habitat......................................................... 791

II.—Dispersion of tiie Swastika.

Extreme Orient............................................................. 799

Japan................................................................. 799

Korea................................................................. 799

China................................................................. 799

Tibet................................................................  802

India................................................................. 802

Classical Orient..................-..............................•-...... 806

Babylonia, Assyria, Chaldea, and Persia..............................  806

Plienicia............................................................. 807

Lycaonia.............................................................. 807

Armenia............................................................... 807

Caucasus.............................................................. 808

Asia Minor—Troy (Ilissarlik).......................................... 809

First and Second Cities........................................... 810

The Third or Burnt City........................................... 811

The Fourth City......................*.......................... 813

The Fifth City.................................................... 818

The Sixth and Seventh Cities...................................... 819

Leaden idol of Ilissarlik......................................... 829

Owl-shaped vases.................................................. 830

The age of Trojan cities.......................................... 832

Africa............................................-...................... 833

Egypt................................................................. 833

Naukratis......................................................... 831

Coptos (Achmiin-Panopolis)........................................ 834

Algeria..............................................................  838

Asliantee............................................................. 838

Classical Occident—Mediterranean........................................... 839

Greece, Cyprus, Rhodes, Melos, and Thera.............................. 839

Greek fret and Egytian meander not the same as the Swastika....... 839

Swastika in panels................................................ 845

Swastikas with four arms crossing at right angles, ends bent to-the

right........................................................... 816

Swastikas Avith four arms crossing at right angles, ends beut to the left. 847
Swastikas with four arms crossing at other than right angles, the

ends ogee and to the left.........................-........... 848

Meander pattern, with ends bent to the right and left............. 849

Swastikas of different kinds on the same object................... 849



Eurol>e................................................................. 854

Bronze age.......................................................... 354

Etruria aiul Italy.............................................. 355

Swiss lake dwellings............................................ ggl

Germany and Austria............................................. 862

Belgium......................................................... 863,

Scandinavia..................................................... 864

Scotland and Ireland...................................._....... 867

Gallo-Roman period ................................................. 869

France.......................................................... 869

Anglo-Saxon period.................................................. 870

Britain......................................................... 870

Swastika on ancient coins........................................... 871

Triskelion, Lycia............................................... 871

Triskelion, Sicily..........................*................... 873

Triskelion, Isle of Man......................................... 874

Punch marks 011 Corinthian coins mistaken for Swastikas......... 875

Swastika on ancient Hindu coins................................. 877

Swastika on coins in Mesembria and Gaza......................... 878

Swastika on Danish gold bracteates.............................. 878

United States of America................................................ 879

Pre-Columbian times................................................. 879

Fains Island and Toeo mounds, Tennessee......................... 879

Hopewell Mouud, Chillieotlic, Ross   County, Ohio................. 888

Mounds in Arkansas.............................................. 893

North American Indians.............................................. 894

Kansas.......................................................... 894

Sacs............................................................ 895

Pueblos......................................................... 896

Navajoes........................................................ 897

Pimas........................................................... 901

Colonial patchwork.................................................. yyx

Central America................?........................................ y02

Nicaragua........................................................... y02

Yucatan............................................................. <)02

Costa Rica.......................................................... <)03

South America........................................................... y03

Brazil.............................................................. 993

Paraguay............................................................ 905

III.—Forms Allied to tiie Swastika.

Meanders, ogees, and sjdrals, bent to the left as well as to the right. 905

Aboriginal American engravings and paintings........................ 906

Designs on shell................................................ 906

Ivory-billed woodpecker...................................... 907

The triskele, triskelion,   or   triquetrum...................... 908

The spider................................................... 943

The rattlesnake.............................................. 9X4

The human face and form..,................................... 9X4

Designs ou x>ottery............................................. 920

Designs on basketry............................................. 924

IV.—The Cross among the American Indians.

Different forms......................................................... 926

The cross on objects of shell and copper............................ 926

The cross on pottery---., ................   931



Symbolic meanings of the cross........................................ 933

The four winds.................................................... 934

Sun and star symbols.............................................. 939

Dwellings......................................................... 939

Dragon fly (Susbeca).............................................. 939

Mide', or Shamans................................................. 937

Flocks of birds................................................... 937

Human forms....................................................... 938

Maidenhood........................................................ 939

Shaman’s spirit................................................... 939

Divers significations............................................. 939

Introduction of the cross into   America................................ 944

Decorative forms not of the cross, but allied to the Swastika......... 946

Color stumps from Mexico and Venezuela............................ 946

»   V.—Significance of the Swastika..................... 948

VI.—The Migration of Symbols.

Migration of the Swastika............................................. 952

Migration of classic symbols.......................................... 960

The sacred tree of the Assyrians.................................. 960

The sacred cone of Mesopotamia.................................... 960

The Crux ansata, the key of life.................................. 961

The winged globe.................................................. 961

The caducous...................................................... 962

The trisula....................................................... 962

The double-headed eagle 011   the escutcheon of Austria and ltussia. 963

The lion rampant of Belgium....................................... 963

Greek art and architecture........................................ 964

The Greek fret.................................................... 965

VII.   —Prehistoric Objects Associated with the Swastika, found in

Both Hemispheres, and Believed to have passed by Migration.

Spindle whorls........................................................ 966

Europe............................................................ 967

Switzerland—Lake dwellings.................................... 967

Italy......................................................... 968

Wurtemburg.................................................... 968

France........................................................ 968

North America—pre-Columbian times................................. 969

Mexico........................................................ 970

Central America................................................... 971

Nicaragua..................................................... 971

South America..................................................... 972

Cliiriqui..................................................... 972

Colombia...................................................... 972

Peru.......................................................... 972

Bobbins............................................................... 975

Europe............................................................ 975

United States..................................................... 975

VIII.   —Similar Prehistoric Arts, Industries, and Implements in

Europe and America as   Evidence of the Migration of Culture. 977

Conclusion............................................................ 981

Bibliography.......................................................... 981

List of Illustrations   .................................. -.   997